Friday, August 30, 2013

Friday, 8/30/13 **My birthday!!**

Today has been UH-MAY-ZING!!!!!!!!!!! It started out with a Skype phone call to my parents in Ohio. When we connected, all I could see was something with a candle in it. My parents sang "Happy Birthday" and told me to blow out the candle. In Illinois I blew air, and in Ohio, the candle went out. Turns out, the candle was in a tomato--and that little story right there, pretty much encompasses the person I am. This apple did not fall far from her trees. My parents are hilarious, creative and great problem solvers; all qualities which I have been blessed to shamelessly grab from them.

Then I came to school and was greeted by a decorated classroom (I have amazing friends) and birthday hugs and gifts from the kiddies. Have I mentioned how blessed I am? We've been in school for just over a week and these beautiful children felt it important to celebrate with me. Later when I picked them up from music class, the Mrs. Sharkie played "Happy Birthday" on the piano and the kids rocked their air guitars while singing to me. Doesn't get much better than that!!! Knowing it was going to become blazingly hot today, I took the kids outside mid-morning to give them my birthday "treat." We can't have food treats anymore so I brought the kids little containers of bubbles. I kept snapping my camera in hopes of getting some super cute shots. I have to use my home camera for the moment, and of course that's exactly where my patch cord is, so I'll work on posting some of the cute pics over the weekend. And last, but far from least, on this uber exciting day----an innocent round of 20 questions led to....drumroll please....the reveal of our science unit on W.O.R.M.S!!! Yup--worms!!! The worms are a means to an end of teaching the children about soil, plants and the scientific process, but when a 2nd grade teacher has worms, and it's a Friday afternoon, and it's her birthday---well, the kids need to spend some up-close-and-personal time with them! As it is always---at first some of the kids eek out at the thought of worms, but then I explain how I loved finding worms after it rained when I was little (kind of still do...) and watching how interesting they are, and then they came around to excitement. Soon enough, each had a worm on his/her desk and you could feel the love!!! Again--I have super-cute pictures and again, I'll need my patch cord. I have to beg your forgiveness. I feel that, no matter how many times I read and reread this post, there are going to be grammatical errors. This is not the first, nor will it be the last time my posts need fully-rested eyes to edit them, and unfortuanately, that simply isn't tody. =) Enjoy the long weekend!! And thanks to all who contibuted to making this birthday such a special one!! XOXO

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Wednesday, 8/28/13

Don't you just love that commercial that has the camel walking around asking everyone if they know what day it is?  I've always thought that if my calling was not to teaching, I'd have so loved marketing. I adore clever commericals like that one. You have to think for a second, but when you get it, you GET it!! Genius!!

Well, today marked our one-week anniversary of the new school year. We did our first mad minute. I'm not sure why, but mad minutes tend to be a bit stressful for some kids. They don't really dig the timed aspect, so I tried something new today. I gave them my schpeel about mad minutes, the procedure, etc. but I included a little nugget of information. I told the class that the 2 minute time limit is for me. I told them that, if it was left up to me, I'd proabably get involved on the computer or in a project while they were working and lose track of time--therefore I set the timer so that I don't lose track. I'm am hoping beyond hope that the thought of the timer being for me, rather than for the kids, helps take the attention away from it.

Tomorrow we will have some special (non-human) visitors to our classroom. I can't wait for you to hear all about them......... (2nd grade is sooo intriguing, is it not???)

Happy Hump Day!!!!!!!! ("You DO know what day it is, right??" I love that camel!!!)

