Happy Halloween!! What a fun day we've had. Of course Penelope the Praying Mantis had to greet the children (on the Smartboard) with Halloween greetings when they arrived this morning. Then I surprised them by completely abandoning our regular morning routine for something called Pumpkin Math and Science. As a class we predicted, graphed and learned all about our classroom pumpkin. We discovered how much it weighed (14 pounds), if it would sink or float when put in a bucket of water (do you know what would happen???), how many seeds it had in it (338), what would happen when we put a lit candle inside and put the lid back on top (hmmm...any thoughts??), and then finally our pumpkin met its ultimate fate by being carved into a jack-o-lantern with the winning facial features as graphed by the kids (triangle eyes and nose and scary mouth---well, as scary as my meager artwork allows for). It was very, very fun and encompassed the entire morning and a smidge of the afternoon.
Then the big moment----the parade and party. Each year as I lead the kids through the crowds of folks who come to the parade, I choose to see it as my annual visit from the paparazzi. I figure it's the closest I'll ever get, so why not enjoy?? LOL! While we were out being greeted by our adoring fans, the lovely room moms were preparing for a rip-roaring party. It was great. The kids were so well behaved. I was very proud of them. We all owe a GIGANTIC thank-you to the moms who planned and executed the party as well as all of the parents who sent in donations to make it a great success!! Mrs. B., Mrs. C., Mrs. D., and Mrs. S.---thank you for braving our second-grade classroom on the afternoon of Halloween and giving the kids such a fun afternoon!!
That's it from here. I'm going to finish taking down all of my classroom Halloween decorations and head out for the night. I hope you all heard about our fun day! Have a spook-tac-ular night!
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Tuesday, 10/30/12
Did you have the type of day that can only be blamed on a full moon? Because I sure did!!! It all started with the people driving like crazies on the way to work this morning. I had to make a run to Christy's for soup at lunch in hopes of that making this day better. (Have you ever had their soup? It could solve all of the world's problems--it's that good!!) It was delightful, but more than anything I just need today to end and to have a do-over tomorrow. Just my luck that my do-over day will be Halloween. The kids will be calm all day, right???? Haha! I joke, I joke. Actually I'm looking forward to tomorrow. I have a fun morning planned if all goes well, and then the afternoon will be run by the UH-MAY-ZING party parents. I get to hang back and take pictures while they create a magically fun time for the kids.
On that note, I'm going to wrap up today and return it to sender. ;)
On that note, I'm going to wrap up today and return it to sender. ;)
Monday, October 29, 2012
Monday, 10/29/12
Hi all!!! So, I was downtown to see the musical "Kinky Boots" yesterday during the Bears game, but when I watched the news last night I thought, "Whoa! Thank goodness I remembered to post my good lucks to them on Friday!!" The game was a squeaker, and I don't mean to imply that the fact that I had a last-minute memory to wish them luck had anything to do with their last-minute field goal to victory........but if they go to the Superbowl, I really should be on a private jet to join them. Holla back if you agree!! Hahahahahahaha!! Just a little humor for you on a Monday!!
Here's something you'll enjoy~ overheard in my classroom today:
"Long, long ago they [classrooms] used to have chalkboards." (I laughed a little bit at that statement, and then heard:) "What????? It's real!!!!!!!!!"
Then another student:
"In oldie movies, they don't show a whiteboard, it's a CHALKboard!"
Oye---I didn't dare tell them about my stash of chalk in the closet. Occassionally I find a reason to use it because it reminds me of when I first started teaching. Being the person in the room who got to write with the chalk all day was what made my lifelong dream become a realization. All of the hard work, tears and heartbreak all somehow drifted away with that gritty piece of yellow chalk. You know, back in the oldie days. ;)
I just saw an alert that we're going to get some serious winds tonight and into tomorrow as a result of that little lady Sandy making her way up the east coast. Batten down the hatches and hold on to the youngsters!! LOL! In all seriousness, the majority of my relatives are on the east coast, so all good vibes and prayers are being sent their way. I heard on the news this morning that areas may have up to 10 days with no electricity before all is said and done. I can't even begin to imagine. Like I said....good vibes and prayers through the miles that Sandy goes easy on everyone out there.
I know that you're super busy, especially with Halloween being only a matter of hours away, but if you could please fill out the yellow pre-conference note and complete the little "assignment" I'd sent home on Friday (for parents only), I'd be so grateful. There's a bit of time between now and our parent/teacher/student conference, so I'll continue to annoyingly send reminders until I have them all back in. ;)
Until tomorrow....
Here's something you'll enjoy~ overheard in my classroom today:
"Long, long ago they [classrooms] used to have chalkboards." (I laughed a little bit at that statement, and then heard:) "What????? It's real!!!!!!!!!"
Then another student:
"In oldie movies, they don't show a whiteboard, it's a CHALKboard!"
