Friday, December 7, 2012

Friday, 12/7/12

I feel like I should write a disclaimer: I cannot be responsible for anything written below:

You see, in addition to having had an extra-long work day yesterday, today is pajama day for the whole school. So, I'm a bit worn out from the week (this lack of having a voice has gone from novel little change in the regular routine of things to being incredibly annoying) and being able to wear pajamas to school, I can't be held responsible for what I write or if I happen to fall asleep mid-senten...


How AMAZEBALLS was the kids' program?? I need a moment to send a shout-out to our beyond-incredible music and art teachers! That scenery that Mr. Whitney creates simply blows my mind every year! I can't made a stinking stick figure and that guy can whip out that scenery as easy as riding a bike.  And Mrs. Kozakis with her grace and talents in teaching over 80 second-graders to prepare for and execute such a precious program in just a few weeks??? Truthfully, we are so incredibly blessed at our school to have the most talented staff on the planet!!

Speaking of amazing staff members--our library teacher organized the annual Read for 2013 (named for whatever year we're about to begin) for the kids today. All of the first and second graders invaded the library and read or listened to stories for 2013 seconds. That's a lot of seconds!!! Parent volunteers came to read to children or the children were allowed to have free reading on their own. A few weeks ago Mrs. Reuter had the children choose a topic that they'd like to hear books about (anything from mummies to dinosaurs to Mrs. Reuter's favorites). The children either chose a topic or, if they preferred, signed up to read independently. She then solicited volunteers, organized the nearly 200 children into groups and voila! hours and hours of work later, it culminated today when we all wore our pj's and snuggled up with some good reading for 2013 seconds!! Mrs. Reuter makes it look easy, but she deserves a gigantic thank you for the work that is involved!! Thank you Mrs. Reuter!!

Now, I'm going to pretend that the beautiful baldy Urlacher is going to have miracle recovery so I can safely say GGGGOOOOOOOOOOO  BEEEAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRSSSS!!!! And feel that we have a shot on Sunday. It's a miraculous time of year, after all!!!

XOXO Have a wonderful weekend!!

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