Happy Christmas Eve!!
My day started off with enjoying a pumpkin bread that I received from one of my kids on Friday. In the spirit of the day, I decided to even share it with my family. ;) It was fantastic!!
Later today is one of my favorite traditions of the year. We watch "It's a Wonderful Life," then go to church, and when we return, it's game-on time! It's a Wonderful Life trivia!!! Later we read 'Twas the Night Before Christmas and then it's lights-out because it's time to wait for Santa.
Wish me luck for the game! :) I hope you all have a wonderful day!
Monday, December 24, 2012
Friday, December 21, 2012
Friday, 12/21/12
Whoa! What a whirlwind of a day! We just wrapped up our classroom party. It was absolutely perfect! We had two moms who stepped in at the last minute and two who had been on the planning team from the beginning and it all came together so amazingly!! Thank you soooooooooooooo much to those special moms. You made this afternoon very memorable for the kids.
I hope you all have a fantastic winter break. I hope your Christmas and New Years are full of fun and laughter.
I have to put the obligatory plug in for the importance of reading, practicing spelling and math and doing writing over break. Some of my kids took their journals home over break to write. I don't know if they'll actually do it (I'm taking papers home to grade...we'll see how that goes....), but it made me so proud that they initiated wanting to take it home.
If you're going to the candlelight vigil at Usher Park tonight, maybe I'll see you there. I know it's going to be so cold, but it is one of the jillion reasons I love my town so much. When there is a need to come together as a community for the purpose of celebration or healing, Itasca does it with purpose and heart. It will be the perfect ending to this day which I began with a moment of silence, then filled with anything but silence (I wouldn't have it any other way!!).
Happy Holidays!!
XOXO (and a HO HO HO!!)
I hope you all have a fantastic winter break. I hope your Christmas and New Years are full of fun and laughter.
I have to put the obligatory plug in for the importance of reading, practicing spelling and math and doing writing over break. Some of my kids took their journals home over break to write. I don't know if they'll actually do it (I'm taking papers home to grade...we'll see how that goes....), but it made me so proud that they initiated wanting to take it home.
If you're going to the candlelight vigil at Usher Park tonight, maybe I'll see you there. I know it's going to be so cold, but it is one of the jillion reasons I love my town so much. When there is a need to come together as a community for the purpose of celebration or healing, Itasca does it with purpose and heart. It will be the perfect ending to this day which I began with a moment of silence, then filled with anything but silence (I wouldn't have it any other way!!).
Happy Holidays!!
XOXO (and a HO HO HO!!)
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Thursday, 12/20/12
I'm sitting here on Stormwatch '12. So far it's rain. Doesn't it always seem that way--that they make the world's biggest fuss about the first snow, and then it's just a dusting. I don't think that will be the case this time, but we shall see. I just hope I'm hope in my warm house before it hits. Tonight is the Kindergarten program. I heard them talking about the fact that it snows every year on the night of their program. I thought that was a tiny bit funny. I didn't tell them though--I didn't think they found it funny, especially since one year we even had a snow day the next day. ;)
The kids finished up their project for their parents today. I must admit, I LOVE how it turned out. I hope the parents do too.
Today I read the kids The Polar Express, and you'll never believe this, but as they were getting packed up at the end of the day, the kids found silver bells in their lockers!!!! It was sooo exciting! Thankfully each one of them jingled theirs and heard the sound and so did I!! Phew!!!!
Only one day left together in 2012. I'm amazed at how fast it goes. I always say once Halloween hits, it may as well be June. The holidays make the year fly by. (someone please remind me of that when we're in the doldrums of winter and I'm complaining about the cold) In all seriousness, before we know it, it will be Valentines Day, then St. Patricks Day, then spring break, and then forget it...we're nearly done. I already miss the kids!! LOL! Just kidding, but it it does amaze me how fast it goes by. Oh---speaking of the holidays, I saw Valentines Day stuff in a store the other day. Can you believe it??? Who on this earth is shopping for Valentines Day during the chaos of Christmas???
On that note--signing off til tomorrow.
The kids finished up their project for their parents today. I must admit, I LOVE how it turned out. I hope the parents do too.
Today I read the kids The Polar Express, and you'll never believe this, but as they were getting packed up at the end of the day, the kids found silver bells in their lockers!!!! It was sooo exciting! Thankfully each one of them jingled theirs and heard the sound and so did I!! Phew!!!!
Only one day left together in 2012. I'm amazed at how fast it goes. I always say once Halloween hits, it may as well be June. The holidays make the year fly by. (someone please remind me of that when we're in the doldrums of winter and I'm complaining about the cold) In all seriousness, before we know it, it will be Valentines Day, then St. Patricks Day, then spring break, and then forget it...we're nearly done. I already miss the kids!! LOL! Just kidding, but it it does amaze me how fast it goes by. Oh---speaking of the holidays, I saw Valentines Day stuff in a store the other day. Can you believe it??? Who on this earth is shopping for Valentines Day during the chaos of Christmas???
On that note--signing off til tomorrow.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Tuesday, 12/18/12
This morning, despite it being only for a split second, we officially had our FIRST SNOW!!! The kids noticed immediately, so of course I had to stop everything for one of my favorite traditions. The kids all gathered by the window and we took a minute to imagine we were in a snow globe. How darling is the picture below???
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Imagining we are in snow globe while watching the first snow of the season!!! |
On that note (LOL!), have a good night!
Monday, December 17, 2012
Monday, 12/17/12
I'm finding it hard to find the appropriate place to begin tonight. I had a long string of thoughts written before I left school but they didn't feel right to publish, so I packed up my computer and brought it home. Here I am starting all over. As a teacher, any time there is a tragic event such as this, I am forced to break out of my bubble, face reality and put myself into the teachers' shoes. This time, of course, while similar to those of the past, was completely different. This time----I didn't have to put myself in their shoes, those teachers were me. They went to a beautiful elementary school every day. They laughed and loved with their students while watching them grow and blossom each day. They experienced every emotion in the book on any given day, from joy to pride to frustration to heartache, but they wouldn't dream of being anywhere else in the world but alongside their kids for one year of their precious lives. They knew it was a gift they were given. They knew it was privilege. And they knew there was nothing on this earth that they would not do for those dear little children. On Friday, there was nothing that they did not do. Those teachers and staff members were tested by evil and their instincts and love took over. They shielded, protected and managed bravery in the most frightening of all circumstances. I am proud to count myself in their company, and I will pray for and to them every single day. I will ask for their guidance, and I will teach in their honor. Time will pass and the utter pain from Friday will lessen, but God willing, I will carry the teachers from Newtown, Connecticut in my heart and carry out that which I now know I have in common with them, the visceral instinct to do everything possible to shield, love and protect my kids. Rest in peace 26 beautiful souls and with patience, find peace and calm town of Newtown, CT. <3
Friday, December 14, 2012
Friday, 12/14/12
OMGosh-----TGIF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've never been so happy to have a week behind me. It started on Sunday with a very scary plumbing situation at my house (involving the sewer line---ugh!!!). By God's grace it wound up being the best-case scenario and a wonderful friend with mad plumbing skills came to my rescue!! Then of course, this whole voice thing has worn my nerves thin. Luckily, by Wednesday the week had done a complete 180, but, man oh man, am I ever ready for the weekend. I'm having a small group of friends over for some food, games and laughs on Saturday and then Sunday ----- oooh Sunday, it's one of the days I've been waiting for all year. The movie "It's a Wonderful Life" is showing at the Hollywood Blvd Theater. That movie is a part of my family's Christmas Eve tradition (we even have an "It's a Wonderful Life" trivia board game that we play after watching the movie and a homemade trophy which goes to the winner each year), and it has become tradition with my friends that we go see it on the big screen at Hollywood Blvd. Remember back in November how I told you that an actual munchkin attends the showing of "The Wizard of Oz" at that theater each year?? Well, for "It's a Wonderful Life," the woman who played the little girl Zuzu ("Every time a bell rings, an angel gets its wings.") comes to the showing. She does photos and autographs in the lobby and then right before the movie starts, she comes into the theater and shares some stories from the making of the film. It's just magical! If you love that movie and have any free time this weekend, check it out. You'll love it!! Here's the website: www.atriptothemovies.com
The kids have been so amazing through all of my voice shenanigans. I can't say it enough. Yesterday was the first day that it started to try to come back. I guess at one point in the day, I'm sure after I'd tried to sing or something, Mrs. Drummond overheard one of the girls say, "She's baaaack!" There are so very many funny moments each day. I always think, "Oh, I've got to remember to put this in my blog," but then we get going with our lessons and I forget. I've got to get better at trying to write things down when they happen.
Today the 2nd grade is performing their winter program for the first graders. I'm excited to see them do the show one more time.
Oh no----I'm just starting to get some brief information about the school shooting at the elementary school in CT. I can't even begin to tell you what my heart is doing right now. I am sick! I make a very solemn promise to my students and their parents that my #1 concern, even above their education, is the kids' emotional and physical safety. I can't even let my mind think much about this while the kids are still at school. It is bringing me to tears. I feel for the teachers, children, parents and community who will be healing from this horrific act of evil and cowardice. Those lives will be forever changed. It's disgusting and beyond heartbreaking.
I hate to sign off on that note, but there's not more to say after that.
Have a nice weekend and give your children extra hugs!!!
The kids have been so amazing through all of my voice shenanigans. I can't say it enough. Yesterday was the first day that it started to try to come back. I guess at one point in the day, I'm sure after I'd tried to sing or something, Mrs. Drummond overheard one of the girls say, "She's baaaack!" There are so very many funny moments each day. I always think, "Oh, I've got to remember to put this in my blog," but then we get going with our lessons and I forget. I've got to get better at trying to write things down when they happen.
