Happy Monday! If you check your child's mail today, you'll see what I spent the better part of two hours doing yesterday (maybe more than 2, I didn't keep close enough track)----GRADING!! With everything that went on last week, the grading of papers had to take a backseat. Heavens did I regret that yesterday! It felt great when it was all done, but eek--that was A LOT of work!! I had the pile of papers on top of the mailboxes this morning and the kids, because they are hilarious..... decided that I did not do enough, I should do more. Luckily--we've been working on critical thinking skills all year because finally someone brilliantly pointed out that, if I have more to grade, it's because they had to do more work. LOL!!! Genius children!! I love them so much! I will miss laughing with them, that's for diggity darn sure!!!
So, dare I mention that we only have 3 Mondays left this year?? Does that make anyone else shutter the way it does me? Okay---here's what it's like for me-----think of the movie "The Lion King." This is one of my very favorite lines from any movie: it's where the hyenas are talking about Mufasa and how powerful he is and one says, "I shutter when I hear that name." The other says, "Mufasa..." So then the first says, "OOOOhhhh (and shutters)--say it again!" That's how I feel: only 3 more Mondays?? Shutter! Say it again!! LOL! "The Lion King" total classic!! If you ever get the chance to see the Broadway version of it----PLEASE do! It's, and I promise I'm not overstating here, UH-MAY-ZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I first saw it from the nose-bleed section, then when it came back I got tickets to bring my parents. For that time I got orchestra seats. I know that my parents probably thought it was going to be some cheese-ball show, but I had one of my very favorite moments in life when I got to watch my parents' faces as the show started and they saw what it was. It's one of those moments when you know you're a "grown-up" because I was able to do that for them. Pretty cool. Isn't it ridiculous that I can start a paragraph talking about how many Mondays are left in the year and it morphs into a personal memory? I've always said that I'm so lucky that I don't teach high school because I'd totally be that teacher that all of the kids would know how to get off of the topic that they were to be learning about. ;)
Ask your kids about when we moved the chrysalises into the butterfly net today. Pretty cool conversations came from that activity (and...AND! they even stayed on topic---proud of me??? I am!! HAHA!)
OOOHH-in case you haven't heard, there's a School Board meeting tomorrow night at Peacock at 5 p.m. Try to come if you can. Like I've said----getting the knowledge first-hand is always best.
Have a good night. I'm off to get a pedicure and then come back for the PTO meeting. I can't wait to get out into the 70 degree weather!! Finally!!!
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