Oye---I didn't dare tell them about my stash of chalk in the closet. Occassionally I find a reason to use it because it reminds me of when I first started teaching. Being the person in the room who got to write with the chalk all day was what made my lifelong dream become a realization. All of the hard work, tears and heartbreak all somehow drifted away with that gritty piece of yellow chalk. You know, back in the oldie days. ;)
I just saw an alert that we're going to get some serious winds tonight and into tomorrow as a result of that little lady Sandy making her way up the east coast. Batten down the hatches and hold on to the youngsters!! LOL! In all seriousness, the majority of my relatives are on the east coast, so all good vibes and prayers are being sent their way. I heard on the news this morning that areas may have up to 10 days with no electricity before all is said and done. I can't even begin to imagine. Like I said....good vibes and prayers through the miles that Sandy goes easy on everyone out there.
I know that you're super busy, especially with Halloween being only a matter of hours away, but if you could please fill out the yellow pre-conference note and complete the little "assignment" I'd sent home on Friday (for parents only), I'd be so grateful. There's a bit of time between now and our parent/teacher/student conference, so I'll continue to annoyingly send reminders until I have them all back in. ;)
Until tomorrow....
Friday, October 26, 2012
No jinx, no jinx, no jinx!!!
OMG------I posted without saying
The only time they've lost is when I didn't blog them luck. Now, I'm not superstitious (kinda), but if they lost and I hadn't blogged them luck, well, how could I face you all on Monday??
I'm just so thankful it hit me before I shut down for the night.
Phew---we can all rest easy now.
The only time they've lost is when I didn't blog them luck. Now, I'm not superstitious (kinda), but if they lost and I hadn't blogged them luck, well, how could I face you all on Monday??
I'm just so thankful it hit me before I shut down for the night.
Phew---we can all rest easy now.
Friday, 10/26/12
I know I prattle on about the weather, but I just have to tell you this. When I left Itasca last night, my car said it was 76 degrees. By the time I drove the 4 miles home to Roselle, it had dropped to 65!!! Eleven degrees in four miles--is that crazy, or what??
Check out Penelope the Praying Mantis and her message for the kids this morning:
Pretty funny, right? Just so you know, I gave the kids strict instructions that they are not to let anyone see their report card until you've seen it. We talked about how it is private information. We also discussed that what is on their report card is about first quarter, and first quarter is over. It is time to use that information to set some goals; to work to either maintain how they did or work toward some improvements. Either way, work will be needed.
I brought in a pumpkin to our classroom this morning and you'd have thought I performed a miracle. It was hilarious to listen to the kids. They asked where it came from, if it was real and if it was staying in our classroom. Oh, it truly is the simple things in life, eh?
We had a fire drill this afternoon (the fire dept came out to see how well we do our drills). It went flawlessly. The kids were a little chilly, but I explained that we have to be prepared no matter the weather. They stood quietly and patiently. They definitely filled my bucket! ;)
I'm off to clean up this room and start the weekend. It definitely cannot start a second too soon!!!!
Enjoy the weekend!
Check out Penelope the Praying Mantis and her message for the kids this morning:
Pretty funny, right? Just so you know, I gave the kids strict instructions that they are not to let anyone see their report card until you've seen it. We talked about how it is private information. We also discussed that what is on their report card is about first quarter, and first quarter is over. It is time to use that information to set some goals; to work to either maintain how they did or work toward some improvements. Either way, work will be needed.
I brought in a pumpkin to our classroom this morning and you'd have thought I performed a miracle. It was hilarious to listen to the kids. They asked where it came from, if it was real and if it was staying in our classroom. Oh, it truly is the simple things in life, eh?
We had a fire drill this afternoon (the fire dept came out to see how well we do our drills). It went flawlessly. The kids were a little chilly, but I explained that we have to be prepared no matter the weather. They stood quietly and patiently. They definitely filled my bucket! ;)
I'm off to clean up this room and start the weekend. It definitely cannot start a second too soon!!!!
Enjoy the weekend!
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Thursday, 10/25/12
I keep looking out the window wondering what's going on with the temperature. On the radio this morning they said that it will drop 30 degrees before the end of the day. Yikes! That's allotta degrees!! ;)
I hope you heard about our bucket-filling assembly from yesterday. It was so cute today---as I was cutting through the gym during the first-graders' lunch, some of them stopped me to talk about it. I'm glad it had some sort of impact on them. It's definitely something that can carry through to home. The second-graders and I talked about it at the end of the day today. I showed them some ideas that other schools have used in their classrooms. I asked them to think about what they'd seen, to let it soak in, sleep on it and then we'll talk more tomorrow in case they come up with some other fresh ideas. I know that some of the kids have already written me notes with suggestions. I can't wait to read them.
So tomorrow is report card day. I'll be giving the kids a chat about the importance of not showing their report card to ANYONE before they can look at it with a parent. I'll be sure to tell them that if parents then want to share the info on it with grandparents, etc, that that of course is fine, but I just want to convery that the children are not to show it to anyone or take it out of the envelope, even if an adult (who is not a parent) asks to see it. Please look it over with your child and discuss areas of strength and those that can use some additional work. I'll be having that exact same conversation next week, so hopefully hearing it come from both you and me will be beneficial. In addition to your child's report card, there will also be a small "assignment" in your child's mail for you to do. Please send it back in to me as soon as you're able. It's something that I'll be using at our parent/teacher/student conference. Speaking of the conference------you'll remember from Curriculum Night that I'd mentioned that I would like your child to come as well. I know that this is different from what you've done in the past, and probably different from what you'll do in the future, but if you haven't figured it out by now, I'm a little bit different than the rest of the pack. ;) So please plan on bringing your child to our scheduled November conference. Thank you!