Today the 2nd grade is performing their winter program for the first graders. I'm excited to see them do the show one more time.
Oh no----I'm just starting to get some brief information about the school shooting at the elementary school in CT. I can't even begin to tell you what my heart is doing right now. I am sick! I make a very solemn promise to my students and their parents that my #1 concern, even above their education, is the kids' emotional and physical safety. I can't even let my mind think much about this while the kids are still at school. It is bringing me to tears. I feel for the teachers, children, parents and community who will be healing from this horrific act of evil and cowardice. Those lives will be forever changed. It's disgusting and beyond heartbreaking.
I hate to sign off on that note, but there's not more to say after that.
Have a nice weekend and give your children extra hugs!!!
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Thursday, 12/13/12
Not too much to report tonight, so I'll just entertain you with some pictures:
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MJ observing our little world from a snowflake hanging from the ceiling. |
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What our tree looks like when the lights are off. |
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One more angle. |
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Wednesday, 12/12/12
Hi there! It's been awhile! I'm so sorry I've been M.I.A. I've been dealing with this laryngitis situation. I went to the doctor Monday afternoon and got a prescription, then took yesterday afternoon off to rest my voice. I think it's all working because, while I'm not back to full voice, today is definitely better than it's been in a while (nearly 3 weeks to be exact--ugh!!!). I feel like now I just sound like I have a frog in my throat more than having complete loss of voice. Before long I'll be back to singing------it's been hard just doing regular old talking when teaching. When the spirit moves me, I gotta belt things out; things like "Take out your math book pleeeeeeaaaassssse." Not to mention that, besides it just being annoying, it takes a lot of energy to get words out. I was FINALLY able to read a bit to the kids today. I've soooo missed that!! We got to the end of the chapter and I asked them if they wanted me to go on or if my voice was too annoying. They said it wasn't annoying and I should go on. How awesome are they???
Need I even mention how excited I am about today's date???? I guess tons and tons of people are getting married today. Ugh!! Another reason to be aggrevated that I haven't found Mr. Right. Of course, there'll be an 11-12-13 coming up next year---I could shoot for that! LOL!!! Mr. Right are you out there????? I have our wedding date picked out!!! HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I saw a kid on the news today who is turning 12 today on 12-12-12 and, get this-----his birth certificate shows that he was born at 12:12. I guess there's no need to ask what his favorite number is!! Or to mention how jealous I am. I, however, was born on August 30th, and so to this day I have friends friends from high school who tell me that they think of me if they notice it says 8:30 on the clock. I'm sooo annoying with this number thing!!!
I have a funny story for you. Yesterday somehow it came up that I don't live with my parents (I love how that's always shocking information to second-graders!). One of the kids asked who I live with. I pointed to myself. Upon figuring this all out, the child said, "Wait! So you get to play video games alllll daayyyyy???" I had to disappoint her by telling her that I don't own a video game system (although I must admit that I'd LOVE to have that one that has the Just Dance, or whatever it's called, program. I'd totally ROCK that!!!) But is it not hilarious that the kids would think that because I don't have parents or brothers/sisters in my house that I must play video games all day long. I thought that was both hilarious and genius!
Okay----I think I've rambled on enough to make up for my lack of posts the last 2 days. Until tomorrow...
Need I even mention how excited I am about today's date???? I guess tons and tons of people are getting married today. Ugh!! Another reason to be aggrevated that I haven't found Mr. Right. Of course, there'll be an 11-12-13 coming up next year---I could shoot for that! LOL!!! Mr. Right are you out there????? I have our wedding date picked out!!! HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I saw a kid on the news today who is turning 12 today on 12-12-12 and, get this-----his birth certificate shows that he was born at 12:12. I guess there's no need to ask what his favorite number is!! Or to mention how jealous I am. I, however, was born on August 30th, and so to this day I have friends friends from high school who tell me that they think of me if they notice it says 8:30 on the clock. I'm sooo annoying with this number thing!!!
I have a funny story for you. Yesterday somehow it came up that I don't live with my parents (I love how that's always shocking information to second-graders!). One of the kids asked who I live with. I pointed to myself. Upon figuring this all out, the child said, "Wait! So you get to play video games alllll daayyyyy???" I had to disappoint her by telling her that I don't own a video game system (although I must admit that I'd LOVE to have that one that has the Just Dance, or whatever it's called, program. I'd totally ROCK that!!!) But is it not hilarious that the kids would think that because I don't have parents or brothers/sisters in my house that I must play video games all day long. I thought that was both hilarious and genius!
Okay----I think I've rambled on enough to make up for my lack of posts the last 2 days. Until tomorrow...
Friday, December 7, 2012
Friday, 12/7/12
I feel like I should write a disclaimer: I cannot be responsible for anything written below:
You see, in addition to having had an extra-long work day yesterday, today is pajama day for the whole school. So, I'm a bit worn out from the week (this lack of having a voice has gone from novel little change in the regular routine of things to being incredibly annoying) and being able to wear pajamas to school, I can't be held responsible for what I write or if I happen to fall asleep mid-senten...
How AMAZEBALLS was the kids' program?? I need a moment to send a shout-out to our beyond-incredible music and art teachers! That scenery that Mr. Whitney creates simply blows my mind every year! I can't made a stinking stick figure and that guy can whip out that scenery as easy as riding a bike. And Mrs. Kozakis with her grace and talents in teaching over 80 second-graders to prepare for and execute such a precious program in just a few weeks??? Truthfully, we are so incredibly blessed at our school to have the most talented staff on the planet!!
Speaking of amazing staff members--our library teacher organized the annual Read for 2013 (named for whatever year we're about to begin) for the kids today. All of the first and second graders invaded the library and read or listened to stories for 2013 seconds. That's a lot of seconds!!! Parent volunteers came to read to children or the children were allowed to have free reading on their own. A few weeks ago Mrs. Reuter had the children choose a topic that they'd like to hear books about (anything from mummies to dinosaurs to Mrs. Reuter's favorites). The children either chose a topic or, if they preferred, signed up to read independently. She then solicited volunteers, organized the nearly 200 children into groups and voila! hours and hours of work later, it culminated today when we all wore our pj's and snuggled up with some good reading for 2013 seconds!! Mrs. Reuter makes it look easy, but she deserves a gigantic thank you for the work that is involved!! Thank you Mrs. Reuter!!
Now, I'm going to pretend that the beautiful baldy Urlacher is going to have miracle recovery so I can safely say GGGGOOOOOOOOOOO BEEEAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRSSSS!!!! And feel that we have a shot on Sunday. It's a miraculous time of year, after all!!!
XOXO Have a wonderful weekend!!
You see, in addition to having had an extra-long work day yesterday, today is pajama day for the whole school. So, I'm a bit worn out from the week (this lack of having a voice has gone from novel little change in the regular routine of things to being incredibly annoying) and being able to wear pajamas to school, I can't be held responsible for what I write or if I happen to fall asleep mid-senten...
How AMAZEBALLS was the kids' program?? I need a moment to send a shout-out to our beyond-incredible music and art teachers! That scenery that Mr. Whitney creates simply blows my mind every year! I can't made a stinking stick figure and that guy can whip out that scenery as easy as riding a bike. And Mrs. Kozakis with her grace and talents in teaching over 80 second-graders to prepare for and execute such a precious program in just a few weeks??? Truthfully, we are so incredibly blessed at our school to have the most talented staff on the planet!!
Speaking of amazing staff members--our library teacher organized the annual Read for 2013 (named for whatever year we're about to begin) for the kids today. All of the first and second graders invaded the library and read or listened to stories for 2013 seconds. That's a lot of seconds!!! Parent volunteers came to read to children or the children were allowed to have free reading on their own. A few weeks ago Mrs. Reuter had the children choose a topic that they'd like to hear books about (anything from mummies to dinosaurs to Mrs. Reuter's favorites). The children either chose a topic or, if they preferred, signed up to read independently. She then solicited volunteers, organized the nearly 200 children into groups and voila! hours and hours of work later, it culminated today when we all wore our pj's and snuggled up with some good reading for 2013 seconds!! Mrs. Reuter makes it look easy, but she deserves a gigantic thank you for the work that is involved!! Thank you Mrs. Reuter!!
Now, I'm going to pretend that the beautiful baldy Urlacher is going to have miracle recovery so I can safely say GGGGOOOOOOOOOOO BEEEAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRSSSS!!!! And feel that we have a shot on Sunday. It's a miraculous time of year, after all!!!
XOXO Have a wonderful weekend!!
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Thursday, 12/6/12
Not much to report today. The kids had their rehearsal at Peacock. They did so incredibly well. Pretty much the whole time they were standing on the risers and not one child complained!! In fact not a one of them even came to ask to get a drink, use the bathroom, etc. I can't be certain, but I think that may be a record-setting rehearsal!
I CANNOT wait to see the program. I can't wait to see the kids soooo cute and excited. This feels like the official kick-off to the season for me.
See you all later!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I CANNOT wait to see the program. I can't wait to see the kids soooo cute and excited. This feels like the official kick-off to the season for me.
See you all later!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Wednesday, 12/5/12
Don't you love that the dates this month are palindromes?? I LOVE it!!! I've loved it one month per year for the past 11 years, and it's sad to think that after this month it won't happen again in our lifetime. All the more reason to enjoy it while it lasts. (Queen of the Dorks, remember??)
