Thursday, October 31, 2013

Thursday, 10/31/13

Halloween! What a day in a primary school! The walls are buzzing and vibrating before the kids are even on the property, and once they arrive, even on a rainy day, there is excitement everywhere you look. In our classroom the day is all-Halloween, all-day! The morning consists of Pumpkin Math. That's right all morning long we do math (and science) using a pumpkin. We feel, smell and listen to it. We predict its weight and weigh it. We predict if it will float or sink and then find out (if your child hasn't told you already, please ask about this, it's so cool to hear them teach what they've learned). We predict the circumference, then find out who predicted too short, too long or just right. Then we guess the number of seeds and scoop them out to see if anyone's guess was close. We then put a tea light in the pumpkin after predicting what will happen. What do you think happened? Did the pumpkin blow up, did the inside shrivel up, did the candle go out or did the top pop off? Ask your child, then ask WHY the result was as it was. Finally the kids graphed how they'd like to see the face carved and with 10 minutes left in the morning, our pumpkin became a Jack-o-Lantern. While I was carving with the kids sitting all around me, these were two of the comments I heard, "Is this real life right now????" and "I never thought I'd see my teacher carving a pumpkin!" And there you go folks: why I do this job, even on the days when the stress brings my shoulders to my earlobes, even on the days when I'd rather cry than talk, and even on the days that I feel like I blow my lessons------there are days like today and without a doubt none, NONE of that other junk matters. I would not want to be anywhere else on this planet than in this classroom listening to my favorite little seven/eight year olds.

Then the afternoon came around. The kids changed into their costumes, the hallways were lined with family members and we all paraded through the building. It's so amazing to work in a community where so many parents come out to support their children. What a blessing!! Because of the rain of course, we paraded inside. At one point during the parade, the kids walking in the front with me and I noticed that we seemed to be going in circles over and over, so we broke away and headed back to our classroom where some amazing moms were putting together a rockin party for the kids. I can't thank them enough. The party was well paced and kept the kids engaged. I know first-hand that planning and executing those parties is not an easy feat, so I can't praise them enough for what they pulled off. On top of it all, many of our parents also send it treats for the kids to take home in their goodie bags. It was day of memories, that's for darn sure. Check out these cuties:

Oh, did I fail to mention something------------- MY RED SOX WON THE SERIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So, on top of it all, I'm a bit bleary eyed today, but it was soooo worth it. And as soon as that happened, my costume changed. As much as I'd rather post pics of the cute kids, I feel that I should share my costume with you since you've been on this ride with me since the play-offs, so don't laugh too hard, but check out the 'selfie' below. For the final out of the game, I was able to be on the phone with my dad, the person who initially instilled a love for the Sox in me. He grew up in upstate New York and would take his little transistor radio into the bathroom to listen to the games because that was the only room in the house where the reception would pick up the Boston station. So, needless to say, being on the phone with him and hearing his joy over his team taking the series at home was a priceless moment. Here you go, my Halloween tribute to my team:
Not the greatest pic, but you get the idea. I didn't capture my Boston Stong t-shirt as well, but I had to represent!! 
I'm off to finish up my stuff here and head on home. I hope you all have a great Halloween!!

Monday, October 28, 2013

Monday, 10/28/13

Apparently I carry stress in my shoulders and the back of my neck because what I wouldn't give for a massage right now! I didn't even think that today was extraordinarily stressful, but man oh man!! For that reason, I'm going to keep this brief. I hope you don't mind... ;)

I hope you all were able to do something special with the long weekend. The weather was crisp, but so lovely. As long as the sun in shining, I'm a happy girl. I went out and bought a few new candles at Bath and Body Works (don't they have the world's best candles???) and burned them all weekend. Yum Yum!! It will surprise no one that the one burned was called PUMPKIN CUPCAKE. I seriously think I may need an intervention to help with my pumpkin obsession! LOL!! See, even with a pain in the neck I can crack a little joke.

