Happiest of Fridays to ya!!! I'm in such a great mood today! I don't know if it's the excitement of the Ryder Cup (and having Justin Timberlake within 2 miles of my house...), the gorgeous sun that is shining or just that it's Friday, but it's one of those days that I look out the window of my classroom and try to absorb the beauty. I know that in a few short weeks those trees will be bare, and it will be a long time before the color green is surrounding us again.
In other news-----we received a replacement Smartboard yesterday!! The one we've been using has been functional, however difficult, especially when I needed to use it as a white board and write things for the kids. The board was very inconsistent in where the "ink" would lay, so for example, sometimes a 5 would look like a big polka-dotted mess. Thank goodness for a good warranty and a supportive tech team, we are now in business and ready to use the Smartboard like crazy! (we started learning about Christopher Columbus via the Smartboard today!! So awesome!!)
This week has been full of the kids' first round of reading assessments. I think that I will be as happy as they will be to get back to doing a story rather than tests next week. For it being the first round in second grade, they really did a good job. Some will benefit from review of the tests, but we all learn from experience, right?
After school today I'm looking forward to flipping all of the calendars to October and decorating the classroom. The fall is always so much fun!
One final thought about the Ryder Cup-----yesterday on Facebook I saw a pic of some of my former students and their awesome moms standing with JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE!! I suddenly realized that not only am I stuck at work all week (Lake Park has school off to accommodate the event), but I'm depriving Michael Phelps, Justin Timberlake, Michael Jordan and many others the joy of hanging out with a hometown girl!! (LOL!) Oh my gosh, you don't think that Johnny Knox, Brian Urlacher, Matt Forte or Joakim Noah were there, do you? Oh gosh, up until now I've just been so excited to have all of the hubbub so close to home, but now it's hitting me that I'm missing out on something MAJOR! I've been blessed enough to be at the last two US Open events that have been held at Medinah, but they happened before school started. Hmmmm---now my wheels are turning. I've got to find my way in there in this weekend.... wish me luck!! ;) It's not even the golf~ that's all way too slow and quiet (I was sshhhh-ed at one of those events I mentioned earlier) for me, but there's major SHOPPING to be done in the tents!!! Oh well, I guess my shopping will be done at Wal-Mart this weekend, just like all of the other hometown girls...
Enjoy the gorgeous weekend!!
Friday, September 28, 2012
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Wednesday, 9/26/12
Happy Wacky Wednesday!!! Due to the Labor Day holiday back at the beginning of the month, today we followed a Monday schedule rather than a Wednesday. The kids were thrown for quite a loop---they had library class rather than gym, which is really the only impact of having a "switch" day. It's all the same to me, but it was a bit of fun to show them that I've got some tricks to keep them on their toes. ;0)
From Room 16, Penelope and I bid you a lovely night!! =)
Last year at about this time, my class came in to find a praying mantis looking in through one of our classroom windows from outside. I, of course, thought it was the coolest thing ever and took a picture of it. I'd told this class about it early on in the year, and they'd asked what it looked like so I showed them on the Smartboard. She (because of course if it's a praying mantis I'm going to assume it's a she...) was gigantic on that screen!! I periodically have her up on the screen now with messages to the kids. This morning I took a picture of her so you could see her too (I call her Penelope!).
Fun, right?From Room 16, Penelope and I bid you a lovely night!! =)
Monday, September 24, 2012
Monday, 9/24/12
Happy Monday~ How about that Bears game!!!! Wahooooo! Back on the road to the Superbowl!
This week the kids will be taking the first round of assessments based on our reading series. I know that they have learned all they need to flourish on these tests, but I also know this first time involves some learning of actual test-taking skills. I have faith that the kids will do great as long as they go slowly and think. That going slow and thinking is the trick. I've been working pretty hard on teaching, but sometimes it's a lesson that only life (and a set of tests) can teach. Because of the testing this week, we will not be doing new spelling words, instead we will review the words we've had up until this point. Hopefully you can do the same at home. The children will be held accountable for all spelling words throughout the rest of the year, and we're already on word #60. The list grows quickly which is why it's vital that the kids get the small lists of words memorized weekly before the little lists create a gigantic one.
We started our social studies book about culture today. I just love the conversations that happen during social studies. If only the world could operate through a seven-year-old's perspective, it would be a much better place. <3
Tomorrow should be interesting, both Mrs. D and I will be out in the afternoon and have subs. I hope things go well. At least the full moon isn't happening until early next week.... =)
This week the kids will be taking the first round of assessments based on our reading series. I know that they have learned all they need to flourish on these tests, but I also know this first time involves some learning of actual test-taking skills. I have faith that the kids will do great as long as they go slowly and think. That going slow and thinking is the trick. I've been working pretty hard on teaching, but sometimes it's a lesson that only life (and a set of tests) can teach. Because of the testing this week, we will not be doing new spelling words, instead we will review the words we've had up until this point. Hopefully you can do the same at home. The children will be held accountable for all spelling words throughout the rest of the year, and we're already on word #60. The list grows quickly which is why it's vital that the kids get the small lists of words memorized weekly before the little lists create a gigantic one.