Tomorrow morning we will travel to Peacock for our final program rehearsal. The kids will experience the show from their spots on the risers. I'm so excited! During recess on the days that Mrs. Kozakis teaches at Franzen, I've been working with all of the kids who have speaking parts. They've improved drastically since the first time I heard them run through the show. They're going to do such a great job!! And I've told you about the songs. Some are fun, some are funny and there's the one.... the one that could move mountains when you hear nearly 100 little tiny voices singing it. (if only those in Washington, D.C. could hear what we will be hearing, they could use a little softening sometimes)
I have to show you my newest Christmas decoration. I have it on the table in our classroom, but I'm thinking about keeping it out year-round in my house. It's just too darn cute!!!
Tomorrow morning we will travel to Peacock for our final program rehearsal. The kids will experience the show from their spots on the risers. I'm so excited! During recess on the days that Mrs. Kozakis teaches at Franzen, I've been working with all of the kids who have speaking parts. They've improved drastically since the first time I heard them run through the show. They're going to do such a great job!! And I've told you about the songs. Some are fun, some are funny and there's the one.... the one that could move mountains when you hear nearly 100 little tiny voices singing it. (if only those in Washington, D.C. could hear what we will be hearing, they could use a little softening sometimes)
I have to show you my newest Christmas decoration. I have it on the table in our classroom, but I'm thinking about keeping it out year-round in my house. It's just too darn cute!!!
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Tuesday, 12/4/12
Get this! I just had a huge and wildly charming (that description may be a smidge overblown, the memory always embellishes things, right?) blog written and I hit some button and it all disappeared. My eyes got big as doughnuts and my crackly voice eeked out NNNNOOOOOO! But it didn't come back. I tried to undo, but it didn't work, so I'll start over and try to recreate the magic. The irony is, I usually save mulitple times as I'm writing, but today I was in such a zone that I didn't. I think it automatically saves for me--because I saw the save button blink right after the changes were made so I couldn't even bank on the possibility of a Hail Mary back-up. Here we go, round two: (***hits Save button***)
Today started off perfectly normally. Well, except that I got all the way down Irving Park to Woodfire (remember that place?? It had the world's best mashed potatoes!!) and realized I'd forgotten my boots at home. Luckily I'm in the habit of getting to school very early, so heading back home for my boots (and earrings and lunch) that I'd forgotten was no big deal. We had a meeting that ended early---score! I had a funny conversation with a co-worker------always awesome and then the kids came. What happened next was fun with a capital F! I saw a gorgeous hand-made Christmas-y floral arrangement and pumpkin bread that were all for me! I can't help but wonder what I've done to deserve such gracious and thoughtful gifts being showered on me lately. Later in the day I found out that the pumpkin bread/floral arrangement were all my student's idea and nearly all created by her. (there's some serious talent running through her!!) I know that I sound like a broken record when I go on and on in this blog about how deeply thankful and humbled I am, but I wouldn't say these things if I didn't mean them. I can only hope that I am putting out at least as much of the good karma that I have been on the receiving end of.
Funny little story to end on:
Overheard in the room today: "Never, ever, ever, ever give up." "Not giving up!" "Never give up!" (this was a conversation between 3 different kids) It's hard not to be proud when the kids are doing a pretty difficult project and rather than complain or ask for help--this is what they say. I have a poster in the room that says 'Never never never ever give up'-----and rarely do I do things for them, I'm forever saying "fix it," "find it," "solve it," etc, maybe it's all starting to wear off on them. Dare I dream!!!
Lastly--check out this little bugger:
Today started off perfectly normally. Well, except that I got all the way down Irving Park to Woodfire (remember that place?? It had the world's best mashed potatoes!!) and realized I'd forgotten my boots at home. Luckily I'm in the habit of getting to school very early, so heading back home for my boots (and earrings and lunch) that I'd forgotten was no big deal. We had a meeting that ended early---score! I had a funny conversation with a co-worker------always awesome and then the kids came. What happened next was fun with a capital F! I saw a gorgeous hand-made Christmas-y floral arrangement and pumpkin bread that were all for me! I can't help but wonder what I've done to deserve such gracious and thoughtful gifts being showered on me lately. Later in the day I found out that the pumpkin bread/floral arrangement were all my student's idea and nearly all created by her. (there's some serious talent running through her!!) I know that I sound like a broken record when I go on and on in this blog about how deeply thankful and humbled I am, but I wouldn't say these things if I didn't mean them. I can only hope that I am putting out at least as much of the good karma that I have been on the receiving end of.
Funny little story to end on:
Overheard in the room today: "Never, ever, ever, ever give up." "Not giving up!" "Never give up!" (this was a conversation between 3 different kids) It's hard not to be proud when the kids are doing a pretty difficult project and rather than complain or ask for help--this is what they say. I have a poster in the room that says 'Never never never ever give up'-----and rarely do I do things for them, I'm forever saying "fix it," "find it," "solve it," etc, maybe it's all starting to wear off on them. Dare I dream!!!
Lastly--check out this little bugger:
Monday, December 3, 2012
Monday, 12/3/12
Hello and happy Monday!! I feel like it's been forever since I last wrote. I try to write on Thursdays but I have meetings which often makes it hard. I was gone on Friday, so I couldn't write then either. So, hello again, old friends. I hope you had a good weekend. I had tickets to Les Miserables downtown on Saturday. Ohhhh, how I love that show. It was my 5th time seeing it. I'm counting down the minutes until the movie is released. I hope it lives up to my expectations! It surely looks like it will. =)
Our day started off with a buzz of excitement. One of our girls who has looooong gorgeous curly hair came in with a new hairstyle--a bob!!!! OMG--I couldn't get over how A-DOOOOORRRR-UH---BLE she looked. Then, come to find out, she'd donated her hair to an organization to help others. So she got a cute new 'do out of it as well as a warm fuzzy in her heart. I was one proud teacher!!!
You may have heard that my voice is less-than lovely right now. That post-nasal blech/cough has left me with slim pickens in the vocal cord department. The kids have been so awesome about it today. They've been working super hard and very quietly. Have I mentioned recently how much I love them?? Fortunately it feels like the cough is slowly getting better, so this voice thing should be wrapped up any time now. It's funny to be a teacher and not have a voice. It's certainly not something that could ever stop me-----but it's just a little weird when a main element of your job is talking. Of course, in retrospect, maybe I should hope lasts awhile since the kids have been so quiet and cooperative today. Tee hee!!!
Our day started off with a buzz of excitement. One of our girls who has looooong gorgeous curly hair came in with a new hairstyle--a bob!!!! OMG--I couldn't get over how A-DOOOOORRRR-UH---BLE she looked. Then, come to find out, she'd donated her hair to an organization to help others. So she got a cute new 'do out of it as well as a warm fuzzy in her heart. I was one proud teacher!!!
You may have heard that my voice is less-than lovely right now. That post-nasal blech/cough has left me with slim pickens in the vocal cord department. The kids have been so awesome about it today. They've been working super hard and very quietly. Have I mentioned recently how much I love them?? Fortunately it feels like the cough is slowly getting better, so this voice thing should be wrapped up any time now. It's funny to be a teacher and not have a voice. It's certainly not something that could ever stop me-----but it's just a little weird when a main element of your job is talking. Of course, in retrospect, maybe I should hope lasts awhile since the kids have been so quiet and cooperative today. Tee hee!!!
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Looks like someone had a fun weekend!!!! |
Please don't forget that the kids' program is THIS THURSDAY, the 6th. The kids need to be at Peacock no later than 6:40 p.m. They are asked to be dressed in a white shirt and black bottoms. The IEPTO holds a bake sale and a raffle as well so come early and enjoy the fun. (don't forget your tissue--I'm telling you, there's a tear jerker song in there!!)
Have a nice night--go out and enjoy this crazy weather!!!
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Sunday, Bears Day, 12/2/12
(Phew! That was a close one. I made it in 11/12 hours under the wire. Better result in a W!!!!)
(Phew! That was a close one. I made it in 11/12 hours under the wire. Better result in a W!!!!)
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Wednesday, 11/28/12
Today MJ decided to go with the camouflage tactic. Pretty smart elf, if you ask me!!! With the current full moon happening, the energy in this room has been BEYOND, so I can only imagine what his conversations with the jolly man are like each night. Surely Santa is planning extra presents for the lovely lady who (attempts to) controls this brood. Of course, when Santa hears that I was going to give a math test today, that is until I realized I'd forgotten to get it in for copying----I may be moved over to the naughty teacher list. For shame, Ms. Mitchell, for shame!
Just in case you weren't convinced yet of what I complete dork I am----brace yourself, I have a story for you. Yesterday I mentioned I was running to Walgreens to stock up my anti-coughing arsenal. I got to the cough drop aisle and discovered that my cough drops, which are normally $2.59 (or as Walgreens always does---2/$5) were on sale for ................... drum roll please.....................................$1.29!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHATTTTTT??? I bought 4 bags. I love a deal and I get this post-nasal junk every fall and spring so I know that they won't go to waste. I did a little happy dance and then headed to the check out counter before they discovered this gold mine they'd left for me. So, there you go-------Queen of the Dorks, reporting for duty. ;)
Have a good night (and if you need cough drops.....you know what to do!! Go people GOOOOO!!!)
Just in case you weren't convinced yet of what I complete dork I am----brace yourself, I have a story for you. Yesterday I mentioned I was running to Walgreens to stock up my anti-coughing arsenal. I got to the cough drop aisle and discovered that my cough drops, which are normally $2.59 (or as Walgreens always does---2/$5) were on sale for ................... drum roll please.....................................$1.29!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHATTTTTT??? I bought 4 bags. I love a deal and I get this post-nasal junk every fall and spring so I know that they won't go to waste. I did a little happy dance and then headed to the check out counter before they discovered this gold mine they'd left for me. So, there you go-------Queen of the Dorks, reporting for duty. ;)
Have a good night (and if you need cough drops.....you know what to do!! Go people GOOOOO!!!)
