Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Wednesday, 4/24/13

This will be brief---my eyeballs are stinging like crazy (if you were at the meeting last night, I know that you are sharing my affliction) and looking at the computer screen is not helping. :/

Today is Administrative Professionals' Day so I want to use my space here to send out a special shout-out (see how hip and trendy I am???) to the ladies who run our school office. Anyone with half a brain (which right now I'm not sure I qualify as) knows the real deal anywhere are the people who run the office; the rest of us just work here. Penny and Domenica are the ladies you see when you come to pick up your children, who you speak with when you call to ask a question and/or call your child in for an absence. That is what it may look like, but let me tell you what really happens. When the staff are losing their ever-living minds (I mean, so I've heard..that doesn't happen around here...), those ladies are who are our sounding boards. I will speak for myself when I tell you that, on the rough days they let me vent, cry, talk nonsense, whatever is needed so that I can return to my kids and teach them without carrying whatever emotions I'd previously been feeling. There is no judgement from our office warriors. They listen to my every "oh my gosh, I have the BEST story" stories when one of my kids does something that blows my socks off. They don't ever tell me that everyone in this building has amazing kids, they let me go on thinking mine are the bees' knees. (uh oh, there goes my hip and trendy thing right out the window!!) I could go on for literally pages about what they do for me/we the adults, but I think it's important to mention what I witness them doing for our children on a daily basis. In the midst of (wo)manning the phones, assisting the adults, constantly fixing the copy machine (should I go on??), they welcome the kids as they enter the building, they watch over the children who are late to be picked up while talking with them and calming their little nerves. They give sweet smiles and tender comments to children who are not feeling well. They know every child's name, most of their siblings' names and often-times----even pet's names. Those ladies protect us from anyone who dares to enter our pure sanctuary of a school. They monitor that front door like SWAT team members, as many of you know--you must prove yourself to get past the "drive-thru" window, as we lovingly call it, and get buzzed into our world. And, AND, they do it all while making it look like it "ain't no big thing." It is said that those who do their jobs best make it look easy. They make it look EASY, while living in a world of non-stop interruption and "emergencies" (and that's just when I walk in!!). So, as I said, let me take this moment to publicly thank Domenica and Penny. They are angels among us, and we who enter this building, be it once-in-a-while or once every single day, should thank our lucky stars that we have such amazing women running the joint!

I said I'd be brief huh???? Well, at this point in our journey together you probably knew what that meant when I got started......settle in, she's about to ramble on!!

Have a good night! Sending out love to you all, especially if you are the lady or fella who runs an office. =)

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