Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Wednesday, 12/12/12

Hi there! It's been awhile! I'm so sorry I've been M.I.A. I've been dealing with this laryngitis situation. I went to the doctor Monday afternoon and got a prescription, then took yesterday afternoon off to rest my voice. I think it's all working because, while I'm not back to full voice, today is definitely better than it's been in a while (nearly 3 weeks to be exact--ugh!!!). I feel like now I just sound like I have a frog in my throat more than having complete loss of voice. Before long I'll be back to singing------it's been hard just doing regular old talking when teaching. When the spirit moves me, I gotta belt things out; things like "Take out your math book pleeeeeeaaaassssse."  Not to mention that, besides it just being annoying, it takes a lot of energy to get words out. I was FINALLY able to read a bit to the kids today. I've soooo missed that!! We got to the end of the chapter and I asked them if they wanted me to go on or if my voice was too annoying. They said it wasn't annoying and I should go on. How awesome are they???

Need I even mention how excited I am about today's date????  I guess tons and tons of people are getting married today. Ugh!! Another reason to be aggrevated that I haven't found Mr. Right. Of course, there'll be an 11-12-13 coming up next year---I could shoot for that! LOL!!! Mr. Right are you out there????? I have our wedding date picked out!!!  HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I saw a kid on the news today who is turning 12 today on 12-12-12 and, get this-----his birth certificate shows that he was born at 12:12. I guess there's no need to ask what his favorite number is!! Or to mention how jealous I am. I, however, was born on August 30th, and so to this day I have friends friends from high school who tell me that they think of me if they notice it says 8:30 on the clock. I'm sooo annoying with this number thing!!!

I have a funny story for you. Yesterday somehow it came up that I don't live with my parents (I love how that's always shocking information to second-graders!). One of the kids asked who I live with. I pointed to myself. Upon figuring this all out, the child said, "Wait! So you get to play video games alllll daayyyyy???" I had to disappoint her by telling her that I don't own a video game system (although I must admit that I'd LOVE to have that one that has the Just Dance, or whatever it's called, program. I'd totally ROCK that!!!) But is it not hilarious that the kids would think that because I don't have parents or brothers/sisters in my house that I must play video games all day long. I thought that was both hilarious and genius!

Okay----I think I've rambled on enough to make up for my lack of posts the last 2 days. Until tomorrow...

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