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Tuesday, 11/27/12
Today's going to be a quickie. I'm behind schedule and I have to stop at Walgreens to restock my "I have an ANNOYING and NAGGING cough" stock. I get this every fall and spring. It's the whole (not-to-be-gross) post-nasal thing. The cough, the voice change, the whole nine. Today I had such a coughing fit I thought the kids would just up and leave the room (can't say I'd have blamed them), but they didn't. They just did their work and then asked if I was okay. How cute are they??? The good news is, there's nothing contagious or gross about it, just wicked annoying. Oh well, if that's my only cross to bear, I'll count myself as an incredibly lucky girl.
Today was the first of the music rehearsals with the entire second grade. The show is going to be soooooo cute. I hope that you're all planning to come next Thursday (the 6th). It is, by far, one of my favorite parts of the entire school year. The air is chilled, the kids come looking cuter than ever, the energy of the holidays is amped and there's always one song that gets me choked up (and plenty more that make me laugh). PLEASE do whatever you can to come and share this experience. You won't regret it, I promise!
Okay----I think that's all I've got for now. Gotta get this joint ready for tomorrow so I can get outta here tonight. Love to you all!! Good night!
Today's going to be a quickie. I'm behind schedule and I have to stop at Walgreens to restock my "I have an ANNOYING and NAGGING cough" stock. I get this every fall and spring. It's the whole (not-to-be-gross) post-nasal thing. The cough, the voice change, the whole nine. Today I had such a coughing fit I thought the kids would just up and leave the room (can't say I'd have blamed them), but they didn't. They just did their work and then asked if I was okay. How cute are they??? The good news is, there's nothing contagious or gross about it, just wicked annoying. Oh well, if that's my only cross to bear, I'll count myself as an incredibly lucky girl.
Today was the first of the music rehearsals with the entire second grade. The show is going to be soooooo cute. I hope that you're all planning to come next Thursday (the 6th). It is, by far, one of my favorite parts of the entire school year. The air is chilled, the kids come looking cuter than ever, the energy of the holidays is amped and there's always one song that gets me choked up (and plenty more that make me laugh). PLEASE do whatever you can to come and share this experience. You won't regret it, I promise!
Okay----I think that's all I've got for now. Gotta get this joint ready for tomorrow so I can get outta here tonight. Love to you all!! Good night!
Monday, November 26, 2012
Monday, 11/26/12
Hi! I hope you all had a fantastic Thanksgiving. I was able to spend time with my parents, which is time that I always cherish, so for me it was perfect. I did some great indulging and some great shopping. What more could a girl ask for? ;) As difficult as it was to hear that alarm go off this morning, it sure was nice to see the kids. I think this is the first time each year that we all realize how very much we really like each other. That old saying, "Absence makes the heart grow fonder" seems to come true after having not seen each other for such a long time. My heart definitely grew fonder (and dare I say, by some of their actions, the kids' did too)!! <3
Like moths to fire, the kids came in to class this morning immediately noticing something that even I had not, despite that I'd been at school for over an hour. A little elf came to our classroom and it appears, will be with us through Christmas. He left a note saying that he will be in our classroom each day and then go to report to Santa each night. He warned that we are not to touch him or he'll be forced leave, and he asked that we give him a name before the day was over because that would be the first question he'd get upon returning to the North Pole tonight. The children suggested 35 various (and VERY different) names. The initial vote resulted in a four-way tie. The names were narrowed down to Elphie (my favorite due to my addiction to the musical "Wicked," if you've seen it, you know what I'm talking about), Magic Man, Elfster and Mitchell Jr. We took a re-vote and Mitchell, Jr. won. I opted to call him M.J. for short. I figure the kids can have their homage to me, and I'll have mine to a basketball great. Love me some #23!!!!! =)
Last Monday when I was here for parent/teacher conferences, I was able to get some work done in the classroom. One of the things I did was decorate our classroom for the holidays. It was fun for me to hear the kids discover the decos throughout the day today. I hope you'll hear about them, but if not, I'll post some pics over the next few weeks.
Lastly, how can I close without mentioning yesterday's Bears game? (and it will be the ONLY game I mention from over break.....ahem) I know that people are very harsh and critical of Jay Cutler. I am the Queen of the Underdogs, so I've always had faith in him-----and I hope that any of the fair-weather Cutler fans will be able to look back at the events of the past few weeks and see that he deserves some respect. I don't know the intricacies of football---only the big (obvious) stuff, so I can readily admit that someone could take me to task over stats, etc. but here's what I know----when the guy is out, the team loses (and BIG), but when he's in and protected, I get to add to the WINS side of my classroom graph. I like adding wins, so I like it when he is healthy and plays.
Well, I think that's all of my rambling for one night. I have remote start on my car (greatest investment EVER), but I'm not in the habit of starting it yet, so I guess I have to go and face the cold leather. Wish me luck. (I'm so pathetic, eh?) LOL!!!!
Have a good night!
Like moths to fire, the kids came in to class this morning immediately noticing something that even I had not, despite that I'd been at school for over an hour. A little elf came to our classroom and it appears, will be with us through Christmas. He left a note saying that he will be in our classroom each day and then go to report to Santa each night. He warned that we are not to touch him or he'll be forced leave, and he asked that we give him a name before the day was over because that would be the first question he'd get upon returning to the North Pole tonight. The children suggested 35 various (and VERY different) names. The initial vote resulted in a four-way tie. The names were narrowed down to Elphie (my favorite due to my addiction to the musical "Wicked," if you've seen it, you know what I'm talking about), Magic Man, Elfster and Mitchell Jr. We took a re-vote and Mitchell, Jr. won. I opted to call him M.J. for short. I figure the kids can have their homage to me, and I'll have mine to a basketball great. Love me some #23!!!!! =)
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Here is M.J. and the note he left us. He was sitting on top of the Smartboard this morning. Tricky little elf! |
Last Monday when I was here for parent/teacher conferences, I was able to get some work done in the classroom. One of the things I did was decorate our classroom for the holidays. It was fun for me to hear the kids discover the decos throughout the day today. I hope you'll hear about them, but if not, I'll post some pics over the next few weeks.
Lastly, how can I close without mentioning yesterday's Bears game? (and it will be the ONLY game I mention from over break.....ahem) I know that people are very harsh and critical of Jay Cutler. I am the Queen of the Underdogs, so I've always had faith in him-----and I hope that any of the fair-weather Cutler fans will be able to look back at the events of the past few weeks and see that he deserves some respect. I don't know the intricacies of football---only the big (obvious) stuff, so I can readily admit that someone could take me to task over stats, etc. but here's what I know----when the guy is out, the team loses (and BIG), but when he's in and protected, I get to add to the WINS side of my classroom graph. I like adding wins, so I like it when he is healthy and plays.
Well, I think that's all of my rambling for one night. I have remote start on my car (greatest investment EVER), but I'm not in the habit of starting it yet, so I guess I have to go and face the cold leather. Wish me luck. (I'm so pathetic, eh?) LOL!!!!
Have a good night!
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Thanksgiving 2012
Happy Thanksgiving!!! I didn't think I'd be posting over break, but I couldn't not write today. I hope everyone has a fantastic day! Enjoy the time you're spending with loved ones. Remember and pray for those who are less fortunate. Do your best to find humor in all situations, and enjoy the seemingly ordinary moments; those often become the most cherished memories. I have so very, very many things to be thankful for and my students and their families are a favorite part of that list. I am thinking of you all today today and thanking God for you. Have a reflective and humorous day (my two favorite parts of any holiday)and don't forget to break the wishbone. ;)
And, despite the fact I'm on the brink of being "weird" (reference to the commercial I've written about previously)----GGGGGOOOOOOOO BBBBEEEAAARRRRRRSSSSSS!
And, despite the fact I'm on the brink of being "weird" (reference to the commercial I've written about previously)----GGGGGOOOOOOOO BBBBEEEAAARRRRRRSSSSSS!
Friday, November 16, 2012
Friday, 11/16/12
Thank you to all of the parents and students who came out for parent/teacher/student conferences last night. It was great talking with you!! Again my apologies to those for whom I was running late. :/
This is probably the last post I'll write until after break. I hope that you all enjoy Thanksgiving. I know that for many this holiday brings mixed emotions. It's so fun to spend quality time with family and friends, especially if you don't get to see them often. However, it is a great deal of work, with all of the cooking and cleaning if you host the big day. It may also bring sadness for some who have the bitter sweetness from memories that seem to surface in abundance this time of year. I know that after a few days of having your kids home, there's a very slight chance that you may be feeling thankful that Monday is drawing closer and your kids will be returning to school. HAHA--I JOKE, I JOKE!! Despite all of that---here is what I hope for you-----I hope more than anything that you take a few moments to slow down the chaos of it all, look around and soak in the love that surrounds you. It can be a rough time of year, with the people and the rushing and the pressure and the fa la la, but when you take the time and force yourself to soak it all in, despite the rush of emotions that may surface, above all is love.
I am abundantly thankful that I have the job of my dreams. I have met the most amazing people along my journey, and I am blessed to be able to spend a close-knit year with some UNBELIEVABLE children and their families, many of whom I am in touch with to this day. <3
Lastly, I can't sign off without mentioning......I'm thankful to live in the best sports town in the world----------GOOOOO BEAAARRSSSS! Take care of business on MNF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Show the world what you've got Campbell!
