Did any of you watch that Red Sox playoff game? It was amazing!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited that there's going to be a St. Louis/Boston rematch, and I am certain that the outcome will be exactly the same as in 2007! So exciting. Oh, and as it turns out, those parents who I was told were in Boston, were not. We have an old saying in my profession: You believe half of what you hear at home (about school), and I'll believe half of what I hear at school (about home). When will I learn? Nonetheless, I still pretended like I was in Boston for that game and I send some serious SERIOUS juju as Victorino came to the plate with the bases loaded. I pointed out to him that his name has VICTORY right there in it (I mean, close enough!)--and then KAPOW! GRAND SLAM!!! Boston was victorious and I am sooo excited for the Series now!!
And then there was the Bears' game. Great game---tons of back and forth. And that's all I'm going to say about that....
As I mentioned in my weekly note, this Thursday is the last day of first quarter. Can you believe how fast that went? Wasn't it just a minute ago that we were all standing outside sweating bullets on the first day of school? And now they're saying there might be sn*w tomorrow (I can't bear to see the actual word yet!). Report cards will come home on Friday, November 1st.
Oh gosh, I just looked at the clock. I've gotta run. How does the time fly by after school? Hasta manana!
P.S. Please be sure to ask about Starlab. I took the kids in for the first time today. They were AWESOME!
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