Happy Veterans' Day!!! What an amazing day we have to think about, honor and show our gratitude to some of the most important people in our country, our veterans! Today we had an assembly where our local veterans came to speak to the kids about their service. From the minute they entered the gym presenting the flag, my eyes welled up. I can't help but think of my grandfather who was a WWII vet. My family is originally from upstate New York, so I didn't have the privilege of growing up with my extended family. We would visit every couple of years and when I was on my own, I went out to see everyone as often possible. It was in those last few years of my grandfather's life when I finally wised up enough to ask him about his service and write down every word that came out of his mouth. I cherish those memories and notes. Upon his passing, I was sure to take his military uniform home with me. Seeing those "grandpas" come into our school each Veterans' Day always gives me a moment to feel my grandfather's presence and honor his memory.
As I reflect on the service the veterans have given, I can't begin to imagine the impact that seeing combat takes on one's life. I can't imagine that they can possibly come home as the same people who left, but I will be forever grateful and humbled by those who, at some point in their lives , saw it beneficial to put others before themselves.
Below is a picture from today. Such sweet and beautiful men. They had fun chiding each other based on the various branches of the military they served. It was so cute! Toward the end of the assembly, they thanked us for having them come to school, and then we heard one little voice say, "Thank you." That opened the gates for many, many more little voices to call out their thanks and, well, forget it----holding back the tears was a lost cause at that point. It was a touching end to a special event at school.
God bless our veterans and those who currently serve, as well as their patient and loving families! |
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