XOXO Gobble Gobble
This is probably the last post I'll write until after break. I hope that you all enjoy Thanksgiving. I know that for many this holiday brings mixed emotions. It's so fun to spend quality time with family and friends, especially if you don't get to see them often. However, it is a great deal of work, with all of the cooking and cleaning if you host the big day. It may also bring sadness for some who have the bitter sweetness from memories that seem to surface in abundance this time of year. I know that after a few days of having your kids home, there's a very slight chance that you may be feeling thankful that Monday is drawing closer and your kids will be returning to school. HAHA--I JOKE, I JOKE!! Despite all of that---here is what I hope for you-----I hope more than anything that you take a few moments to slow down the chaos of it all, look around and soak in the love that surrounds you. It can be a rough time of year, with the people and the rushing and the pressure and the fa la la, but when you take the time and force yourself to soak it all in, despite the rush of emotions that may surface, above all is love.
I am abundantly thankful that I have the job of my dreams. I have met the most amazing people along my journey, and I am blessed to be able to spend a close-knit year with some UNBELIEVABLE children and their families, many of whom I am in touch with to this day. <3
Lastly, I can't sign off without mentioning......I'm thankful to live in the best sports town in the world----------GOOOOO BEAAARRSSSS! Take care of business on MNF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Show the world what you've got Campbell!
XOXO Gobble Gobble
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Wednesday, 11/14/12
I hate days when I have nothing to write about. Of course, those are usually the ones I wind up rambling on and on. I'll try not to do that today. Just a few thoughts to share:
* I have parent/teacher conferences with some more families tomorrow night. A reminder: if I'm conferencing with you---PLEASE BRING YOUR CHILD WITH YOU. Thank you =)
* Please review the work that's coming home in your child's folder. Particularly the math. We're in some rocky waters right now, so any and all review done will be beneficial.
* Children who have speaking parts for our winter program brought home scripts today. Please help your child to memorize his/her lines. It makes all of the difference when the speakers are confident in their lines during our rehearsals. All children brought home the music lyrics. Again---as much practice as possible would be good. The show will be cute no matter what, but with strong voices, it will be that much more amazing. And, please, let's face it, I'm banking on my class being the most dramatic and vocal....look at their leader!! ;)
* Finally, and this has nothing to do with school, but I know someone out there will be as excited as I am with this news----There's a brand-spanking-new KIRKLANDS open in Bloomingdale on Army Trail. I LOVE Kirklands. My whole house is pretty much their stuff, but I've always had to travel far and wide to get to one. Oh man am I excited!!!!!!!!! It could be dangerous...but soooooo soooooo fun!!! =)
See--nothing to say......
* I have parent/teacher conferences with some more families tomorrow night. A reminder: if I'm conferencing with you---PLEASE BRING YOUR CHILD WITH YOU. Thank you =)
* Please review the work that's coming home in your child's folder. Particularly the math. We're in some rocky waters right now, so any and all review done will be beneficial.
* Children who have speaking parts for our winter program brought home scripts today. Please help your child to memorize his/her lines. It makes all of the difference when the speakers are confident in their lines during our rehearsals. All children brought home the music lyrics. Again---as much practice as possible would be good. The show will be cute no matter what, but with strong voices, it will be that much more amazing. And, please, let's face it, I'm banking on my class being the most dramatic and vocal....look at their leader!! ;)
* Finally, and this has nothing to do with school, but I know someone out there will be as excited as I am with this news----There's a brand-spanking-new KIRKLANDS open in Bloomingdale on Army Trail. I LOVE Kirklands. My whole house is pretty much their stuff, but I've always had to travel far and wide to get to one. Oh man am I excited!!!!!!!!! It could be dangerous...but soooooo soooooo fun!!! =)
See--nothing to say......
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Tuesday, 11/13/12
It's a not-much-to-report Tuesday.
Instead, I will tell you about a "small" act of kindness that occurred in my world. Yesterday I started the day discovering that one of my students brought me a home-baked pumpkin bread. Needless to say, there was a happy dance, perhaps some small freaking out and a boat-load of gratitude. It was the first of many, many (many.....) cold mornings, but that act of thoughtfulness made me nothing but warm. I would imagine, to the family who made this loaf of pumpkin-y goodness, that this was a token of gratitude for their child's teacher. I can reassure that family and all who are reading this, it was anything but small to me. First and foremost--the notion that I was thought of on a WEEKEND simply daunts me. Next, baking is no small feat. There's a lot of math, ingredients and time involved--not to mention, for those who do it well---some sprinkles of magic somewhere in there (mine had a ton of magic!!!). I really really cannot express how grateful I felt in receiving such a thoughtful (and YUMMY) gesture. It's definitely something that I will "pay forward."
Never ever ever underestimate the power of "small" gestures. It never fails that what may seem small to you, is GIGANTIC to someone else. And what may seem like random timing to you---may be the EXACT moment that the other person needed some inspiration of goodness and love in her (or his) heart.
Instead, I will tell you about a "small" act of kindness that occurred in my world. Yesterday I started the day discovering that one of my students brought me a home-baked pumpkin bread. Needless to say, there was a happy dance, perhaps some small freaking out and a boat-load of gratitude. It was the first of many, many (many.....) cold mornings, but that act of thoughtfulness made me nothing but warm. I would imagine, to the family who made this loaf of pumpkin-y goodness, that this was a token of gratitude for their child's teacher. I can reassure that family and all who are reading this, it was anything but small to me. First and foremost--the notion that I was thought of on a WEEKEND simply daunts me. Next, baking is no small feat. There's a lot of math, ingredients and time involved--not to mention, for those who do it well---some sprinkles of magic somewhere in there (mine had a ton of magic!!!). I really really cannot express how grateful I felt in receiving such a thoughtful (and YUMMY) gesture. It's definitely something that I will "pay forward."
Never ever ever underestimate the power of "small" gestures. It never fails that what may seem small to you, is GIGANTIC to someone else. And what may seem like random timing to you---may be the EXACT moment that the other person needed some inspiration of goodness and love in her (or his) heart.
Monday, November 12, 2012
Monday, 11/12/12
Happy Monday!
Bears game: I hope that Jay Cutler is doing better. Concussions completely scare me.
In the words of Forrest Gump, "And that's all I have to say about that."
Today we had some of Itasca's Veterans come to school to lead "The Pledge of Allegiance" and demonstrate the color guard with the kids. Oh my gosh, I stream down tears every single year. I love seeing those sweet men and hearing about how they're served. I can't help but think of my grandfather who fought in World War II. The strength and bravery of all soldiers is almost beyond comprehension to me. I've had past students who have served as well as past students' parents, and today I learned of some present students' family members who have served. I send out nothing but love, respect and prayers of thanks for all of our military. Like I said, it's almost beyond my comprehension what they do for our country and every single one of us. (a bit of irony: Michael Jackson's "Heal the World" is playing on my iPod as I write this to you)
Bears game: I hope that Jay Cutler is doing better. Concussions completely scare me.
In the words of Forrest Gump, "And that's all I have to say about that."
Today we had some of Itasca's Veterans come to school to lead "The Pledge of Allegiance" and demonstrate the color guard with the kids. Oh my gosh, I stream down tears every single year. I love seeing those sweet men and hearing about how they're served. I can't help but think of my grandfather who fought in World War II. The strength and bravery of all soldiers is almost beyond comprehension to me. I've had past students who have served as well as past students' parents, and today I learned of some present students' family members who have served. I send out nothing but love, respect and prayers of thanks for all of our military. Like I said, it's almost beyond my comprehension what they do for our country and every single one of us. (a bit of irony: Michael Jackson's "Heal the World" is playing on my iPod as I write this to you)
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The kids singing patriotic songs. Tears!!! |
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How adorable are they? I would love to have coffee with every single one of them!! |
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Tears, respect, gratitude, patriotism, faith, pride=all the words I think of when looking at this picture. |
Friday, November 9, 2012
Friday, 11/9/12
Thank you so very much to all who attended their parent/teacher conference with me last night. Thank you also for bringing your second grader with you. That time that we spend together is very valuable, and I appreciate the rapport that we develop. You are all such amazing parents. The saying "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree" never becomes as true to me as parent/teacher conference time. Keep up that hard, but great, work of parenting. I know it's not easy, and sometimes not fun, but the humans that you are raising will be the better for it!!!
This Sunday is Veterans' Day, so before I go any further, please let me extend my most heart-felt, sincere THANK YOU to all who have served. I have family members, students' parents and even former students who have served, and I can't begin to tell you how amazing I think they are. It takes a special person to demonstrate the kind of heart, bravery, loyalty and patriotism that these men and women do (I don't believe that any of these end when their service ends). I carry all of those whom I mentioned in my heart each day and speak their names in my prayers. On Monday we will be paid a visit by some of Itasca's Veterans. They will demonstrate the color guard for the children. They've done this the past few years and it is always very moving. If you are available at 9:30, I highly recommend that you stop by Benson. The assembly isn't long, but the experience will stay with you after you've met these amazing service members.
And finally-----"It's only weird if it doesn't work" so GOOOOOOOOO BEAAARRRRRRSSSSSS!!! With one more win the classroom graph will officially cover one whole window in our classroom and begin inching toward the next. Go get it boys! =)
Enjoy the weekend!! It's supposed to be very warm. It's my hope to get my outdoor lights hung while it's warm, but I'm going to be a bit busy and it's supposed to be rainy. Wish me luck. Oh hey----if you love "The Wizard of Oz" and have never seen it on the big screen of a movie theater---you've got to check out www.atriptothemovies.com . It's a website for two local movie theaters that will be showing it this weekend. There are actual Munchkins (from the movie) at the showings and everything!!! I go every year and it's AMAZING!!! Added bonus--it's the kind of theater where you sit down, order food and drink and have lunch (or dinner or a snack) while watching the movie!!! If you're looking for something to do----trust me, you'll love this!
