Monday, November 5, 2012

Monday, 11/5/12

Looking better and better each week!!

51-20 Bears!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How awesome was that game???  Did any of you see the commercial with the song "Superstition"? I cracked up thinking about my blog and my "superstition" regarding blogging the Bears luck. I loved the end line: "It's only weird if it doesn't work!" So far (knock on wood), it's worked, so clearly it's not weird! ;)

Today I read the class My Teacher for President and the kids made their campaign posters for their chosen candidate (Duck, Grace, or yours truly). They did such a great job! This has been soooo much fun! I also had them fill out their voter registration cards so they are "official" when it comes time to vote tomorrow.

a campaign poster for Grace

a campaign poster for Ms. Mitchell

a campaign poster for Duck

Reminder: Parent/teacher/student conferences kick off this week. Please remember to BRING YOUR SECOND GRADER to our conference. I know that this is different than most other classes, but your child will play a role in our conference, so I'd like him/her to be there.

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