Have a good night----and be sure to pull out the flannel jammies for tonight. LOL!
I hope you heard about our bucket-filling assembly from yesterday. It was so cute today---as I was cutting through the gym during the first-graders' lunch, some of them stopped me to talk about it. I'm glad it had some sort of impact on them. It's definitely something that can carry through to home. The second-graders and I talked about it at the end of the day today. I showed them some ideas that other schools have used in their classrooms. I asked them to think about what they'd seen, to let it soak in, sleep on it and then we'll talk more tomorrow in case they come up with some other fresh ideas. I know that some of the kids have already written me notes with suggestions. I can't wait to read them.
So tomorrow is report card day. I'll be giving the kids a chat about the importance of not showing their report card to ANYONE before they can look at it with a parent. I'll be sure to tell them that if parents then want to share the info on it with grandparents, etc, that that of course is fine, but I just want to convery that the children are not to show it to anyone or take it out of the envelope, even if an adult (who is not a parent) asks to see it. Please look it over with your child and discuss areas of strength and those that can use some additional work. I'll be having that exact same conversation next week, so hopefully hearing it come from both you and me will be beneficial. In addition to your child's report card, there will also be a small "assignment" in your child's mail for you to do. Please send it back in to me as soon as you're able. It's something that I'll be using at our parent/teacher/student conference. Speaking of the conference------you'll remember from Curriculum Night that I'd mentioned that I would like your child to come as well. I know that this is different from what you've done in the past, and probably different from what you'll do in the future, but if you haven't figured it out by now, I'm a little bit different than the rest of the pack. ;) So please plan on bringing your child to our scheduled November conference. Thank you!
Have a good night----and be sure to pull out the flannel jammies for tonight. LOL!
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Wednesday, 10/24/12
So here it is---what I've been dying to tell you about---we are now all BUCKET FILLERS!! (Hooray!! wait! what?????? Bucket fillers????)
There is a great series of books that are being used in schools and within families which encourage people to fill each other's buckets. I read the first in the series to the entire school at our Character Counts assembly this afternoon. It introduces the concept and is aimed for children from the ages of birth through seven.
“Bucket filling” is simply making others feel good through kind words and non-verbal actions. Encouraging children to be a ‘bucket filler’ or reinforcing their 'bucket-filling' behaviors will help develop their awareness of the importance of building others up, while also teaching them the intrinsic reward they themselves receive while filling another’s “bucket.” There is also a piece which points out and discourages ‘bucket dippers/ bucket dipping,’ (pretty much anything that is the opposite of bucket filling) as well as an aspect of using your bucket’s “lid,” in essence, allowing you to protect yourself from harmful words by “closing your bucket,” therefore creating a resilience to it being “dipped into.” It's a pretty great concept for children of any age, and particularly those here at Benson. I'm not exactly sure where I'm going to take this with my class. I'm going to look to them for some guidance; so often I get the best ideas through conversations with the kids. I'll keep you posted on what we come up with. I sure hope you hear about it at home tonight!!!
Great news regarding homework!! The reading assignment has been cancelled. Whoop Whoop!! The weather is too amazing for reading indoors so the assignment is now to go outside and soak in what is probably one of the last gorgeous days of the year.
That's all for now. I'm going to go out and complete that same assignment myself this afternoon.
There is a great series of books that are being used in schools and within families which encourage people to fill each other's buckets. I read the first in the series to the entire school at our Character Counts assembly this afternoon. It introduces the concept and is aimed for children from the ages of birth through seven.
“Bucket filling” is simply making others feel good through kind words and non-verbal actions. Encouraging children to be a ‘bucket filler’ or reinforcing their 'bucket-filling' behaviors will help develop their awareness of the importance of building others up, while also teaching them the intrinsic reward they themselves receive while filling another’s “bucket.” There is also a piece which points out and discourages ‘bucket dippers/ bucket dipping,’ (pretty much anything that is the opposite of bucket filling) as well as an aspect of using your bucket’s “lid,” in essence, allowing you to protect yourself from harmful words by “closing your bucket,” therefore creating a resilience to it being “dipped into.” It's a pretty great concept for children of any age, and particularly those here at Benson. I'm not exactly sure where I'm going to take this with my class. I'm going to look to them for some guidance; so often I get the best ideas through conversations with the kids. I'll keep you posted on what we come up with. I sure hope you hear about it at home tonight!!!
Great news regarding homework!! The reading assignment has been cancelled. Whoop Whoop!! The weather is too amazing for reading indoors so the assignment is now to go outside and soak in what is probably one of the last gorgeous days of the year.
That's all for now. I'm going to go out and complete that same assignment myself this afternoon.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Tuesday, 10/23/12
How about those storms last night!? Yikes!! When I woke up at 4:15 a.m., my power was out. I called to report it, and apparently there was a downed wire. Com Ed projected the power would be back on by 6:15 a.m., but it came back on at 5:15!!! I was very impressed and incredibly thankful for the brave Com Ed workers who were out in that mess to take care of me. Props to any Com Edders out there!! You're abundantly appreciated!!!
