There are some people who are number people, and there are some who are not. I fall in the "number people" category. Mind you, this does not mean that I am a MATH person---no no no! I mean, I'm not the world's worst~ I love logic, so where it can be applied (like algebra), I love it. Where it cannot be applied....(like in geometry with all of its proofs....ugh...I shutter to remember....) I don't love it. Now, all of you geometry lovers, no hate mail please. I'm sure that in some fashion, in some bizzarro world, some people would say that geometry and its proofs are logic-driven, but after all of my years on earth, I'm going to choose to ignore such rubbish. ;)
So, why am I drudging up these painful memories of high-school math you ask? I do so to point out that today is one of those days which we number people totally (and geekily) dig: 11-12-13. And since there's only one more to come in this century, I am cherishing it all the more. So there it is: I've exposed the uber-nerd inside of me. Not to worry, I'm certain that if you give it a minute, my inner uber-dork will surface and all of the universe will be restored!
On an unrelated topic: A note to anyone who reads my posts early after I've published them. Many days by the time I'm sitting down to collect my thoughts and debrief my day (aka conduct my own form of therapeutic writing), my eyes are quite weary, not to mention my brain. I point this out in hopes that you all will cut me some slack in both my composition of thoughts and the grammatical rules which I often break while composing. Occasionally in the evenings I'll go back and reread what I've written. Often I find many mistakes and do my best to fix them up, all the while hoping that my readers have not yet checked in on me and discovered my lack of proofreading skills (I write as I'm proofreading this for the third time!). Last night, I wasn't at all happy with the randomness of my writing, so I went in and did a mini-overhaul. I point all of this out, simply to let you know that if there are errors or thoughts which appear cuckoo for cocopuffs....well, now you know why. It has nothing to do with my inner cuckoo, just my brain's feeble attempt at slowing down!! =) On that note.....enjoy the evening!
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