Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Wednesday, 3/6/13

There was a point today where I just sat back and looked at my kids. I saw 3 different circumstances where kids had voluntarily gone to help out their classmates. Now, this may sound like no big deal--'of course they'll go help their friends' you may think, but nay nay, let me share with you that this was NOT "friends" helping "friends." This was sweet, thoughtful children who saw others in the middle of a little struggle and voluntarily went to help out. The "strugglers" knew that this is a space where their challenges are not disrespected, rather understood, therefore trusted the "helper" to assist them. If I could have the X-Ray machine that is used in "How the Grinch Stole Christmas," I think you would have seen my heart grow (at least) three sizes. I always say that my very favorite time of teaching is between Christmas break and spring break and this little story perfectly illustrates why. We are a family in Room 16. We all have quirks, we all have struggles, we all have strengths and we all have hearts, so it is our duty to use all of those attributes to understand and help each other, because as the song says, "For, it won't be long, til I'm gonna need somebody to lean on..."

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