Monday, October 22, 2012

Monday, 10/22/12

You'll never guess how my day started out------with a Hob Goblin visit!! Like I've mentioned, Halloween is not my favorite holiday, but working in a primary building, how can I not love little things like when a first-grader runs into my room with the Hob Goblin paper (and some treats!!) and runs back out as quickly as she came, giggling all the way. Not a shabby way to start off a gloomy Monday morning!!! One of the many blessings I'll be counting today! =)

It's the beginning of second quarter already, which means we are entering into the tenth week of school. It's right about now that the time starts to speed up and before we know it, June will be upon us. With the start of a new quarter I like to do some changing up of things. This morning we changed our desk arrangement in the room. I typically like to change fairly often, but the way I had it before was working wonders, and I learned long ago not to fix what's not broken. Despite that philosophy, boredom had set in and I was in need of a change, as were the kids, I'm sure. Later in the week and into next week as well, we will do a few other "new quarter" activities as well. Desks being cleaned out it tops on my priority list.

Report cards come out on Friday. I love to joke with the kids that there will be fear throughout the land as report card day draws closer, but of course in all honesty, the kids are doing great. There's always room for improvement, which is also a conversation on the new-quarter to-do list, but there are significant accomplishments for which everyone deserves to feel great pride as well. I will continuously be reminding you that the work is slowly starting to increase in difficulty, and today started off a clean slate of grades, which means whatever appears on first quarter's report card is not guaranteed to reappear on second quarter's. Please review the work in your child's folder as often as possible. It will give you a great indication of how he/she is performing in school and how he/she is handling the work as it does get a bit more difficult as time goes on.

So now to the complication of my night-----Bears game or presidential debate???? Plus I've got a ton of work to do, so I'm going to hop off the computer to try to get some of that done here in just a second. Then the decision---I'm sure I'll watch the debate and then flip back to the game when it's over. The election is entirely too important to not fully educate myself and  then watch how the contenders react to questions and situations.

Have a great night!!!

Goooooo Bearsssssss!!!!! Let's get another win to add to that graph!

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