So the Red Sox took me on an emotional roller coaster this weekend. Here's what was so sweet-that I came in this morning and several of the kids commented on the games. How cute are they???? I'm recruiting little New Englanders apparently. =)

Speaking of the kids---while I don't enjoy having before-school supervision on Mondays most weeks, I find that on the weeks when we've missed the Friday before, the reunion that I have the with kids is very special. I received many many hugs while waiting for the bell to ring. It was fun to have some of that non-structured time to catch up and chat. I sure do love my kids!!!

Okay-I said I was going to keep it brief and now I've done nothing but prattle on. For those of you in my age range, did you happen to catch the TLC movie that was on VH1 this weekend? If you did--didn't it make you miss the 90's?? I LOVED that decade!! The baggy flannels, the denim overalls, the empowering messages, it was awesome! So, I'm going to hit publish, get the TLC pumpin on my ipod, get this joint cleaned up and head on home to see the Sox win this game tonight so they can bring it back to Boston and take the Series!!!

Enjoy the evening!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Thursday, 10/24/13

Well, our week of Starlabbing has come to a close. It was such a great experience! The kids were so attentive and delightful to bring in. It's a relatively small and echoey environment, so bringing 23 seven/eight-year olds into it can be tasking at times, but I must say I enjoyed every single day that we were in there together. I could feel the excitement from the kids as they learned about the various cultures and their interpretations of the constellations. Each day I would start our experience with the star field--no pictures, just what the night sky would look like if we didn't have all of the light pollution from Chicago. Today I also ended our time showing that cylinder, meanwhile asking the kids to imagine that we were in a wide-open field somewhere warm, lying on blankets and looking up into the night sky wondering what all was going on in the gigantic universe. It was a pretty cool way to end our time with Starlab. I hope that you've heard some great stories--and if you've only imagined what it looks like, here's a snapshot to help:

I hope you all have a wonderful long weekend. I'm looking forward to starting a fresh new quarter next week. New beginnings, new goals, a freshly clean tablet to fill up. Until then.....have a great weekend and GOOOOOO BBBBOOOOOOSSSSOOOOOXXXXXX!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Monday, 10/21/13

Did any of you watch that Red Sox playoff game? It was amazing!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited that there's going to be a St. Louis/Boston rematch, and I am certain that the outcome will be exactly the same as in 2007! So exciting. Oh, and as it turns out, those parents who I was told were in Boston, were not. We have an old saying in my profession: You believe half of what you hear at home (about school), and I'll believe half of what I hear at school (about home). When will I learn? Nonetheless, I still pretended like I was in Boston for that game and I send some serious SERIOUS juju as Victorino came to the plate with the bases loaded. I pointed out to him that his name has VICTORY right there in it (I mean, close enough!)--and then KAPOW! GRAND SLAM!!! Boston was victorious and I am sooo excited for the Series now!!

And then there was the Bears' game. Great game---tons of back and forth. And that's all I'm going to say about that....

As I mentioned in my weekly note, this Thursday is the last day of first quarter. Can you believe how fast that went? Wasn't it just a minute ago that we were all standing outside sweating bullets on the first day of school? And now they're saying there might be sn*w tomorrow (I can't bear to see the actual word yet!). Report cards will come home on Friday, November 1st.

Oh gosh, I just looked at the clock. I've gotta run. How does the time fly by after school? Hasta manana!

P.S. Please be sure to ask about Starlab. I took the kids in for the first time today. They were AWESOME!

Friday, October 18, 2013

Friday, 10/18/13

Happy Friday!!

What a week it has been! These short weeks are always killer. I wouldn't trade them for the world, but it's a sprint trying to get all of the knowledge packed in. Good thing I have a class of such geniuses!!

Today Ms. Edwards is out so we have a sub. It's always so interesting (and a smidge nerve wracking) seeing my class and how it's run through fresh eyes. The good news is--our class got nothing but compliments. Our sub saw first-hand how well the kids communicate with each other, treat each other kindly, support one another and learn together. I'm so thankful that they've already put into practice all of my favorite things in the world!!! I'm so very proud of them!

