I keep looking out the window wondering what's going on with the temperature. On the radio this morning they said that it will drop 30 degrees before the end of the day. Yikes! That's allotta degrees!! ;)
I hope you heard about our bucket-filling assembly from yesterday. It was so cute today---as I was cutting through the gym during the first-graders' lunch, some of them stopped me to talk about it. I'm glad it had some sort of impact on them. It's definitely something that can carry through to home. The second-graders and I talked about it at the end of the day today. I showed them some ideas that other schools have used in their classrooms. I asked them to think about what they'd seen, to let it soak in, sleep on it and then we'll talk more tomorrow in case they come up with some other fresh ideas. I know that some of the kids have already written me notes with suggestions. I can't wait to read them.
So tomorrow is report card day. I'll be giving the kids a chat about the importance of not showing their report card to ANYONE before they can look at it with a parent. I'll be sure to tell them that if parents then want to share the info on it with grandparents, etc, that that of course is fine, but I just want to convery that the children are not to show it to anyone or take it out of the envelope, even if an adult (who is not a parent) asks to see it. Please look it over with your child and discuss areas of strength and those that can use some additional work. I'll be having that exact same conversation next week, so hopefully hearing it come from both you and me will be beneficial. In addition to your child's report card, there will also be a small "assignment" in your child's mail for you to do. Please send it back in to me as soon as you're able. It's something that I'll be using at our parent/teacher/student conference. Speaking of the conference------you'll remember from Curriculum Night that I'd mentioned that I would like your child to come as well. I know that this is different from what you've done in the past, and probably different from what you'll do in the future, but if you haven't figured it out by now, I'm a little bit different than the rest of the pack. ;) So please plan on bringing your child to our scheduled November conference. Thank you!
Have a good night----and be sure to pull out the flannel jammies for tonight. LOL!
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