Need I even mention how AWESOME our classroom Bears graph looks!? Oooohhh--soooo exciting! I must admit, I didn't see a ton of the game because I was watching the debates, but the parts I saw were amazing! It looked like Peanut was on fire!!! Love it!
Nothing too exciting to report from room 16 today. It was a good day-----I'm getting prepped to introduce something pretty cool (at least I hope it will be) to the entire school tomorrow, so tune in for the big reveal! =)
Last thing---tomorrow is our first Character Counts assembly for the year. We'll be celebrating Respect, so the color is yellow. Everyone is invited to wear yellow for the celebration.
K---that's all for now.......see you tomrorow!
Need I even mention how AWESOME our classroom Bears graph looks!? Oooohhh--soooo exciting! I must admit, I didn't see a ton of the game because I was watching the debates, but the parts I saw were amazing! It looked like Peanut was on fire!!! Love it!
Nothing too exciting to report from room 16 today. It was a good day-----I'm getting prepped to introduce something pretty cool (at least I hope it will be) to the entire school tomorrow, so tune in for the big reveal! =)
Last thing---tomorrow is our first Character Counts assembly for the year. We'll be celebrating Respect, so the color is yellow. Everyone is invited to wear yellow for the celebration.
K---that's all for now.......see you tomrorow!
Monday, October 22, 2012
Monday, 10/22/12
You'll never guess how my day started out------with a Hob Goblin visit!! Like I've mentioned, Halloween is not my favorite holiday, but working in a primary building, how can I not love little things like when a first-grader runs into my room with the Hob Goblin paper (and some treats!!) and runs back out as quickly as she came, giggling all the way. Not a shabby way to start off a gloomy Monday morning!!! One of the many blessings I'll be counting today! =)
It's the beginning of second quarter already, which means we are entering into the tenth week of school. It's right about now that the time starts to speed up and before we know it, June will be upon us. With the start of a new quarter I like to do some changing up of things. This morning we changed our desk arrangement in the room. I typically like to change fairly often, but the way I had it before was working wonders, and I learned long ago not to fix what's not broken. Despite that philosophy, boredom had set in and I was in need of a change, as were the kids, I'm sure. Later in the week and into next week as well, we will do a few other "new quarter" activities as well. Desks being cleaned out it tops on my priority list.
Report cards come out on Friday. I love to joke with the kids that there will be fear throughout the land as report card day draws closer, but of course in all honesty, the kids are doing great. There's always room for improvement, which is also a conversation on the new-quarter to-do list, but there are significant accomplishments for which everyone deserves to feel great pride as well. I will continuously be reminding you that the work is slowly starting to increase in difficulty, and today started off a clean slate of grades, which means whatever appears on first quarter's report card is not guaranteed to reappear on second quarter's. Please review the work in your child's folder as often as possible. It will give you a great indication of how he/she is performing in school and how he/she is handling the work as it does get a bit more difficult as time goes on.
So now to the complication of my night-----Bears game or presidential debate???? Plus I've got a ton of work to do, so I'm going to hop off the computer to try to get some of that done here in just a second. Then the decision---I'm sure I'll watch the debate and then flip back to the game when it's over. The election is entirely too important to not fully educate myself and then watch how the contenders react to questions and situations.
Have a great night!!!
Goooooo Bearsssssss!!!!! Let's get another win to add to that graph!
It's the beginning of second quarter already, which means we are entering into the tenth week of school. It's right about now that the time starts to speed up and before we know it, June will be upon us. With the start of a new quarter I like to do some changing up of things. This morning we changed our desk arrangement in the room. I typically like to change fairly often, but the way I had it before was working wonders, and I learned long ago not to fix what's not broken. Despite that philosophy, boredom had set in and I was in need of a change, as were the kids, I'm sure. Later in the week and into next week as well, we will do a few other "new quarter" activities as well. Desks being cleaned out it tops on my priority list.
Report cards come out on Friday. I love to joke with the kids that there will be fear throughout the land as report card day draws closer, but of course in all honesty, the kids are doing great. There's always room for improvement, which is also a conversation on the new-quarter to-do list, but there are significant accomplishments for which everyone deserves to feel great pride as well. I will continuously be reminding you that the work is slowly starting to increase in difficulty, and today started off a clean slate of grades, which means whatever appears on first quarter's report card is not guaranteed to reappear on second quarter's. Please review the work in your child's folder as often as possible. It will give you a great indication of how he/she is performing in school and how he/she is handling the work as it does get a bit more difficult as time goes on.
So now to the complication of my night-----Bears game or presidential debate???? Plus I've got a ton of work to do, so I'm going to hop off the computer to try to get some of that done here in just a second. Then the decision---I'm sure I'll watch the debate and then flip back to the game when it's over. The election is entirely too important to not fully educate myself and then watch how the contenders react to questions and situations.
Have a great night!!!
Goooooo Bearsssssss!!!!! Let's get another win to add to that graph!
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Thursday, 10/18/12
Well, today was our final hurrah in Starlab. It's been a fun experience. I hope you've heard a lot about it . I've enjoyed sharing the fun with the kids. Back to "normal" life next week.
Today we had yet another exciting event! The drama class from Lake Park came over and performed their completely original play "The Untold Stories of Disney." The LP students wrote, directed and acted in the play. It was such a great example of creativity and the importance of the arts for our young audience. I hope our kids were inspired. Kudos to Lake Park for having such a great program available to their students.
