Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Tuesday, 2/4/14

It seems that every spring and fall when the weather changes I become afflicted with some nasal issues that are a complete and total nuisance. I thought I'd escaped them because this past fall I didn't have it, but as everything else is bizarre with this winter, it started to hit yesterday. Today I have a drastically deeper voice (last year I had no voice for the entire time between Thanksgiving and Christmas--can you imagine? ME with no voice??? No bueno!!) and some sneezing. I've worked to combat it with all of the tools in my arsenal; I will not let some disgusting mucus win!! So, why on earth would I share all of this? It's to tell you of a cute story that came as result of my inadequate vocal skills and how the kids handled it as they (ny vocal chords) changed throughout the day. First off, right after lunch I said something to the kids one of my little boys walked by me and very nonchalantly said, "It sounds better..." Sure enough, it wasn't scratchy or raspy, it sounded more normal. Sadly, that didn't last very long, so by the time we were checking DOL on the board, it was bad again. One of the kids suggested that I should let them come up and be the teacher so my voice could rest. Not one to back away from a second-grade challenge, I sat down at an empty desk and offered the Smartboard pen to the student who'd suggested it. He clammed up, but there's always another second grader ready to take the chance. He came up and, without missing a beat, picked up exactly where I'd left off. He even asked the kids to "defend" their answers, the same as I always do. I'll tell you what, some days these kids blow my socks off!! (is that the right phrase, or is my head too stuffed to think clearly right now?)

I took a pic of the board when he was done so I could show you the cuteness! To die for, don't you think? I did the original sentence, written in blue, and the V that is circled, he did everything else. My kids are so perfect!!! <3

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