Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Wednesday, 5/28/14

I don't have much to report on today, so I thought I'd show you something that we came up with yesterday. On the first day of each week, we do a spelling "preview" of the new words that are to be learned that week. The kids try the new words on their paper, and I have a copy of what they fill out on the Smartboard. When we're done with the list, we correct the words together. Well, yesterday the Smartboard was being less-than-cooperative, and I wasn't sure how I was going to do the correcting portion with the kids. I am forever talking to the kids about being a problem solver, so I looked around the room baffled as to how to solve this problem, and the following is what I came up with. I must admit, I was pretty proud of myself. And then, major bonus....I was INCREDIBLY proud of the kids because I started out with the blinds open and the lights in the room on. Then I tried closing the blinds, which helped a great deal and then the kids suggested we turn off the lights and it was PERFECT!! So-here's how we did spelling, on the windows, for lack of a better idea---but sometimes lacking turns into loving, as it did in this case:

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