Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Tuesday, 2/26/13

Well the weather outside has become frightful. I'm taking advantage of how quiet the building is right now. Everyone left ASAP, so I've now got my iPod fired up and am getting some catching-up done. My workout class was cancelled. All after-school activities were cancelled. Homework---cancelled!!! If everything else in the world was getting cancelled, I decided my kids should have something cancelled as well, and what's better than a homework cancellation?? Nothin', that's what!!!!

We again took advantage of our Smartboard and weather.com today and periodically checked the radar to see where the storm was. If one of these guys grows up to become a meteorologist, you'd better believe I'm going to expect a shout-out in his/her autobiography!!! ;)   I showed them how I was able to back up the view of the map, and oh sheesh, did they get excited at seeing the other states. So science gelled into social studies and it took all I had to force myself to do the lesson that was on the books. Don't worry, I can multi-task, so I just snuck back and showed that radar again every hour or so.....those are the bonus lessons, right? The unexpected ah-ha's that pop up that we have to take full advantage of??? You're with me on this, right???? I know you are....no need to answer. LOL!!!

Okay, it's starting to come down harder out there, so I should wrap it up and go be the good Chicago girl that I am. Snow? Puuulllleeeezzzz--- I got this!!!  Be safe!!

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