Okay--signing off now. XOXO
This Sunday is Veterans' Day, so before I go any further, please let me extend my most heart-felt, sincere THANK YOU to all who have served. I have family members, students' parents and even former students who have served, and I can't begin to tell you how amazing I think they are. It takes a special person to demonstrate the kind of heart, bravery, loyalty and patriotism that these men and women do (I don't believe that any of these end when their service ends). I carry all of those whom I mentioned in my heart each day and speak their names in my prayers. On Monday we will be paid a visit by some of Itasca's Veterans. They will demonstrate the color guard for the children. They've done this the past few years and it is always very moving. If you are available at 9:30, I highly recommend that you stop by Benson. The assembly isn't long, but the experience will stay with you after you've met these amazing service members.
And finally-----"It's only weird if it doesn't work" so GOOOOOOOOO BEAAARRRRRRSSSSSS!!! With one more win the classroom graph will officially cover one whole window in our classroom and begin inching toward the next. Go get it boys! =)
Enjoy the weekend!! It's supposed to be very warm. It's my hope to get my outdoor lights hung while it's warm, but I'm going to be a bit busy and it's supposed to be rainy. Wish me luck. Oh hey----if you love "The Wizard of Oz" and have never seen it on the big screen of a movie theater---you've got to check out www.atriptothemovies.com . It's a website for two local movie theaters that will be showing it this weekend. There are actual Munchkins (from the movie) at the showings and everything!!! I go every year and it's AMAZING!!! Added bonus--it's the kind of theater where you sit down, order food and drink and have lunch (or dinner or a snack) while watching the movie!!! If you're looking for something to do----trust me, you'll love this!
Okay--signing off now. XOXO
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Thursday, 11/8/12
It's Parent/Teacher/Student conference day!!! I'll be meeting with 10 families tonight. Phew! I sure hope my mouth and brain are still cooperating with each other by the end of the night. =P
Today we finally finished up all of the reading assessments. I'm hoping to have something fun for the kids to do tomorrow to celebrate the conclusion of assessment week. I'll have the tests all graded and ready to send home either Monday or Tuesday of next week. It's always a good idea to review tests with your children when they come home. Future tests will be in a similar format, and it's never too early to start teaching test-taking skills. Here are some suggestions (I use these with the kids, so hearing them from you as well would be great!):
* "going through the backdoor" That means reading the questions (or in some cases answer choices) before reading the story (or test question). I call it "getting your brain warmed up." You can demonstrate how test questions have specific key words that they can keep an eye out for while reading the story--making answering the question far easier.
* process of elimination: Many tests have 1-2 answer choices which are not reasonable or logical at all. Cross those out and focus on what you have left to work with.
* draw a picture or write out number sentences (for math): Many times I think the kids think that they can only answer the question, not use the paper there to figure out the answer. I often encourage them and model for them how to use that extra space to solve the problem. Sometimes I see kids do it, but then erase their work, which makes me think that they think they shouldn't be doing that. I encourage them to not only use that space, but to leave it. No need to waste precious eraser on working out a problem.
*Above all: Review (and even redo) work/tests that comes home marked wrong. Whether that be a worksheet or test, reviewing the skill with a parent in a one-on-one environment can be very beneficial. You never know what's going to make that light switch turn on!! =)
As the year progresses, I'll give you more strategies, but these are great to start with.
Have a great night---see some of you later!!!
Today we finally finished up all of the reading assessments. I'm hoping to have something fun for the kids to do tomorrow to celebrate the conclusion of assessment week. I'll have the tests all graded and ready to send home either Monday or Tuesday of next week. It's always a good idea to review tests with your children when they come home. Future tests will be in a similar format, and it's never too early to start teaching test-taking skills. Here are some suggestions (I use these with the kids, so hearing them from you as well would be great!):
* "going through the backdoor" That means reading the questions (or in some cases answer choices) before reading the story (or test question). I call it "getting your brain warmed up." You can demonstrate how test questions have specific key words that they can keep an eye out for while reading the story--making answering the question far easier.
* process of elimination: Many tests have 1-2 answer choices which are not reasonable or logical at all. Cross those out and focus on what you have left to work with.
* draw a picture or write out number sentences (for math): Many times I think the kids think that they can only answer the question, not use the paper there to figure out the answer. I often encourage them and model for them how to use that extra space to solve the problem. Sometimes I see kids do it, but then erase their work, which makes me think that they think they shouldn't be doing that. I encourage them to not only use that space, but to leave it. No need to waste precious eraser on working out a problem.
*Above all: Review (and even redo) work/tests that comes home marked wrong. Whether that be a worksheet or test, reviewing the skill with a parent in a one-on-one environment can be very beneficial. You never know what's going to make that light switch turn on!! =)
As the year progresses, I'll give you more strategies, but these are great to start with.
Have a great night---see some of you later!!!
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Wednesday, 11/7/12
Hi everyone!
I promised that I'd have more pics for you from yesterday. Turns out my camera may be toast, but if you know me at all, you know that won't stop me. Luckily I have friends in high places who were able to hook me up with a surrogate camera for my media card!! So---as promised, here you go. I'm so thankful that I have the pictures. This project was one of my favorites of my teaching career (so far) and the pictures bring back the feelings of how fun it was and how much the kids learned from it. In a word----dreamy!!!
I hope you enjoy...
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First, we ventured out to our designated Polling Place. |
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Next, everyone cast her/her ballot and received an official "I Voted" sticker. |
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I've known these voters' families for years---that should work in my favor, right???? |
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The boys will have my back, right? Or did they connect more to what Duck was experiencing???? |
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A few of the ladies voting. Would they go for Grace?? Could they relate to her more than me??? |
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Dr. Turner voting. She seems to be putting an awful lot of thought into this. I thought she'd be quick. (to put a check in MY box!!) |
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Mrs. Fricano and Mrs. Drummond (I hoped my friends had my back!). |
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To wrap it all up, we did some graphing, comparing and reflecting!! |
I hope you got a good sense of how our day went (and hopefully heard all about it at home). Have a good night!
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Tuesday, 11/6/12
Oh my gosh--what a day! Our class's polling place (the music room) wasn't available to us until 2:10, so I did my best to campaign all day. There was one time when the campaign started to turn negative with Duck, but we nipped that in the bud. ;) No negative campaigning here!!
Below are some images from our election day event:
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Of course Penelope had to get in on the action. Note the campaign posters on the top and sides of the Smartboard. |
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The kids came in to see their campaign posters all around the room. |
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More campaign posters |
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They were EVERYWHERE! |
I have some more super-cute pictures from the day, but for some reason the computer is suddenly not recognizing my camera.
When the time finally came, we all grabbed our voter registration cards and headed to the polling place. The kids each went into a voting booth and marked his/her ballot. They then cast the ballot into the ballot box, received an official "I Voted" sticker and the rest was history. We even had some guest voters: Dr. Turner, Mrs. Fricano and Mrs. Riggio joined in for the fun. Of course Mrs. Drummond and I cast our votes as well. When we were done, we headed back to count the votes. The kids had a tally page to keep track. It came right down to the wire (I was getting quite nervous). I can proudly announce the final results:
Duck: 6
Grace: 8
Ms. Mitchell: 10
Luckily no one demanded a recount!! No hanging chads in Room 16!! ;) If only my stinking camera were cooperating--you could see how cute it all turned out. I'll have them up tomorrow, if it's the last thing I do!!
Now I'm going to head off to my workout and then hunker down for a night of election results. Regardless of which way a person voted, isn't it just a glorious blessing to live in a country where you have the right to do so? There are people all across this planet who die for what we sometimes take for granted. I'll forever be eternally grateful to the trailblazers that made my voting ritual one of respect and humility. Regardless of results, let us never forget what it could be.
God Bless America!
Monday, November 5, 2012
Monday, 11/5/12
Today I read the class My Teacher for President and the kids made their campaign posters for their chosen candidate (Duck, Grace, or yours truly). They did such a great job! This has been soooo much fun! I also had them fill out their voter registration cards so they are "official" when it comes time to vote tomorrow.
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Looking better and better each week!! |
51-20 Bears!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How awesome was that game??? Did any of you see the commercial with the song "Superstition"? I cracked up thinking about my blog and my "superstition" regarding blogging the Bears luck. I loved the end line: "It's only weird if it doesn't work!" So far (knock on wood), it's worked, so clearly it's not weird! ;)

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a campaign poster for Grace |
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a campaign poster for Ms. Mitchell |
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a campaign poster for Duck |
Reminder: Parent/teacher/student conferences kick off this week. Please remember to BRING YOUR SECOND GRADER to our conference. I know that this is different than most other classes, but your child will play a role in our conference, so I'd like him/her to be there.
Friday, November 2, 2012
Friday, 11/2/12
How excited are you about the fact that we GAIN an hour this weekend? I'm soooo happy! I need an extra hour. I'm going to be taking down my Halloween decorations and getting ready for next week's parent/teacher/student conferences. Plus I have some serious DVR time to catch up on. This week completely got away from me. I need to have some brain-recovery, and how better to do that then vegging out for a little while? ;)
I must admit, I'm getting pretty excited for next week's election. I'm mostly looking forward to the commercials being a thing of the past, not to mention people's posts on Facebook, but mainly I just think it's such an honor that we have living in this country and exercising the RIGHT to vote. It's a RIGHT for Americans. Amazing!! I just recently saw an email about the heart-breaking circumstances that the suffragettes went through. Some were jailed, beaten, starved, and on and on. Horrible. So beyond looking forward to voting because it's my duty as an American, I look forward to saying a silent prayer of thanks to those women who made it possible for me to drive down the street, walk into my polling place without getting any flack from anyone and cast my ballot. This is an amazing country, and its stories can be as heartbreaking as they are empowering.