Before I do my weekend shout out to our local team--I need to also send good juju to Boston. My parents grew up in upstate New York, and my dad has been a lifelong Boston fan. Really any team that is from Boston, but particularly and die-heartedly (???) the Red Sox, so I grew up going to White Sox games when the Red Sox were in town and adopting my dad's love for the Green Monster and all things Boston. Nothing, absolutely nothing, gave me greater joy than when they finally won the Series for the first time (in forever) many years ago knowing that my dad got to see it happen. Then they won again a few years later, and now 6 of the play-offs.... One more win and they go to the big show~ Come on Boston! You got this! GOOOOOOO SOOOOOXXXXXXXXXX!!!!!!!!!!  And, on top of that whole scene, one of the kids told me today that his parents are in Boston right now. (The kids knew nothing of my BoSox affinity other than the hat that I keep in my classroom) I asked if they went out for the game. He said no, but either way--if they win tomorrow, and I know people who are in Boston at the time, well, that's just like me being there, right??? Close enough! Please send them good vibes tomorrow! It would be soooo exciting to see them go to the Series again!!

And now, because equally exciting to the story above would be The Bears in the SuperBowl (don't worry---for the entire time that my dad lived in IL and even now that he lives in OH, he's also a die-hard Bears fan. I wouldn't let him get away with anything else, even though he may sometimes secretly root for the Patriots...we just don't discuss it.)  So here goes nothing...


Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Wednesday, 10/16/13

Today was our first lock down drill. Oy! Of course drills are the most important thing that we do, but boy-oh-boy do they rattle the nerves! The bizarre thing is, for as long as we've done them (the lock downs), every one of my classes talks about how much they love lock downs. Isn't that interesting? I do my best to answer as many questions as the kids have about the lock down because my main goal is always that they know that they are safe in school, but they come up with some doozies, I'll tell ya. 

I assigned the kids all spots in our "safe zone" and then we practice a few times. Literally the second I said, "Okay guys, it's going to happen in a few minutes, but let's..." the the alarm went off. I'm pretty sure my arms flailed in the air as I turned on my heel and headed for the door. (My job is to lock the door and hit the lights. Thankfully a few years ago we got new doors. The old ones only locked from the hallway...insert any of numerous jokes here........ but in reality, having to step into the hallway to lock the door was never good.) 

Once that alarm sounds, the kids are in their spots within a millisecond and then we just wait. The alarm continues to go off and someone comes down to check that our door is locked---in the meantime, all I do is think and pray, both of those who have gone through this in real-life and that we are never ever e.v.e.r. count ourselves as among them. The alarm eventually goes off, but still we wait. Finally, the announcement comes that we are done and my precious angels shake it off like "it ain't no thang." They're pretty amazing. From there I gave them a spelling game called Funny Face, which they love, and I did some deep breaths. 

On a lighter and brighter note--today we started our science unit on space (stars, sun, moon). We started with the sun. The kids knew so much--I was very impressed. I was able to debunk some of their space info and fill them with loads of fun facts. I hope they share some of them at home. Next week Starlab is coming to our school. It is an inflatable planetarium that we rent from the ROE. The kids see it in the gym every year, but it's only for 2nd graders, so it's always incredibly exciting when the kids get to go in. I'll give you more scoop and post a pic of it next week. 

Adios for tonight! If you're a boss--Happy Boss's Day! I'm blessed to have the best boss on the entire earth! Our principal is a teacher at heart so she's a student-first administrator, which I appreciate beyond belief. I also adore her because she doesn't run from me when I have some cockamamie (how much do I love that spell-check helped me with that word!!!!!!!!!!!!!) ideas, rather she embraces them and lets me run with them. I'm a lucky, lucky gal!!! 

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Tuesday, 10/15/13

Happy Tuesday that feels like a Monday! And a dreary one at that. While I'm thrilled to pieces that it was so beautiful yesterday (especially because I had to have a dying tree removed from my yard--heartbreaking!), I sure would love to be curled up on the couch with a warm blanket and some good dvr time on a day like this!! On the up side--I did get to come back and see a bunch of faces that I'd missed over the long weekend. The past few weeks the kids' personalities have really started to emerge, and I'm loving the way this class is coming together. Everyone does a nice job of respecting each other and supporting one another, and I love seeing that they're really starting to LIKE one anther. I don't know if that makes sense---if I were you, I'd be thinking of course they like each other, they're second graders, most of whom knew each other from last year. I can't tangibly describe to you what I mean, there's just something that happens after we've been in school for several weeks where the vibe starts to change. They go from being little kids who were all clumped together in one class, to a cohesive group of funny, understanding, cooperating little humans.