Tomorrow is an institute day, so while everyone's at home in the their pj's----- please be thinking of me.....in a 6-hour long meeting......... (have I earned any sympathy out there???? LOL!)
Have a great weekend!!!
![]() |
Starlab!!!! |
Today we had yet another exciting event! The drama class from Lake Park came over and performed their completely original play "The Untold Stories of Disney." The LP students wrote, directed and acted in the play. It was such a great example of creativity and the importance of the arts for our young audience. I hope our kids were inspired. Kudos to Lake Park for having such a great program available to their students.
Tomorrow is an institute day, so while everyone's at home in the their pj's----- please be thinking of me.....in a 6-hour long meeting......... (have I earned any sympathy out there???? LOL!)
Have a great weekend!!!
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Wednesday, 10/17/12
Today was one of those days where I wonder if there's a full moon. Just felt like things were off all around. The great news---tomorrow is a new day!! I love a good do-over, don't you? Now I've got music jamming in my classroom and as soon as I hit 'publish' I'll start cleaning up after my day--which is known in my world as therapy, then I'll go workout and all will be well with the world. Phew!!!! ;)
We had an extra-long time in Starlab today. I wish you could hear the "oohhs" and "aahhs" that I hear when I change out the cylinders to show the outlines of the constellations. They rival those heard at fireworks displays, I swear! Sadly, tomorrow is our last day, so we'll have to make it a good one.
Today a form came home from the IEPTO and Market Day for a special pie sale. I've ordered the pies in the past, and I can vouch for the fact that they are GOOD! They help fill the gaping hole that Bakers Square has left in our lives. And, as it turns out, the class that turns in the highest number pie orders gets a pizza party. Just puttin it out there if you're thinking to the holidays.
I'm off to crank up the music and clean!! Have a good night!
We had an extra-long time in Starlab today. I wish you could hear the "oohhs" and "aahhs" that I hear when I change out the cylinders to show the outlines of the constellations. They rival those heard at fireworks displays, I swear! Sadly, tomorrow is our last day, so we'll have to make it a good one.
Today a form came home from the IEPTO and Market Day for a special pie sale. I've ordered the pies in the past, and I can vouch for the fact that they are GOOD! They help fill the gaping hole that Bakers Square has left in our lives. And, as it turns out, the class that turns in the highest number pie orders gets a pizza party. Just puttin it out there if you're thinking to the holidays.
I'm off to crank up the music and clean!! Have a good night!
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Tuesday, 10/16/12
OMG---it's GORGEOUS today! I get to look out my window and see kids participating in gym class and others playing on the playground. I love my classroom. =)
Today in math was the greater-than, less-than, equal to lesson. It's soooo much fun and easy to learn once the kids see the greater-than and less-than symbols as mouths with teeth. Math that's easily picked up, retained and understood-----now that's my kind of math lesson!!!
So did you hear about our big second-grade event yet? I promised I'd hold off until today, in hopes that you heard about it at home last night-----IT'S STARLAB WEEK!! For those who are unfamiliar with this excitement---Starlab is a gigantic dome-like structure that gets blown up in our gym and becomes a magical indoor planetarium. The younger kids see the Starlab in the gym at this time each year, but it's not until the BIG 2 (second grade) that the students are able to go in and see its mysteries revealed. Having the Starlab on loan from the Regional Office of Education provides us an amazing opportunity to share the stars and constellations with our students in a way we would not otherwise be able to during our unit on light and stars. Not to mention the fact that it is just super-duper cool!!
Lastly, since it's Boss's Day, I thought I'd just "publicly" state that I have THE BEST boss in the entire world! She completely understands what this job entails, which means she "gets" us---the behind-closed-doors laughter, tears, and sometimes complete lack of sanity...the whole kit-n-caboodle of emotions that we experience! She trusts in our teaching and professionalism; she let's us be ourselves while supporting what is best for our students and she cares. For me personally, she lets me run when I get wild ideas, which I know others would squash--but she lets me fly, and for that, I will forever be grateful. We are a very, very, very blessed school! I thank God every single day for this job, my students, their families and my beyond amazing boss!
Happy Boss's Day to anyone reading this who may be a leader in their field as well!
Today in math was the greater-than, less-than, equal to lesson. It's soooo much fun and easy to learn once the kids see the greater-than and less-than symbols as mouths with teeth. Math that's easily picked up, retained and understood-----now that's my kind of math lesson!!!
So did you hear about our big second-grade event yet? I promised I'd hold off until today, in hopes that you heard about it at home last night-----IT'S STARLAB WEEK!! For those who are unfamiliar with this excitement---Starlab is a gigantic dome-like structure that gets blown up in our gym and becomes a magical indoor planetarium. The younger kids see the Starlab in the gym at this time each year, but it's not until the BIG 2 (second grade) that the students are able to go in and see its mysteries revealed. Having the Starlab on loan from the Regional Office of Education provides us an amazing opportunity to share the stars and constellations with our students in a way we would not otherwise be able to during our unit on light and stars. Not to mention the fact that it is just super-duper cool!!
