OMG---it's GORGEOUS today! I get to look out my window and see kids participating in gym class and others playing on the playground. I love my classroom. =)
Today in math was the greater-than, less-than, equal to lesson. It's soooo much fun and easy to learn once the kids see the greater-than and less-than symbols as mouths with teeth. Math that's easily picked up, retained and understood-----now that's my kind of math lesson!!!
So did you hear about our big second-grade event yet? I promised I'd hold off until today, in hopes that you heard about it at home last night-----IT'S STARLAB WEEK!! For those who are unfamiliar with this excitement---Starlab is a gigantic dome-like structure that gets blown up in our gym and becomes a magical indoor planetarium. The younger kids see the Starlab in the gym at this time each year, but it's not until the BIG 2 (second grade) that the students are able to go in and see its mysteries revealed. Having the Starlab on loan from the Regional Office of Education provides us an amazing opportunity to share the stars and constellations with our students in a way we would not otherwise be able to during our unit on light and stars. Not to mention the fact that it is just super-duper cool!!
Lastly, since it's Boss's Day, I thought I'd just "publicly" state that I have THE BEST boss in the entire world! She completely understands what this job entails, which means she "gets" us---the behind-closed-doors laughter, tears, and sometimes complete lack of sanity...the whole kit-n-caboodle of emotions that we experience! She trusts in our teaching and professionalism; she let's us be ourselves while supporting what is best for our students and she cares. For me personally, she lets me run when I get wild ideas, which I know others would squash--but she lets me fly, and for that, I will forever be grateful. We are a very, very, very blessed school! I thank God every single day for this job, my students, their families and my beyond amazing boss!
Happy Boss's Day to anyone reading this who may be a leader in their field as well!
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