Today I read two books to the kids---one called Grace for President, the other--- Duck for President, and I have one more for them on Monday. If I can squeek out the time, I want to have them create campaign posters for their chosen candidate (from the books) and then cast a ballot on Tuesday. I got this idea off of Pinterest (the GREATEST website ever!!), and I just hope I can use it to make the election as meaningful as possible for second-graders. I can still remember when I was in fifth grade and we "voted" for the president. It was an impactful experience.
Anyhow--that's it from here. Don't forget--if your parent/teacher conference is scheduled with me for next Thursday, BRING YOUR SECOND-GRADER WITH YOU please. I really would like for him/her to be there.
And more important of all----GOOOOOO BEAAARRRRRSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I must admit, I'm getting pretty excited for next week's election. I'm mostly looking forward to the commercials being a thing of the past, not to mention people's posts on Facebook, but mainly I just think it's such an honor that we have living in this country and exercising the RIGHT to vote. It's a RIGHT for Americans. Amazing!! I just recently saw an email about the heart-breaking circumstances that the suffragettes went through. Some were jailed, beaten, starved, and on and on. Horrible. So beyond looking forward to voting because it's my duty as an American, I look forward to saying a silent prayer of thanks to those women who made it possible for me to drive down the street, walk into my polling place without getting any flack from anyone and cast my ballot. This is an amazing country, and its stories can be as heartbreaking as they are empowering.
Today I read two books to the kids---one called Grace for President, the other--- Duck for President, and I have one more for them on Monday. If I can squeek out the time, I want to have them create campaign posters for their chosen candidate (from the books) and then cast a ballot on Tuesday. I got this idea off of Pinterest (the GREATEST website ever!!), and I just hope I can use it to make the election as meaningful as possible for second-graders. I can still remember when I was in fifth grade and we "voted" for the president. It was an impactful experience.
Anyhow--that's it from here. Don't forget--if your parent/teacher conference is scheduled with me for next Thursday, BRING YOUR SECOND-GRADER WITH YOU please. I really would like for him/her to be there.
And more important of all----GOOOOOO BEAAARRRRRSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
All Hallow's Eve
Happy Halloween!! What a fun day we've had. Of course Penelope the Praying Mantis had to greet the children (on the Smartboard) with Halloween greetings when they arrived this morning. Then I surprised them by completely abandoning our regular morning routine for something called Pumpkin Math and Science. As a class we predicted, graphed and learned all about our classroom pumpkin. We discovered how much it weighed (14 pounds), if it would sink or float when put in a bucket of water (do you know what would happen???), how many seeds it had in it (338), what would happen when we put a lit candle inside and put the lid back on top (hmmm...any thoughts??), and then finally our pumpkin met its ultimate fate by being carved into a jack-o-lantern with the winning facial features as graphed by the kids (triangle eyes and nose and scary mouth---well, as scary as my meager artwork allows for). It was very, very fun and encompassed the entire morning and a smidge of the afternoon.
Then the big moment----the parade and party. Each year as I lead the kids through the crowds of folks who come to the parade, I choose to see it as my annual visit from the paparazzi. I figure it's the closest I'll ever get, so why not enjoy?? LOL! While we were out being greeted by our adoring fans, the lovely room moms were preparing for a rip-roaring party. It was great. The kids were so well behaved. I was very proud of them. We all owe a GIGANTIC thank-you to the moms who planned and executed the party as well as all of the parents who sent in donations to make it a great success!! Mrs. B., Mrs. C., Mrs. D., and Mrs. S.---thank you for braving our second-grade classroom on the afternoon of Halloween and giving the kids such a fun afternoon!!
That's it from here. I'm going to finish taking down all of my classroom Halloween decorations and head out for the night. I hope you all heard about our fun day! Have a spook-tac-ular night!
Then the big moment----the parade and party. Each year as I lead the kids through the crowds of folks who come to the parade, I choose to see it as my annual visit from the paparazzi. I figure it's the closest I'll ever get, so why not enjoy?? LOL! While we were out being greeted by our adoring fans, the lovely room moms were preparing for a rip-roaring party. It was great. The kids were so well behaved. I was very proud of them. We all owe a GIGANTIC thank-you to the moms who planned and executed the party as well as all of the parents who sent in donations to make it a great success!! Mrs. B., Mrs. C., Mrs. D., and Mrs. S.---thank you for braving our second-grade classroom on the afternoon of Halloween and giving the kids such a fun afternoon!!
That's it from here. I'm going to finish taking down all of my classroom Halloween decorations and head out for the night. I hope you all heard about our fun day! Have a spook-tac-ular night!
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Tuesday, 10/30/12
Did you have the type of day that can only be blamed on a full moon? Because I sure did!!! It all started with the people driving like crazies on the way to work this morning. I had to make a run to Christy's for soup at lunch in hopes of that making this day better. (Have you ever had their soup? It could solve all of the world's problems--it's that good!!) It was delightful, but more than anything I just need today to end and to have a do-over tomorrow. Just my luck that my do-over day will be Halloween. The kids will be calm all day, right???? Haha! I joke, I joke. Actually I'm looking forward to tomorrow. I have a fun morning planned if all goes well, and then the afternoon will be run by the UH-MAY-ZING party parents. I get to hang back and take pictures while they create a magically fun time for the kids.
On that note, I'm going to wrap up today and return it to sender. ;)
On that note, I'm going to wrap up today and return it to sender. ;)
Monday, October 29, 2012
Monday, 10/29/12
Hi all!!! So, I was downtown to see the musical "Kinky Boots" yesterday during the Bears game, but when I watched the news last night I thought, "Whoa! Thank goodness I remembered to post my good lucks to them on Friday!!" The game was a squeaker, and I don't mean to imply that the fact that I had a last-minute memory to wish them luck had anything to do with their last-minute field goal to victory........but if they go to the Superbowl, I really should be on a private jet to join them. Holla back if you agree!! Hahahahahahaha!! Just a little humor for you on a Monday!!
Here's something you'll enjoy~ overheard in my classroom today:
"Long, long ago they [classrooms] used to have chalkboards." (I laughed a little bit at that statement, and then heard:) "What????? It's real!!!!!!!!!"
Then another student:
"In oldie movies, they don't show a whiteboard, it's a CHALKboard!"
Oye---I didn't dare tell them about my stash of chalk in the closet. Occassionally I find a reason to use it because it reminds me of when I first started teaching. Being the person in the room who got to write with the chalk all day was what made my lifelong dream become a realization. All of the hard work, tears and heartbreak all somehow drifted away with that gritty piece of yellow chalk. You know, back in the oldie days. ;)
I just saw an alert that we're going to get some serious winds tonight and into tomorrow as a result of that little lady Sandy making her way up the east coast. Batten down the hatches and hold on to the youngsters!! LOL! In all seriousness, the majority of my relatives are on the east coast, so all good vibes and prayers are being sent their way. I heard on the news this morning that areas may have up to 10 days with no electricity before all is said and done. I can't even begin to imagine. Like I said....good vibes and prayers through the miles that Sandy goes easy on everyone out there.
I know that you're super busy, especially with Halloween being only a matter of hours away, but if you could please fill out the yellow pre-conference note and complete the little "assignment" I'd sent home on Friday (for parents only), I'd be so grateful. There's a bit of time between now and our parent/teacher/student conference, so I'll continue to annoyingly send reminders until I have them all back in. ;)
Until tomorrow....
Here's something you'll enjoy~ overheard in my classroom today:
"Long, long ago they [classrooms] used to have chalkboards." (I laughed a little bit at that statement, and then heard:) "What????? It's real!!!!!!!!!"
Then another student:
"In oldie movies, they don't show a whiteboard, it's a CHALKboard!"
Oye---I didn't dare tell them about my stash of chalk in the closet. Occassionally I find a reason to use it because it reminds me of when I first started teaching. Being the person in the room who got to write with the chalk all day was what made my lifelong dream become a realization. All of the hard work, tears and heartbreak all somehow drifted away with that gritty piece of yellow chalk. You know, back in the oldie days. ;)
I just saw an alert that we're going to get some serious winds tonight and into tomorrow as a result of that little lady Sandy making her way up the east coast. Batten down the hatches and hold on to the youngsters!! LOL! In all seriousness, the majority of my relatives are on the east coast, so all good vibes and prayers are being sent their way. I heard on the news this morning that areas may have up to 10 days with no electricity before all is said and done. I can't even begin to imagine. Like I said....good vibes and prayers through the miles that Sandy goes easy on everyone out there.
I know that you're super busy, especially with Halloween being only a matter of hours away, but if you could please fill out the yellow pre-conference note and complete the little "assignment" I'd sent home on Friday (for parents only), I'd be so grateful. There's a bit of time between now and our parent/teacher/student conference, so I'll continue to annoyingly send reminders until I have them all back in. ;)
Until tomorrow....
Friday, October 26, 2012
No jinx, no jinx, no jinx!!!
OMG------I posted without saying
The only time they've lost is when I didn't blog them luck. Now, I'm not superstitious (kinda), but if they lost and I hadn't blogged them luck, well, how could I face you all on Monday??
I'm just so thankful it hit me before I shut down for the night.
Phew---we can all rest easy now.
The only time they've lost is when I didn't blog them luck. Now, I'm not superstitious (kinda), but if they lost and I hadn't blogged them luck, well, how could I face you all on Monday??
I'm just so thankful it hit me before I shut down for the night.
Phew---we can all rest easy now.
Friday, 10/26/12
I know I prattle on about the weather, but I just have to tell you this. When I left Itasca last night, my car said it was 76 degrees. By the time I drove the 4 miles home to Roselle, it had dropped to 65!!! Eleven degrees in four miles--is that crazy, or what??