Lastly, since it's Boss's Day, I thought I'd just "publicly" state that I have THE BEST boss in the entire world! She completely understands what this job entails, which means she "gets" us---the behind-closed-doors laughter, tears, and sometimes complete lack of sanity...the whole kit-n-caboodle of emotions that we experience! She trusts in our teaching and professionalism; she let's us be ourselves while supporting what is best for our students and she cares. For me personally, she lets me run when I get wild ideas, which I know others would squash--but she lets me fly, and for that, I will forever be grateful. We are a very, very, very blessed school! I thank God every single day for this job, my students, their families and my beyond amazing boss!
Happy Boss's Day to anyone reading this who may be a leader in their field as well!
Monday, October 15, 2012
Monday, 10/15/12
It's Monday again. I will never understand how Mondays reoccur so frequently, yet Fridays always feel years away. Well, this week may be different for a couple of reasons. First being that the kids don't have school on Friday due to a teacher institute day. Short weeks when we have Monday off always feel incredibly long, but when there's a Friday off, they tend to fly by. Secondly, we have a BIG event happening at school this week for second-graders. I don't want to mention what it is yet. I want the kids to be able to share it with you first-hand, but I'll be sure to let you in on it tomorrow.
In math we're getting into place value. I find myself constantly reminding the kids that we've reached the point in math where it's not just a matter of finding numbers and then deciding if we add or subtract; we're now to the point where THINKING needs to be involved. Any reinforcement you could give in this area would be appreciated. As you look through your child's math papers when they come home, more often than not, I'll bet you'll discover any errors made were due to lack of slowed-down, processed thinking, rather than lack of ability. Please review these papers at home and share how beneficial and necessary it is to go slowly and think about math---especially as one gets older and smarter. A simple habit of asking yourself, "Does my answer make sense?" would be great to instill.
Can I just tell you how my day ended? It ended with a random act of kindness. Someone very kind and generous made.....get ready for this......homemade Nutella!! Are you kidding me?? And she decided to send some into school for me because she "just wanted to do something nice" for me. I could just cry--that's the sweetest thing ever. I will be 100% certain to pay this kindness forward. If the kind woman is reading this---please know that your gesture meant loads more to me than chocolaty goodness (although, the chocolaty goodness is also pretty fantastic!!!). Those seemingly "small" acts of kindness truly do stay with you forever, don't they? You never know how you can so easily turn someone's day around. It's very powerful, if you think about it. It's very nice to think about....
Enjoy the evening!
In math we're getting into place value. I find myself constantly reminding the kids that we've reached the point in math where it's not just a matter of finding numbers and then deciding if we add or subtract; we're now to the point where THINKING needs to be involved. Any reinforcement you could give in this area would be appreciated. As you look through your child's math papers when they come home, more often than not, I'll bet you'll discover any errors made were due to lack of slowed-down, processed thinking, rather than lack of ability. Please review these papers at home and share how beneficial and necessary it is to go slowly and think about math---especially as one gets older and smarter. A simple habit of asking yourself, "Does my answer make sense?" would be great to instill.
Can I just tell you how my day ended? It ended with a random act of kindness. Someone very kind and generous made.....get ready for this......homemade Nutella!! Are you kidding me?? And she decided to send some into school for me because she "just wanted to do something nice" for me. I could just cry--that's the sweetest thing ever. I will be 100% certain to pay this kindness forward. If the kind woman is reading this---please know that your gesture meant loads more to me than chocolaty goodness (although, the chocolaty goodness is also pretty fantastic!!!). Those seemingly "small" acts of kindness truly do stay with you forever, don't they? You never know how you can so easily turn someone's day around. It's very powerful, if you think about it. It's very nice to think about....
Enjoy the evening!
Friday, October 12, 2012
Friday, 10/12/12
Howdy and happy Friday! Well, today we had a lock down drill. It is terrifying to think that we live in a time when we need to practice such a thing, but low-and-behold, better safe than sorry. The kids handled it perfectly. I was incredibly proud. Without fail, every year after the drill there are approximately one-and-a-half bazillion "what-if" questions, this year was no different. If that's what it takes to give the kids peace that I'll be protecting them and keeping them safe, then so be it.
To cap off this lovely week, I decided to conduct a little experiment. Recently our classroom VCR/DVD player was connected to the Smartboard so, I had to test it out, right??? I'll give you a hint to what I showed the kids.... "I got a rock."
If you guessed "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown," you're clearly a genius. ;) Oh my gosh, I don't care how old I get, I'm a SUCKER for a Charlie Brown show. These characters are truly timeless. My favorite has always been Sally Brown (my sweet baboo). I remember when the big Peanuts/Character Counts mural was first painted at our school, I was heart-broken that Sally wasn't included. Little did I know that the artist had plans for my Sally. She was on the other wall holding an American flag; two of my favorite things---I could not have been happier!! So back to the movie. The kids were ROLLING with laughter. I wasn't sure-just because I love it doesn't guarantee they will. Is it just special to me because of my childhood? Apparently not----they loved it! One of the zillion reasons why I love them!
Well, I'm not going to postpone the weekend for one minute more. It's supposed to be super rainy---good thing because my house needs a serious cleaning after having house guests last weekend. I'll be lighting some pumpkin candles, getting some pumpkin coffee (have you tried Dunkin Donuts?? It's to-die-for!!) and getting that to-do list conquered. Enjoy!!!!