We started our social studies book about culture today. I just love the conversations that happen during social studies. If only the world could operate through a seven-year-old's perspective, it would be a much better place. <3
Tomorrow should be interesting, both Mrs. D and I will be out in the afternoon and have subs. I hope things go well. At least the full moon isn't happening until early next week.... =)
Friday, September 21, 2012
Friday, 9/21/12
A special "hello" to all of my new Special Friends. It was so fun today to see the kids interacting with people whom they care so much about. There was some reading, some writing, some discovering and then some major brainteasers!! I had to show our special friends what 2nd grade is like these days, couldn't go easy on 'em. ;)
The rest of the day was pretty regular. Now it's raining, and I'm thankful that it's Friday. I am looking forward to doing some cooking and relaxing this weekend. I hope you all have a great weekend as well. And let me be clear:
The rest of the day was pretty regular. Now it's raining, and I'm thankful that it's Friday. I am looking forward to doing some cooking and relaxing this weekend. I hope you all have a great weekend as well. And let me be clear:
(Surely this will put them back on their winning streak, right?)
Check out the Special Friends' Day fun:
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Thursday, 9/20/12
Today saw its share of up's and downs-----some high emotions running through the room. Is it a full moon? Nothing we can't manage, just still getting a handle on it all. Sometimes it's hard to remember that we're still in the first few weeks of school.
Tomorrow is Special Friends' Day. That will be fun!!! The room needs to be rearranged a bit to accommodate all of our guests so we'll be doing some work in the morning, but it will all be worth it. In the middle of the hour I'll look around at my bursting-at-the-seams classroom and take in the joy seeing the kids working with their guests. Then I'll blink, it will be over and we'll be taking a spelling test. I hope that everyone who joins us tomorrow walks away with some of the joy that we have here in Room 16 (even on the up's and downs days, there are always moments of joy to be found!!).
Off to my workout, as if I'm not exhausted enough already--those endorphins better kick in early, I've still got work to do tonight.
Tomorrow is Special Friends' Day. That will be fun!!! The room needs to be rearranged a bit to accommodate all of our guests so we'll be doing some work in the morning, but it will all be worth it. In the middle of the hour I'll look around at my bursting-at-the-seams classroom and take in the joy seeing the kids working with their guests. Then I'll blink, it will be over and we'll be taking a spelling test. I hope that everyone who joins us tomorrow walks away with some of the joy that we have here in Room 16 (even on the up's and downs days, there are always moments of joy to be found!!).
Off to my workout, as if I'm not exhausted enough already--those endorphins better kick in early, I've still got work to do tonight.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Wednesday, 9/19/12
The next time I say "tomorrow is one of my favorite days..." PLEASE someone remind me to not jinx myself. It wasn't a bad day by any stretch, but my goodness, the energy level of the class was on the ceiling from the moment they crossed the threshold into the building. I didn't know picture day was that exciting for kids, I thought it was just for me. I was proved otherwise, that's for sure.
So, as the old saying goes-----I couldn't beat them, so I joined them. Well, not exactly, but I rode the wave. Rather than do the usual Wednesday to-do list, I bumped up some activities that I was saving for Friday. I read the kids a book about dinosaur fossils, paleontologists and museums' roles in fossil collection/display. When that was done, the big chocolate chip activity was revealed. I told the kids I was going to give them some (air quotes) earth and (air quotes) fossils along with a digging utensil. Then I passed out the chocolate chip cookies and toothpicks, and my little paleontologists started their excavation. It was pretty cool to listen in on their conversations. That is, once they got past repeatedly asking if they got to eat the cookie. My response? "Ooh, eating earth? That sounds kind of gross to me!" So, like I said, once the novelty of the cookie was done, the kids commented a great deal on the challenge of getting the "fossils" out in their whole form. Some of them have real futures in that business. They worked quickly and very accurately. It was really fun to watch. I'm glad that I made the switch to that activity rather than expect them to work quietly all day. They just weren't in that head space today, which is fine. Tomorrow is a new day, so we'll get all caught up. Oh, and of course, they all got a fresh new not-earthy-at-all cookie to much on when the project was done. ;)
That's it for now. Mitchell out!
So, as the old saying goes-----I couldn't beat them, so I joined them. Well, not exactly, but I rode the wave. Rather than do the usual Wednesday to-do list, I bumped up some activities that I was saving for Friday. I read the kids a book about dinosaur fossils, paleontologists and museums' roles in fossil collection/display. When that was done, the big chocolate chip activity was revealed. I told the kids I was going to give them some (air quotes) earth and (air quotes) fossils along with a digging utensil. Then I passed out the chocolate chip cookies and toothpicks, and my little paleontologists started their excavation. It was pretty cool to listen in on their conversations. That is, once they got past repeatedly asking if they got to eat the cookie. My response? "Ooh, eating earth? That sounds kind of gross to me!" So, like I said, once the novelty of the cookie was done, the kids commented a great deal on the challenge of getting the "fossils" out in their whole form. Some of them have real futures in that business. They worked quickly and very accurately. It was really fun to watch. I'm glad that I made the switch to that activity rather than expect them to work quietly all day. They just weren't in that head space today, which is fine. Tomorrow is a new day, so we'll get all caught up. Oh, and of course, they all got a fresh new not-earthy-at-all cookie to much on when the project was done. ;)
That's it for now. Mitchell out!
