I haven't had a moment to spare this week, but the kids have earned a popcorn/movie party, so I'm taking a moment to finally check in with you all (specifically with the 3 people who check in on me each day---I don't know who you are, but I love you tons for making it feel worth while to continue this blog--thank you!!!).
I don't know if any of you were at Trivia Night last week, but it was such a blast, I have to tell you about it. Sadly, the state capitals were not a part of the night. I was sooo ready, but it was so much fun regardless. I loved seeing tons of my former students' parents. I felt like it was a big family reunion. Peggy Kinander was the MC for the night and she was uh-may-zing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My team's theme was #flashbackfriday We each had t-shirts with #flashbackfriday on the front and our own personalized hashtag on the back. Mine was #mostlikelytotakeontheworldinakillerpairofheels In addition, our table was decorated with old pictures of us, our yearbooks, graduation hats/tassels, etc. I can't say enough about it. The organizers did a great job and I'm counting down the days until we get to do it again! Kudos D10 Education Foundation!!Thank you for all of your hard work!!
Today our library teacher put together an incredible event in honor of Dr. Seuss's birthday. Parent volunteers came in to read their favorite Dr. Seuss books to the kids. They got to eat their lunches "picnic-style" in the gym while being read to. What a special event!!
Have any of your heard of Roselle's Rose Queen Pageant? This year is the 55th, so if you are a Lake Park alum, you probably have (it's open to any high-school aged Roselle resident or any Lake Park student). Anyhow, about 2 years ago Mrs. Reuter, her daughter and I were asked to take over the running of the pageant when the ladies who'd done it for 20 years were ready to pass on the tiara. ;) The pageant is tomorrow night. It's very cool because we're able to provide some lovely ladies scholarship money toward the college of their choice. Hopefully someday I might see some of these little ladies of mine in the event!!
Unlike most, I haven't completely hated this winter's weather. Don't get me wrong, I'm completely over sending checks to the wonderful person who plows out my driveway, but the cold and snow have not gotten the best of me. That being said, I'm done now. It's nearly March. I took down my snowman gel clings and put up a spring tree---leaves, tulips, baby chicks, all the joys of spring. Bring it on Mother Nature. I've been patient, and I hear you're planning to dole out another dose on us this weekend, but it's time to be done!!
Well, that's it from here. Enjoy the looooonnngggg weekend. Think of me -- in my meetings -- while you're at home in your pjs. LOL!! Have fun with your kids!!!
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