To cap off this lovely week, I decided to conduct a little experiment. Recently our classroom VCR/DVD player was connected to the Smartboard so, I had to test it out, right??? I'll give you a hint to what I showed the kids.... "I got a rock."
If you guessed "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown," you're clearly a genius. ;) Oh my gosh, I don't care how old I get, I'm a SUCKER for a Charlie Brown show. These characters are truly timeless. My favorite has always been Sally Brown (my sweet baboo). I remember when the big Peanuts/Character Counts mural was first painted at our school, I was heart-broken that Sally wasn't included. Little did I know that the artist had plans for my Sally. She was on the other wall holding an American flag; two of my favorite things---I could not have been happier!! So back to the movie. The kids were ROLLING with laughter. I wasn't sure-just because I love it doesn't guarantee they will. Is it just special to me because of my childhood? Apparently not----they loved it! One of the zillion reasons why I love them!
Well, I'm not going to postpone the weekend for one minute more. It's supposed to be super rainy---good thing because my house needs a serious cleaning after having house guests last weekend. I'll be lighting some pumpkin candles, getting some pumpkin coffee (have you tried Dunkin Donuts?? It's to-die-for!!) and getting that to-do list conquered. Enjoy!!!!
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Thursday, 10/11/12
Happy 10.11.12!!!! How fun is that? I love numbers----patterns in numbers, randomness of numbers, the whole deal. If you hadn't already suspected what a gigantic dork I am...I think I probably just solidified that for you. ;)
Not to overdo it on how much I love the Smartboard, but as I write the kids are waiting for the dismissal bell and a few are currently using something I found to make constellations on the SBoard. I just can't handle how cool this thing is. The kids are super engaged and motivated to learn. I feel about it, as I feel about the millionaire I metioned the other day....where has it been all my life??? Haha!
Not much else to report today. These short weeks feel painfully long--I don't know why, but I know I'm not alone in thinking this. Thankfully tomorrow's Friday. Hopefully something exciting will happen...
Not to overdo it on how much I love the Smartboard, but as I write the kids are waiting for the dismissal bell and a few are currently using something I found to make constellations on the SBoard. I just can't handle how cool this thing is. The kids are super engaged and motivated to learn. I feel about it, as I feel about the millionaire I metioned the other day....where has it been all my life??? Haha!
Not much else to report today. These short weeks feel painfully long--I don't know why, but I know I'm not alone in thinking this. Thankfully tomorrow's Friday. Hopefully something exciting will happen...
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Wednesday, 10/10/12
Not much to write about today. I guess every once in a while, no news is good news. I have a big (although not original) idea brewing in my head that I'm hoping to share with the entire school soon. As the Character Counts coordinator for our school, I am fortunate enough to be able to interact with the entire student body in a way that is uncommon for most classroom teachers. I'll tell you more about it when it all comes together. Tee hee--I love a good cliff-hanger!
There's a school-board meeting tonight. I'm sure they'll be talking more about the deficit we're facing, so if you're looking for something to do, come to Village Hall at7:00.
Until tomorrow...
There's a school-board meeting tonight. I'm sure they'll be talking more about the deficit we're facing, so if you're looking for something to do, come to Village Hall at7:00.
Until tomorrow...
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Tuesday, 10/9/12
Happy Tuesday-that-feels-like-a-Monday!!! Oh my gosh, how great was this weekend? Yes, it was a bit crisp, but it's October, so I guess cooler air is what's to be expected. My parents were in town so we went up to Lake Geneva for the weekend. It was GORGEOUS! The ride up was full of brilliant color. On Sunday we took the 2-hour boat tour of the lake. It had been cloudy in the morning, but the clouds cleared by our 1:00 tour time and it was beyond beautiful! Now I'm just trying to figure out what I've got to do to get myself a house up there...something tells me it will involve either winning the lottery or marrying a millionaire (so if you'd got one of those just hanging around that you're looking to unload...hook a sister up!). =)
Did you happen to catch that Bears game??? Yup! Our classroom graph is going to hit the ceiling this year, I'm completely convinced!! LOVE!!! Next up, the Bulls' pre-season. How lucky are we to live in the greatest sports city in the world!!! God Bless Chi-town!!
Today the kids made a super-cute fall scarecrow craft. It was a major following-directions undertaking, and I'm pleased to say it went very well. I can't wait to get them hung up to decorate our room.
This week's reading textbook story is an interesting photographic essay called "Helping Out." It demonstrates many ways that children can help adults accomplish tasks. I don't know about you, but I plan to take full advantage of this lesson. ;) Just kidding--the kids are AMAZING at helping me out with anything and everything I need. Just this morning I'd misplaced the kids' math pages. One of them suggested to me, "You need a tracking device!!" Do you see what I mean, they help even when I don't ask for it... LOL! There is certainly never a dull moment around here!!!
Well, that's about it from here today. I hope you have a nice evening!
Did you happen to catch that Bears game??? Yup! Our classroom graph is going to hit the ceiling this year, I'm completely convinced!! LOVE!!! Next up, the Bulls' pre-season. How lucky are we to live in the greatest sports city in the world!!! God Bless Chi-town!!
