Hi all!!! So, I was downtown to see the musical "Kinky Boots" yesterday during the Bears game, but when I watched the news last night I thought, "Whoa! Thank goodness I remembered to post my good lucks to them on Friday!!" The game was a squeaker, and I don't mean to imply that the fact that I had a last-minute memory to wish them luck had anything to do with their last-minute field goal to victory........but if they go to the Superbowl, I really should be on a private jet to join them. Holla back if you agree!! Hahahahahahaha!! Just a little humor for you on a Monday!!
Here's something you'll enjoy~ overheard in my classroom today:
"Long, long ago they [classrooms] used to have chalkboards." (I laughed a little bit at that statement, and then heard:) "What????? It's real!!!!!!!!!"
Then another student:
"In oldie movies, they don't show a whiteboard, it's a CHALKboard!"
Oye---I didn't dare tell them about my stash of chalk in the closet. Occassionally I find a reason to use it because it reminds me of when I first started teaching. Being the person in the room who got to write with the chalk all day was what made my lifelong dream become a realization. All of the hard work, tears and heartbreak all somehow drifted away with that gritty piece of yellow chalk. You know, back in the oldie days. ;)
I just saw an alert that we're going to get some serious winds tonight and into tomorrow as a result of that little lady Sandy making her way up the east coast. Batten down the hatches and hold on to the youngsters!! LOL! In all seriousness, the majority of my relatives are on the east coast, so all good vibes and prayers are being sent their way. I heard on the news this morning that areas may have up to 10 days with no electricity before all is said and done. I can't even begin to imagine. Like I said....good vibes and prayers through the miles that Sandy goes easy on everyone out there.
I know that you're super busy, especially with Halloween being only a matter of hours away, but if you could please fill out the yellow pre-conference note and complete the little "assignment" I'd sent home on Friday (for parents only), I'd be so grateful. There's a bit of time between now and our parent/teacher/student conference, so I'll continue to annoyingly send reminders until I have them all back in. ;)
Until tomorrow....
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