Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Wednesday, 5/22/13

I'm so very sorry that I've been M.I.A. My end-of-year schedule and (even more) my computer has been a major P.A.I.N.!!!!   Which is no good for me, because writing to you each day has become my therapy. When my computer is not cooperating and my schedule is not allowing for therapy time, that means there's a slight chance I'm losing my mind. Luckily for all of us, time has slightly freed up today and our amazing computer lab aide gave me a solution to my computer glitch, so let the 50-minute session begin (you're not going to start charging me for services, right??)

So, we have a week to catch up on. Where to begin---I told you about the chicks. They went back to the farm on Friday. The kids came in on Monday to discovered I'd been in over the weekend and packed up 15 boxes for our big project this summer. Have I told you about that?  The district had cashed in a bond that has to be used for building and grounds (I want to make that clear since we're in a budget crisis right now-the bond could NOT have been used to help balance our budget). So-----Benson is getting a bit of a face-lift this summer. The floors are being replaced, the paint is being redone and the front sidewalk is being relayed (repaved?? recementified???). I was on the committee to help choose the flooring and paint colors, so I'm bursting with anticipation to see what it will look like in August. What that means now, however, is that the entire classroom, top-to-bottom, left-to-right has to be packed up. Eek! No easy undertaking, but it will be soooo worth it! Of course, the thought of having to recreate a classroom from scratch in August gives me a slight ulcer, but I'm just not thinking about it. Maybe 'duh Nile IS just a river in Egypt!!!!???? Who am I to argue?

Other than that--let's see, the kids are in the midst of their annual end-of-the-year trip to Bonkersland. What's that? You've not heard of it?  Let me give you a snapshot: nonstop talking, never-ending attaching themselves to their teacher, lamentations on how great their teacher is (okay, I'll sacrifice and allow that one to occur!!), the abandonment of all recollection of rules/expectations in the classroom and overall electric energy that cannot be subdued. I'm working my tail off to maintain structure and routine, but it's not exactly easy when we're at the end of all of the curricular materials, and I'm ready to hitch a ride to Bonkersland myself!!!

I'm feverishly finishing up my final two huge projects of the year---one being the gigantic, climactic Character Counts assembly I put on. I'm super excited about this year's theme and song. Fortunately I recently had an overnight trip to Bloomington, which meant a long car ride, which is typically when my best ideas surface. In theory, an activity I have planned is great and a bit impactful. Hopefully it will hold true when I bring the idea to life with 300 primary kids on Friday. Pray for me! LOL! Just kidding. I think it should be great. The song I chose has the h-e-double-hockey-sticks word in it, but I've just discovered software which will allow me to cut it out of the song. Isn't technology amazing! Now if only I could figure out how to burn the fixed-up song onto a disk. So far, that's been my only glitch. I've resolved myself to dealing with it if I have to play the song off of my computer . My sound isn't great, so hopefully I can track down some speakers somewhere to get that gym bumpin! And my final accomplishment of the year is a little gift for my kiddies. I can't wait to give it to them. I'll be putting the final touches on it tomorrow and then giving it to them on Tuesday. Yay!

Well, I've got more thoughts in my head, but I think I've made up for my lack-of-writing over the past week I hope all is well in your world.

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