Happy First Day of Spring-----which feels like the first day of winter! Good gravy it's cold out today. And it's probably more of a mental thing that makes it feel so cold. I ran to the post office at lunch and was thinking how, were this a January day, I'd love that the sun was shining but because it's the first day of spring---it's just COLD!! I'm over it and done, let's move on!
Today we had a very successful Character Counts assembly. It's always so sweet to have the whole student population in the gym. I get to lead them in the Pledge of Allegiance, which often chokes me up--hearing their little voices making that declaration to this great country. Then a few kids read some of their writing about the pillar of the month, and then we dance! Quick and effective! I've been running these assemblies for 13 years now, and while I often wonder if I should do something to change it up, I'm always told "if it ain't broke, don't fix it," so I don't. =)
Tomorrow is Kids Teach Too!! I'm so excited! We have a ton of kids signed up. There are many things that I am proud of in my career, but this is one of the biggies. We used to do something that was sponsored by Com Ed, but when they stopped their sponsorship, I worked with an IEPTO mom to completely revamp and what resulted was Kids Teach Too. I love seeing the kids' work and their pride in teaching others what they've prepared. It's really super duper cute and cool!
Til tomorrow..... stay warm. :/
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