I came into the classroom this morning to find an utter abundanza of pumpkin love! Of course the irony is that I began a detox metabolism boost thing (nothing gimmicky--just getting the right foods in and the wrong foods out) just yesterday. I'd done it over the summer and I felt so great. Then the school building opened back up for unpacking and soon after that school started, and needless to say----it's been junk food heaven. So--I started yesterday with the best of intentions to get back to that great eating and working out. It lasted 24 hours. LOL! Sometimes there are sacrifices we have to make in life, so if I have to sacrifice for a mini pumpkin pie, pumpkin donut holes and pumpkin biscotti (to die for BTW!!), well, that's just the way the biscotti crumbles. Hahaha!!

Have a great night----I'm hoping my hair doesn't frizz too badly when I leave. Should be a fun sight to see. =)

Friday, October 11, 2013

Friday, 10/11/13

Our Bucket Filler wall became officially 'active' this week. The kids decorated their "buckets" and I gave them some little cards that they could fill out if someone fills their bucket and they want to let that classmate know. I can't tell you that this is my dream look for the Bucket Filler wall, but it's a start. As my dream starts to come to fruition, I'll update the wall and show you a picture. Anyhow, the kids started putting notes in each other's buckets earlier this week. I took a little peak at some of them this morning and my heart seriously became a drippy, ooey mess. I tell you what, just when I think that second-graders can't shock me, reality proves me wrong. The notes that I saw were so incredible, so deeply thought out and so touching, it nearly brought me to tears (shocking...I know!).

Then today, I came into school to discover one of my precious pumpkins had brought me pumpkin coffee and homemade pumpkin cookies!! I don't know what I did to deserve such blessings, but it is little things like those which really can put a smile on someone's face. Don't you agree that it's those little gestures in life, the ones that let you know that someone is thinking of you, which really make a difference? I'd rather have a thought-filled pumpkin coffee and pumpkin cookies than a brand-new car any day of the week! I mean, I wouldn't turn away a new!..... but it wouldn't have the thought, heart and meaning behind it that coffee and cookies in my favorite flavor do. Never ever underestimate the overwhelming power of an act of kindness. OMG--I had this all written up, and then I came back from lunch and there was a sweet treat from another amazing parent!! I don't know how to express sincere joy through a blog, but here's my best effort:

=) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =)

I hope you all enjoy the long weekend. I'm looking forward to doing some deep cleaning in my house and hopefully venturing out for some fall fun in between. Enjoy!!!

I would add my rally cry for the Bears, but I missed out on it yesterday and they still pounced! So until next weekend........

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Wednesday, 10/9/13

Look! We were booed!!!!!!!! The directions said that we were to copy the Booed sign and the directions and give it to 2 other classrooms in the building. We did some very casual (as to not raise suspicion) walking around the building to see who had not yet been booed. Then we came back to class and listed who we'd like to Boo. From that list the kids voted and came up with 2 spots to secretly make our deliveries. We casually dropped them off, with no one the wiser and returned to class. It was a fun mission. I'd love to tell you who we booed, but we can't let that info out to the public, right? We're a highly classified operation around here. LOL!! Such a fun activity!!

Monday, October 7, 2013

Monday, 9/7/13

This morning when I was standing outside with the kids I kept reminding myself that in one week from today, I'll still be snuggly warm in the my pj's at that time. =) Thank goodness for our old pal Christopher Columbus!

As I mentioned in my weekly note, the kids' reading assessments will be coming home within the next few days. Please review the tests with your child. Even if he/she did a great job on them, reviewing tests for future test-taking will always be beneficial. If your child struggled with the test, then giving him/her some time to review and process mistakes is also hugely beneficial.

