Monday, December 3, 2012

Monday, 12/3/12

Hello and happy Monday!!  I feel like it's been forever since I last wrote. I try to write on Thursdays but I have meetings which often makes it hard. I was gone on Friday, so I couldn't write then either. So, hello again, old friends. I hope you had a good weekend. I had tickets to Les Miserables downtown on Saturday. Ohhhh, how I love that show. It was my 5th time seeing it. I'm counting down the minutes until the movie is released. I hope it lives up to my expectations! It surely looks like it will.  =)

Our day started off with a buzz of excitement. One of our girls who has looooong gorgeous curly hair came in with a new hairstyle--a bob!!!! OMG--I couldn't get over how A-DOOOOORRRR-UH---BLE she looked. Then, come to find out, she'd donated her hair to an organization to help others. So she got a cute new 'do out of it as well as a warm fuzzy in her heart. I was one proud teacher!!!

You may have heard that my voice is less-than lovely right now. That post-nasal blech/cough has left me with slim pickens in the vocal cord department. The kids have been so awesome about it today. They've been working super hard and very quietly. Have I mentioned recently how much I love them?? Fortunately it feels like the cough is slowly getting better, so this voice thing should be wrapped up any time now. It's funny to be a teacher and not have a voice. It's certainly not something that could ever stop me-----but it's just a little weird when a main element of your job is talking. Of course, in retrospect, maybe I should hope lasts awhile since the kids have been so quiet and cooperative today. Tee hee!!!

Looks like someone had a fun weekend!!!!
Please don't forget that the kids' program is THIS THURSDAY, the 6th. The kids need to be at Peacock no later than 6:40 p.m. They are asked to be dressed in a white shirt and black bottoms. The IEPTO holds a bake sale and a raffle as well so come early and enjoy the fun. (don't forget your tissue--I'm telling you, there's a tear jerker song in there!!)

Have a nice night--go out and enjoy this crazy weather!!!

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