Happy November! One of my favortie things to do is turning over the calendar to a new page. Throughout each month, the llittle boxes get sooo booked up, by the end of hte month the calendar looks like it's been trhough a war. Then I turn to the new month and, while it has some things writtne down, it still looks so calm and pleasant. And November is especially lucky because it has Thanksgiving written on its page!!
Today went surprisingly well. The day after Halloween always goes one of two ways: the kids are super sugared up and still hyper from the holiday or they're on their sugar crash and feeling mellow. Today was a bit of a ride down the middle of the two. The kids came in wanting to talk a lot about last night, which is great, but then were able to focus and get down to business. I, on the other hand, am having one of those "I'm hanging on until 3:20" days. I cashed out early on the couch last night--the kind of sleep where you wake up and can't figure out where you are or why you're there. Then I decided to stop fighting it and just go to bed, and of course, then couldn't fall back to sleep.
On top of everything, today is report card day!! I always give the kids a little chit-chat on report card day to remind them of a few things. First being: report cards are important, but at this point, we are in a new quarter. I ask the kids to talk over their report cards with their parents and make some decisions: what they liked and hope to maintain and perhaps, what they'd like to improve upon. Even a student with the highest marks possible needs to work to maintain them and everyone should always always work toward improvements. Secondly: report cards are private; they are between the kids, their parents and me. I tell the kids that they are not to open their report cards unless they are with their parents, even if a babysitter, someone on the bus, a play date's parent, etc ask to see it. I tell them that I've given them the rule that they are not to open it until the are with their parents. At that point, if their parents want to share the news, that is their business, but kids should not be letting others look. Finally-we discuss the importance of not bragging. We talk about pride vs. bragging and that it is very special and important to feel proud of one's accomplishments, but not to the harm or hurt of others. The kids responded very well to our conversation, and I'm certain that they will handle themselves with the good character and grace that I've grown accustomed to witnessing every day in my classroom.
Have a wonderful weekend! Mitchell out....
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