Friday, October 11, 2013

Friday, 10/11/13

Our Bucket Filler wall became officially 'active' this week. The kids decorated their "buckets" and I gave them some little cards that they could fill out if someone fills their bucket and they want to let that classmate know. I can't tell you that this is my dream look for the Bucket Filler wall, but it's a start. As my dream starts to come to fruition, I'll update the wall and show you a picture. Anyhow, the kids started putting notes in each other's buckets earlier this week. I took a little peak at some of them this morning and my heart seriously became a drippy, ooey mess. I tell you what, just when I think that second-graders can't shock me, reality proves me wrong. The notes that I saw were so incredible, so deeply thought out and so touching, it nearly brought me to tears (shocking...I know!).

Then today, I came into school to discover one of my precious pumpkins had brought me pumpkin coffee and homemade pumpkin cookies!! I don't know what I did to deserve such blessings, but it is little things like those which really can put a smile on someone's face. Don't you agree that it's those little gestures in life, the ones that let you know that someone is thinking of you, which really make a difference? I'd rather have a thought-filled pumpkin coffee and pumpkin cookies than a brand-new car any day of the week! I mean, I wouldn't turn away a new!..... but it wouldn't have the thought, heart and meaning behind it that coffee and cookies in my favorite flavor do. Never ever underestimate the overwhelming power of an act of kindness. OMG--I had this all written up, and then I came back from lunch and there was a sweet treat from another amazing parent!! I don't know how to express sincere joy through a blog, but here's my best effort:

=) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =)

I hope you all enjoy the long weekend. I'm looking forward to doing some deep cleaning in my house and hopefully venturing out for some fall fun in between. Enjoy!!!

I would add my rally cry for the Bears, but I missed out on it yesterday and they still pounced! So until next weekend........

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