I hope that you heard about our Bucket Fillers assembly. The assembly was also the kick-off to a food drive we're having, so if you have some canned foods that you can donate to help people in our immediate area, please send it in and fill your bucket. ;)

Friday, October 4, 2013

Friday, 10/4/13

Happiest of Fridays to ya!!!

Today the kids' school pictures came in. OMG! I have the CUTEST class on this planet!!!!!!! The kids' pictures are seriously the cutest things ever!!! If you're a Snapfish user, there is a coupon on the front of the envelope for a free photo book. If you're not a Snapfish user, and you would otherwise recycle the coupon, you could send it in to me, I'll use it!! =) But that's only if you or your friends/family won't use it and you'd have thrown it away otherwise.

Our day concluded with our first assembly of the year--and it was hosted by none other than yours truly! If you've never heard of the "Bucket Fillers" philosphy-you should Google it. It's a very sweet way of helping kids learn that it is incredibly important to lift others up in life (filling someone's bucket), rather than bringing someone down (bucket dipping). Another piece that I love is that it teaches kids that when we fill someone else's bucket (by giving a compliment, helping someone out, using good manners, etc) then our own bucket gets filled at the same time!!! There's a book that is written for primary-aged kids called Fill A Bucket. I read it to all of the Benson kids and explained the philosophy. I then showed them a clip I'd found of two robots who explained the difference between bucket filling and bucket dipping. Sooo cute! Next week I'm going to create a bulletin board in our classroom for each child to have a "bucket" (in all honesty, it will be a library pocket) where they can fill out slips of paper with compliments or thank yous and fill each others' buckets. When I have it up and running I'll show you a picture. In the meantime--it's a very simple concept which could easily be blended into your home life if you wanted. Google it-I promise that you'll like it. =)

GEAUX BEEARRRRRSSSS-----let's get that mojo back this weeknd and beat the Saints!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Wednesday, 10/2/13

Did you know that October is popcorn month?? Me neither! Popcorn is my biggest vice--the good kind, like on the stove. You know what I'm talking about -- nothing better!! Anyhow, I've read it a couple of times now, so it must be true, so happy popcorn month!!! Popcorn, pumpkin stuff??? I guess I'm not losing much weight til November. LOL!

Yesterday I said that we were going to have CAPS on Thursday. Nope, it was today. I hope that your child tells you about it. For as long as I've worked here, the ladies from the YWCA have come in and done this program with the kids, and they impress me all over each year. They very delicately, lovingly and age-appropriately tackle some topics which can be uncomforable, but the main message is always that every person deserves to be SAFE, STRONG AND FREE.  It's really impressive. Like I said, I hope that your child tells you about it tonight.

Lastly, here are some pics of our Halloween'd classroom.I'm not one who overdoes it--I'm a subtle Halloweener. Enjoy:
boots+zebra print=MUST OWN!
I love a good centerpiece

one of my favorite spots of the entire classroom

just some little hints here and there
the one-and-only time spiders are acceptable on the walls

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Tuesday, 10/1/13

Rabbit, Rabbit, Rabbit

When I was in 7th grade, my language arts teacher, Mrs. Logan would write that on the board on the first day of every month. She insisted it was good luck. I'm not sure why--in truth, I always thought that Mrs. Logan was a little bit off of her rocker, but obviously she stuck with me more than the teachers who were firmly on theirs, so that's saying something. Typically I love flipping my calendar over to a new month because it's so open and clean, but that's not the case this month. There's a lot going on! This week alone we have CAPS on Thursday and a brief assembly on Friday. Plus Friday is a student's birthday AND the first hot lunch. Never a dull moment around here--never ever!! (as if I'd want it any other way!)

(sidenote: I wrote the paragraph above at lunchtime--here's what's up now:)

Well, I'd planned to post some pics of our class with its Halloween make-over, but somehow it's become 4:55 and I have to get out of here. I always make a to-do list for when school gets over, and naively, I always think I'll get it done and get out of here early---it never ever ever (ala Taylor Swift) happens! So, I'm going to wrap things up and hope to show you the pics tomorrow.

Have a good night!