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Tuesday, 8/27/13

Happy Tuesday! I can't even believe we've not had an entire week of 2nd grade yet. It's amazing how quickly life settles back in, and summer becomes a distant memory. Well, the lazy, get-things-done days of summer---certainly not the heat of summer. That seems to just now be kicking in!! I took the kids out for recess at the end of the day yesterday after not having been out all day. Holy smokes! I didn't realize what it was like out. I felt like a wall hit me as I stepped outside. Craziness!! And in the blink of an eye we'll be complaining about how cold and icy it is, so I suppose we should enjoy short sleeves and layer-less days while we can. ;)

This week has been full of learning new routines, remembering how to act in school and figuring out a whole new classroom system. I have to compliment the kids. They've rolled with the punches very well. I try my hardest to put myself in their shoes and give them many reminders. It's not easy in the beginning, but I know that there will come a day when I stop and realize that all of the pieces have fallen into place and we're clicking right along in here.

This week we've begun to dig into the curriculum. We started our first math chapter on addition. I am fortunate enough to have a Smartboard in my room. When it works, it is the greatest blessing since the invention of the wheel, but when it's not, life becomes slightly more complicated----and it hasn't been working well so far. The main problem, besides just not having the overall coolness of the SB is that it blocks the majority of my white board. Normally this is not an issue, as I just use the SB as my "white board" but alas, when it's capoot, some major on-the-job problem solving has to happen. Good thing I'm quick on my feet. Lol!!  Fortunately, today durning math it was cooperating!! The series we use has a fantastic online component which gives a great introduction to each lesson. The kids are so engaged becuase they're watching something on a screen!! Aaahhh, technology! I couldn't love it more (except when it doesn't work!!)

We also started exploring our first story in our reading textbook. It's Eric Carle's The Mixed Up Chameleon. It's a fun story to read and has a great message of finding happiness within oneself, so I love it.

I'm off to a birthday week dinner---have you tried 8000 Miles in Roselle yet? It's soooo good. Asian infusion--a little bit of something for everyone. If you like Maki or Sushi, there are choices there that will blow your mind. More of a Chinese food lover? There are some creative dishes that you'll like, I promise. You'd think I know the people, right? Nope--just a supporter of local business (at the same time, I wouldn't tell you to go there if it wasn't good-so take my word for it!). Google it and check out the menu. Yum!!

Friday, August 23, 2013

Friday, 8/23/13

Happy Friday! Whoa, I'm ready for the weekend!! Who's with me?

This week has been great! I've loved seeing fresh little faces each day and showing the kids the ropes. I have to admit, I'll be thrilled when my classroom has become like a second home to them. Right now there's still much for them to think about in order to get settled, know where things are and just the general routine of things. Next week we'll begin math, reading, etc and that always helps move the scheduled-nature of the day along.

I hope you have a great weekend! I have a pedicure scheduled and the Kelly Clarkson/Maroon 5 concert! It's going to be a great weekend!! My birthday is on Friday, so I figure I'm just kicking off the celebration early!! =)

Have a great weekend!!!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Wednesday, 8/21/13 THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!!!

Hi everyone!!

Weeeee'rrrrrreeee  Baaaaaacccccckkkkkkk!!

And despite this being in the sky last night:
Blue Moon

It was a great day today! For anyone who may not know, this summer Benson Primary got a major face lift. We had new carpet put in our classrooms and new rubberized flooring throughout the hallways. There is new paint, which some may not notice, but for a girl who has lived in this classroom for the past 18 years (in fact, I should look. I feel like I may have been hired 18 years ago this week!), I notice every little change--and I appreciate them all. When I first started, this classroom was pink! Yup, you read that right: PINK! I love pink, but when it's the color you're looking at all day long, it's...well, it's interesting. ;) I can't wait for you all to come in a few weeks for Curriculum Night. The school and our room looks great (if I may say so myself).

It's 4:45, so I'm hoping by now you've heard some great things about our day. These first few days are always a little "awkward" as we get to know each other and settle into some semblance of a routine, but as far as first days go...this one was pretty darn good.

I hope you have a great night!!  And don't forget that we do this whole gig again tomorrow. ;) Oh, and while I'm doing some reminding---tomorrow is early day, so 2:40 is our dismissal time.

Have a good one,

Ms. Mitchell =)