Friday, December 14, 2012

Friday, 12/14/12

OMGosh-----TGIF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've never been so happy to have a week behind me. It started on Sunday with a very scary plumbing situation at my house (involving the sewer line---ugh!!!). By God's grace it wound up being the best-case scenario and a wonderful friend with mad plumbing skills came to my rescue!!  Then of course, this whole voice thing has worn my nerves thin. Luckily, by Wednesday the week had done a complete 180, but, man oh man, am I ever ready for the weekend. I'm having a small group of friends over for some food, games and laughs on Saturday and then Sunday ----- oooh  Sunday, it's one of the days I've been waiting for all year. The movie "It's a Wonderful Life" is showing at the Hollywood Blvd Theater.  That movie is a part of my family's Christmas Eve tradition (we even have an "It's a Wonderful Life" trivia board game that we play after watching the movie and a homemade trophy which goes to the winner each year), and it has become tradition with my friends that we go see it on the big screen at Hollywood Blvd. Remember back in November how I told you that an actual munchkin attends the showing of "The Wizard of Oz" at that theater each year?? Well, for "It's a Wonderful Life," the woman who played the little girl Zuzu ("Every time a bell rings, an angel gets its wings.") comes to the showing. She does photos and autographs in the lobby and then right before the movie starts, she comes into the theater and shares some stories from the making of the film. It's just magical! If you love that movie and have any free time this weekend, check it out. You'll love it!! Here's the website:

The kids have been so amazing through all of my voice shenanigans. I can't say it enough. Yesterday was the first day that it started to try to come back. I guess at one point in the day, I'm sure after I'd tried to sing or something,  Mrs. Drummond overheard one of the girls say, "She's baaaack!"   There are so very many funny moments each day. I always think, "Oh, I've got to remember to put this in my blog," but then we get going with our lessons and I forget. I've got to get better at trying to write things down when they happen.

Today the 2nd grade is performing their winter program for the first graders. I'm excited to see them do the show one more time.

Oh no----I'm just starting to get some brief information about the school shooting at the elementary school in CT. I can't even begin to tell you what my heart is doing right now. I am sick! I make a very solemn promise to my students and their parents that my #1 concern, even above their education, is the kids' emotional and physical safety. I can't even let my mind think much about this while the kids are still at school. It is bringing me to tears. I feel for the teachers, children, parents and community who will be healing from this horrific act of evil and cowardice. Those lives will be forever changed. It's disgusting and beyond heartbreaking.

I hate to sign off on that note, but there's not more to say after that.
Have a nice weekend and give your children extra hugs!!!

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