Happy Wednesday!! I don't know if you've heard this about me, but sometimes I start singing to the class when giving directions. To be honest, I don't even notice I'm doing it most of the time--I think it's simply to give some variety to the constant repetition of direction giving in my world. Well today I was singing directions, and one of the kids said, "You sound like a priest!" As you can imagine, I burst out laughing. I'd certainly never thought of it before, but what a great metaphor!
The kids did some cleaning and some cute writing for you, so I hope you can make it tomorrow night. There will be childcare in the gym, if you need it (the classroom visits are for parents only). This afternoon brought our big and long-awaited visit to the book fair! The moms who were volunteering gave the kids a GIGANTIC compliment because they were so independent and able to navigate their way through writing down book titles and prices without needing much help. I'll admit it, I beamed with pride when they said such kind and lovely things about my little angels! MAJOR shout-out to the parents who have been volunteering at the book fair this week. That event is no small undertaking, but results in humongous benefits for the students. We all owe the volunteers a gigantic thank you!!! =)
Well, I have piles on top of my piles to go through, so I'll bring this to a close for today. I sure hope there's someone out there reading, and hopefully enjoying this. I've found myself looking forward to reflecting on the day and writing about it, and I know it will only get better as the year goes on and I have more to report. Some days are incredibly routine and others seem to be chock full of surprises and adventure. I can't wait to tell you about all of them! Have a good night!
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