Today the kids made a super-cute fall scarecrow craft. It was a major following-directions undertaking, and I'm pleased to say it went very well. I can't wait to get them hung up to decorate our room.
This week's reading textbook story is an interesting photographic essay called "Helping Out." It demonstrates many ways that children can help adults accomplish tasks. I don't know about you, but I plan to take full advantage of this lesson. ;) Just kidding--the kids are AMAZING at helping me out with anything and everything I need. Just this morning I'd misplaced the kids' math pages. One of them suggested to me, "You need a tracking device!!" Do you see what I mean, they help even when I don't ask for it... LOL! There is certainly never a dull moment around here!!!
Well, that's about it from here today. I hope you have a nice evening!
Friday, October 5, 2012
Friday, 10/5/12
TGIF!!!! And TGIALW (thank goodness it's a long weekend!)!!!!
Today I showed the kids a cool map I have that shows the route Christopher Columbus thought he was taking on that fateful voyage and where he ultimately ended up. Thank goodness for his voyage and the day off of school that we get 500 years later for all of his efforts!!
I continued to do some more learning on the Smartboard today. I looked online and found a lesson on nouns. The kids were able to come up and do some interactive work with it. I feel so blessed to be able to enhance my students' learning with this amazing machine. After many, many years of having nothing more than an overhead projector, this sure is a welcomed change! I know I've still only scratched the surface of its potential, but so far I'm loving the surface!!
While listening to the kids doing their journal reading today, I caught myself feeling so proud of how far their creative skills have come already this year. Some are already using great details, descriptions and comparisons in their writing. I can't wait to see where they take their writing throughout the rest of the year!!
Have a great looooonnnggg weekend, and GO BEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Today I showed the kids a cool map I have that shows the route Christopher Columbus thought he was taking on that fateful voyage and where he ultimately ended up. Thank goodness for his voyage and the day off of school that we get 500 years later for all of his efforts!!
I continued to do some more learning on the Smartboard today. I looked online and found a lesson on nouns. The kids were able to come up and do some interactive work with it. I feel so blessed to be able to enhance my students' learning with this amazing machine. After many, many years of having nothing more than an overhead projector, this sure is a welcomed change! I know I've still only scratched the surface of its potential, but so far I'm loving the surface!!
While listening to the kids doing their journal reading today, I caught myself feeling so proud of how far their creative skills have come already this year. Some are already using great details, descriptions and comparisons in their writing. I can't wait to see where they take their writing throughout the rest of the year!!
Have a great looooonnnggg weekend, and GO BEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Tuesday, 10/2/12
How about them Bears!!! What a great game! And in that crazy stadium in Dallas--and while the players were in PINK! OMG, I just loved it all!! Check out the graph:
A funny side-note about that graph. Do you see the gigantic pine cone that's sitting in front of it? I like it to be laying down so you can see the graph, but mysteriously every single day, it winds up sitting straight up in between the two columns. It was up after school yesterday, so I put it down this morning when I added the C. Within minutes of school starting, it was back up again. I don't know who the little rascal is that prefers it standing up to my liking it laying down.... but our little battle kind of cracks me up!
Today the kids are taking home both a math test and last week's reading assessments. Any time tests come home, it would be great to review them with your child. Test taking skills are developed early and there is much to learn from mistakes. I was very proud of how the children did on the tests, and those who didn't do as well as I'd hoped can definitely learn from the tests that have come home. Any situation can be turned into a positive learning experience when approached from the right angle. When I was a kid and didn't do too great on tests (very often), my dad wouldn't get upset with me (most times), but rather help me learn from what I'd done and encourage me to do better next time. I wasn't the world's greatest student, school did NOT come easy for me, so the understanding that "there's always next time" to learn and improve helped keep me focused on trying harder rather than letting one individual test defeat me.
Monday, October 1, 2012
Monday, 10/1/12
Happy October!
My jr. high language arts teacher, Mrs. Logan, would always write Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit on the board on the first of every month. She insisted it should be the first thing you say on the first of the month so you have good luck. I don't know how true that lesson was, but it has definitely lasted in my memory for all of these years, and I always think of Mrs. Logan on days like today.
Is everyone excited for MNF??? I am!! Although I'll be flipping back and forth between that and The Voice. I'm a sucker for that show. The stories always get me all teared up. GOOOOO BBEARRRRSSS!!! After the Ryder Cup fall-off, we need a victory in Chicago!! Plus I want my Bears graph in the classroom to grow and grow!! 3-1 looks a million times cooler than 2-2.
Have a good night! GO BEARS!!!
My jr. high language arts teacher, Mrs. Logan, would always write Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit on the board on the first of every month. She insisted it should be the first thing you say on the first of the month so you have good luck. I don't know how true that lesson was, but it has definitely lasted in my memory for all of these years, and I always think of Mrs. Logan on days like today.
Before I left school on Friday I decorated the room with fall and Halloween decorations. I've never been a huge Halloween fan, but over the past few years the decorations have become much cuter, so I'm slowly getting on board with this holiday. I even found the following decoration this weekend----if they're going to incorporate shoes into the holiday---I'm on board!!! =)
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Zebra striped and cute boots! How's a girl to resist?? |
Have a good night! GO BEARS!!!
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