Thursday, December 20, 2012

Thursday, 12/20/12

I'm sitting here on Stormwatch '12. So far it's rain. Doesn't it always seem that way--that they make the world's biggest fuss about the first snow, and then it's just a dusting. I don't think that will be the case this time, but we shall see. I just hope I'm hope in my warm house before it hits. Tonight is the Kindergarten program. I heard them talking about the fact that it snows every year on the night of their program. I thought that was a tiny bit funny. I didn't tell them though--I didn't think they found it funny, especially since one year we even had a snow day the next day. ;)

The kids finished up their project for their parents today. I must admit, I LOVE how it turned out. I hope the parents do too.

Today I read the kids The Polar Express, and you'll never believe this, but as they were getting packed up at the end of the day, the kids found silver bells in their lockers!!!! It was sooo exciting! Thankfully each one of them jingled theirs and heard the sound and so did I!! Phew!!!!

Only one day left together in 2012. I'm amazed at how fast it goes. I always say once Halloween hits, it may as well be June. The holidays make the year fly by. (someone please remind me of that when we're in the doldrums of winter and I'm complaining about the cold)  In all seriousness, before we know it, it will be Valentines Day, then St. Patricks Day, then spring break, and then forget it...we're nearly done. I already miss the kids!! LOL! Just kidding, but it it does amaze me how fast it goes by. Oh---speaking of the holidays, I saw Valentines Day stuff in a store the other day. Can you believe it??? Who on this earth is shopping for Valentines Day during the chaos of Christmas???

On that note--signing off til tomorrow.