Friday, November 16, 2012

Friday, 11/16/12

Thank you to all of the parents and students who came out for parent/teacher/student conferences last night. It was great talking with you!! Again my apologies to those for whom I was running late. :/

This is probably the last post I'll write until after break. I hope that you all enjoy Thanksgiving. I know that for many this holiday brings mixed emotions. It's so fun to spend quality time with family and friends, especially if you don't get to see them often. However, it is a great deal of work, with all of the cooking and cleaning if you host the big day. It may also bring sadness for some who have the bitter sweetness from memories that seem to surface in abundance this time of year. I know that after a few days of having your kids home, there's a very slight chance that you may be feeling thankful that Monday is drawing closer and your kids will be returning to school. HAHA--I JOKE, I JOKE!! Despite all of that---here is what I hope for you-----I hope more than anything that you take a few moments to slow down the chaos of it all, look around and soak in the love that surrounds you. It can be a rough time of year, with the people and the rushing and the pressure and the fa la la, but when you take the time and force yourself to soak it all in, despite the rush of emotions that may surface, above all is love.

I am abundantly thankful that I have the job of my dreams. I have met the most amazing people along my journey, and I am blessed to be able to spend a close-knit year with some UNBELIEVABLE children and their families, many of whom I am in touch with to this day. <3

Lastly, I can't sign off without mentioning......I'm thankful to live in the best sports town in the world----------GOOOOO BEAAARRSSSS! Take care of business on MNF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Show the world what you've got Campbell!

XOXO Gobble Gobble

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