Check out Penelope the Praying Mantis and her message for the kids this morning:
Pretty funny, right? Just so you know, I gave the kids strict instructions that they are not to let anyone see their report card until you've seen it. We talked about how it is private information. We also discussed that what is on their report card is about first quarter, and first quarter is over. It is time to use that information to set some goals; to work to either maintain how they did or work toward some improvements. Either way, work will be needed.
I brought in a pumpkin to our classroom this morning and you'd have thought I performed a miracle. It was hilarious to listen to the kids. They asked where it came from, if it was real and if it was staying in our classroom. Oh, it truly is the simple things in life, eh?
We had a fire drill this afternoon (the fire dept came out to see how well we do our drills). It went flawlessly. The kids were a little chilly, but I explained that we have to be prepared no matter the weather. They stood quietly and patiently. They definitely filled my bucket! ;)
I'm off to clean up this room and start the weekend. It definitely cannot start a second too soon!!!!
Enjoy the weekend!
Check out Penelope the Praying Mantis and her message for the kids this morning:
Pretty funny, right? Just so you know, I gave the kids strict instructions that they are not to let anyone see their report card until you've seen it. We talked about how it is private information. We also discussed that what is on their report card is about first quarter, and first quarter is over. It is time to use that information to set some goals; to work to either maintain how they did or work toward some improvements. Either way, work will be needed.
I brought in a pumpkin to our classroom this morning and you'd have thought I performed a miracle. It was hilarious to listen to the kids. They asked where it came from, if it was real and if it was staying in our classroom. Oh, it truly is the simple things in life, eh?
We had a fire drill this afternoon (the fire dept came out to see how well we do our drills). It went flawlessly. The kids were a little chilly, but I explained that we have to be prepared no matter the weather. They stood quietly and patiently. They definitely filled my bucket! ;)
I'm off to clean up this room and start the weekend. It definitely cannot start a second too soon!!!!
Enjoy the weekend!
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Thursday, 10/25/12
I keep looking out the window wondering what's going on with the temperature. On the radio this morning they said that it will drop 30 degrees before the end of the day. Yikes! That's allotta degrees!! ;)
I hope you heard about our bucket-filling assembly from yesterday. It was so cute today---as I was cutting through the gym during the first-graders' lunch, some of them stopped me to talk about it. I'm glad it had some sort of impact on them. It's definitely something that can carry through to home. The second-graders and I talked about it at the end of the day today. I showed them some ideas that other schools have used in their classrooms. I asked them to think about what they'd seen, to let it soak in, sleep on it and then we'll talk more tomorrow in case they come up with some other fresh ideas. I know that some of the kids have already written me notes with suggestions. I can't wait to read them.
So tomorrow is report card day. I'll be giving the kids a chat about the importance of not showing their report card to ANYONE before they can look at it with a parent. I'll be sure to tell them that if parents then want to share the info on it with grandparents, etc, that that of course is fine, but I just want to convery that the children are not to show it to anyone or take it out of the envelope, even if an adult (who is not a parent) asks to see it. Please look it over with your child and discuss areas of strength and those that can use some additional work. I'll be having that exact same conversation next week, so hopefully hearing it come from both you and me will be beneficial. In addition to your child's report card, there will also be a small "assignment" in your child's mail for you to do. Please send it back in to me as soon as you're able. It's something that I'll be using at our parent/teacher/student conference. Speaking of the conference------you'll remember from Curriculum Night that I'd mentioned that I would like your child to come as well. I know that this is different from what you've done in the past, and probably different from what you'll do in the future, but if you haven't figured it out by now, I'm a little bit different than the rest of the pack. ;) So please plan on bringing your child to our scheduled November conference. Thank you!
Have a good night----and be sure to pull out the flannel jammies for tonight. LOL!
I hope you heard about our bucket-filling assembly from yesterday. It was so cute today---as I was cutting through the gym during the first-graders' lunch, some of them stopped me to talk about it. I'm glad it had some sort of impact on them. It's definitely something that can carry through to home. The second-graders and I talked about it at the end of the day today. I showed them some ideas that other schools have used in their classrooms. I asked them to think about what they'd seen, to let it soak in, sleep on it and then we'll talk more tomorrow in case they come up with some other fresh ideas. I know that some of the kids have already written me notes with suggestions. I can't wait to read them.
So tomorrow is report card day. I'll be giving the kids a chat about the importance of not showing their report card to ANYONE before they can look at it with a parent. I'll be sure to tell them that if parents then want to share the info on it with grandparents, etc, that that of course is fine, but I just want to convery that the children are not to show it to anyone or take it out of the envelope, even if an adult (who is not a parent) asks to see it. Please look it over with your child and discuss areas of strength and those that can use some additional work. I'll be having that exact same conversation next week, so hopefully hearing it come from both you and me will be beneficial. In addition to your child's report card, there will also be a small "assignment" in your child's mail for you to do. Please send it back in to me as soon as you're able. It's something that I'll be using at our parent/teacher/student conference. Speaking of the conference------you'll remember from Curriculum Night that I'd mentioned that I would like your child to come as well. I know that this is different from what you've done in the past, and probably different from what you'll do in the future, but if you haven't figured it out by now, I'm a little bit different than the rest of the pack. ;) So please plan on bringing your child to our scheduled November conference. Thank you!
Have a good night----and be sure to pull out the flannel jammies for tonight. LOL!
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Wednesday, 10/24/12
So here it is---what I've been dying to tell you about---we are now all BUCKET FILLERS!! (Hooray!! wait! what?????? Bucket fillers????)
There is a great series of books that are being used in schools and within families which encourage people to fill each other's buckets. I read the first in the series to the entire school at our Character Counts assembly this afternoon. It introduces the concept and is aimed for children from the ages of birth through seven.
“Bucket filling” is simply making others feel good through kind words and non-verbal actions. Encouraging children to be a ‘bucket filler’ or reinforcing their 'bucket-filling' behaviors will help develop their awareness of the importance of building others up, while also teaching them the intrinsic reward they themselves receive while filling another’s “bucket.” There is also a piece which points out and discourages ‘bucket dippers/ bucket dipping,’ (pretty much anything that is the opposite of bucket filling) as well as an aspect of using your bucket’s “lid,” in essence, allowing you to protect yourself from harmful words by “closing your bucket,” therefore creating a resilience to it being “dipped into.” It's a pretty great concept for children of any age, and particularly those here at Benson. I'm not exactly sure where I'm going to take this with my class. I'm going to look to them for some guidance; so often I get the best ideas through conversations with the kids. I'll keep you posted on what we come up with. I sure hope you hear about it at home tonight!!!
Great news regarding homework!! The reading assignment has been cancelled. Whoop Whoop!! The weather is too amazing for reading indoors so the assignment is now to go outside and soak in what is probably one of the last gorgeous days of the year.
That's all for now. I'm going to go out and complete that same assignment myself this afternoon.
There is a great series of books that are being used in schools and within families which encourage people to fill each other's buckets. I read the first in the series to the entire school at our Character Counts assembly this afternoon. It introduces the concept and is aimed for children from the ages of birth through seven.
“Bucket filling” is simply making others feel good through kind words and non-verbal actions. Encouraging children to be a ‘bucket filler’ or reinforcing their 'bucket-filling' behaviors will help develop their awareness of the importance of building others up, while also teaching them the intrinsic reward they themselves receive while filling another’s “bucket.” There is also a piece which points out and discourages ‘bucket dippers/ bucket dipping,’ (pretty much anything that is the opposite of bucket filling) as well as an aspect of using your bucket’s “lid,” in essence, allowing you to protect yourself from harmful words by “closing your bucket,” therefore creating a resilience to it being “dipped into.” It's a pretty great concept for children of any age, and particularly those here at Benson. I'm not exactly sure where I'm going to take this with my class. I'm going to look to them for some guidance; so often I get the best ideas through conversations with the kids. I'll keep you posted on what we come up with. I sure hope you hear about it at home tonight!!!
Great news regarding homework!! The reading assignment has been cancelled. Whoop Whoop!! The weather is too amazing for reading indoors so the assignment is now to go outside and soak in what is probably one of the last gorgeous days of the year.
That's all for now. I'm going to go out and complete that same assignment myself this afternoon.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Tuesday, 10/23/12
How about those storms last night!? Yikes!! When I woke up at 4:15 a.m., my power was out. I called to report it, and apparently there was a downed wire. Com Ed projected the power would be back on by 6:15 a.m., but it came back on at 5:15!!! I was very impressed and incredibly thankful for the brave Com Ed workers who were out in that mess to take care of me. Props to any Com Edders out there!! You're abundantly appreciated!!!
Need I even mention how AWESOME our classroom Bears graph looks!? Oooohhh--soooo exciting! I must admit, I didn't see a ton of the game because I was watching the debates, but the parts I saw were amazing! It looked like Peanut was on fire!!! Love it!
Nothing too exciting to report from room 16 today. It was a good day-----I'm getting prepped to introduce something pretty cool (at least I hope it will be) to the entire school tomorrow, so tune in for the big reveal! =)
Last thing---tomorrow is our first Character Counts assembly for the year. We'll be celebrating Respect, so the color is yellow. Everyone is invited to wear yellow for the celebration.
K---that's all for now.......see you tomrorow!
Need I even mention how AWESOME our classroom Bears graph looks!? Oooohhh--soooo exciting! I must admit, I didn't see a ton of the game because I was watching the debates, but the parts I saw were amazing! It looked like Peanut was on fire!!! Love it!
Nothing too exciting to report from room 16 today. It was a good day-----I'm getting prepped to introduce something pretty cool (at least I hope it will be) to the entire school tomorrow, so tune in for the big reveal! =)
Last thing---tomorrow is our first Character Counts assembly for the year. We'll be celebrating Respect, so the color is yellow. Everyone is invited to wear yellow for the celebration.
K---that's all for now.......see you tomrorow!
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