Today was butterfly release day!!! The beautiful butterflies you see below came to us as teeny-tiny little caterpillars. We made them homes, fed them and watched them as they grew. (on a personal note, this time of year always surfaces a bizarre emotion for me: jealousy.....jealousy of caterpillars. Why, you might ask. Or, more likely, at this point in the year you're not asking, not surprised at all, but I'm going to tell you one way or the other. The caterpillar's only job in life it to eat and get bigger. My goal in life is to get smaller, and it is the most challenging thing ever, so I'm a tad jealous of a creature who is SUPPOSED to get bigger. ;) ) Eventually the caterpillars changed into their chrysalises right before our very eyes so we moved them from their little food-filled homes into the net that would soon allow the new butterflies the space needed to spread their wings. We anxiously awaited as the miracle inside the chrysalises took place, and then, soon enough-----we came into school to find that butterflies had emerged!!! We kept them in our classroom for a few days to observe, but then knew the time had come to release them to the flowers and open sky in which they belong. Any child who wanted one was given a butterfly to hold until we were outside in our school garden. The kids released them, ran around and watched the butterflies do their butterfly thing and I took in the moment of watching the kids enjoy this hands-on learning experience. Oh, and I captured some serious cuteness on film.......

In other breaking news----------------Our class has a 9 piece puzzle that some of the kids have been bound-and-determined to solve. A 9 piece puzzle doesn't sound too difficult, that is until you try it. All four sides of each of the nine pieces have to match. They have been working on this puzzle for months. Recently those who have perservered have gotten as close as being just one piece away. Then today it happened! Check out these happy, and deservingly satisfied, faces:
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