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Tuesday, 9/18/12
Hi everyone!
Guess what tomorrow is??? One of my FAVORITE days of the whole year....school picture day! It's the day the kids come in looking all cute as buttons in their finest. The hair is all done up or slicked back and the whole joint gets a bit classier for the day. ;)
This morning was uber exciting. It started with a math test (I know, I have a strange interpretation of the word "exciting."). The reason I was excited was because we've been working so hard on this chapter in math that I knew the test would be ""easy" and the kids would do great. I haven't graded them yet, but I know they rocked it! Then the other excitement---our first firedrill of the year!! Remember those days? You'd just be working away and suddenly that LOUD alarm would go off--everyone dropped everything and scampered outside. (if any of the kids are reading this-----see that word I used....scamper??? I did my own dare!!) I must tell you that my class scampered amazingly. Because this was the first firedrill of the year, we had a head's up for it with the intention of teaching the kids where to go from their new classroom, so we'd spent some time talking about my expectations of a quiet, orderly, straight line. Of course, the kids were perfect!!! I was so proud!
That's it for today--I have math tests to grade! Have a good night! =)
Guess what tomorrow is??? One of my FAVORITE days of the whole year....school picture day! It's the day the kids come in looking all cute as buttons in their finest. The hair is all done up or slicked back and the whole joint gets a bit classier for the day. ;)
This morning was uber exciting. It started with a math test (I know, I have a strange interpretation of the word "exciting."). The reason I was excited was because we've been working so hard on this chapter in math that I knew the test would be ""easy" and the kids would do great. I haven't graded them yet, but I know they rocked it! Then the other excitement---our first firedrill of the year!! Remember those days? You'd just be working away and suddenly that LOUD alarm would go off--everyone dropped everything and scampered outside. (if any of the kids are reading this-----see that word I used....scamper??? I did my own dare!!) I must tell you that my class scampered amazingly. Because this was the first firedrill of the year, we had a head's up for it with the intention of teaching the kids where to go from their new classroom, so we'd spent some time talking about my expectations of a quiet, orderly, straight line. Of course, the kids were perfect!!! I was so proud!
That's it for today--I have math tests to grade! Have a good night! =)
Monday, September 17, 2012
Monday, 9/17/12
Let me start tonight with a confession: I forgot to put the math websites on the back of the homework note as it stated I would. Ugh!! I've really had the Mondayest of Mondays. I'm glad it's almost over. Oh wait----I'll be speaking at tonight's IEPTO meeting. Well, good luck to everyone who has to listen to me because if my brain and mouth don't get on the same page by then, it will be quite a show!!
So, let me tell you how my day started off----with one of the kids asking if I'd painted my hair white. Leading my brain to be aggrevated with me because I'd planned to get my hair done this past weekend, but I just never got around to making the appointment (I got my curls from my dad, who also went grey very early---so I guess I had to take the bad with the good.). Had I forgotten that I work with the most honest population of people who exist?? Apparently I had, so I was brought right back to reality and will be getting my roots done very soon. Later in the morning one of my little pumpkins asked if I knew that I looked like a princess. Like I said, the most honest population of people... LOL! And with that, the day was off and running! We reviewed our chapter in math, got back last week's spelling test and completed the preview of this week's words, had a little teacher vs. kids contest in reading (I'll let you guess who won... ;) ) and started a new Roald Dahl book. The afternoon was a quickie----some writing, then off to library, followed immediately by computers and then the extra recess I'd promised because the kids were so exceptional this morning. Wow---it goes by so fast!
With that, I have to get going to prep for the meeting. I hope you have a nice night!
So, let me tell you how my day started off----with one of the kids asking if I'd painted my hair white. Leading my brain to be aggrevated with me because I'd planned to get my hair done this past weekend, but I just never got around to making the appointment (I got my curls from my dad, who also went grey very early---so I guess I had to take the bad with the good.). Had I forgotten that I work with the most honest population of people who exist?? Apparently I had, so I was brought right back to reality and will be getting my roots done very soon. Later in the morning one of my little pumpkins asked if I knew that I looked like a princess. Like I said, the most honest population of people... LOL! And with that, the day was off and running! We reviewed our chapter in math, got back last week's spelling test and completed the preview of this week's words, had a little teacher vs. kids contest in reading (I'll let you guess who won... ;) ) and started a new Roald Dahl book. The afternoon was a quickie----some writing, then off to library, followed immediately by computers and then the extra recess I'd promised because the kids were so exceptional this morning. Wow---it goes by so fast!
With that, I have to get going to prep for the meeting. I hope you have a nice night!
Friday, September 14, 2012
Friday, 9/14/12
I'd better get writing before I keel over and fall asleep. I don't normally sign up for our field trip to the Nature Center in the morning and now I know why....I need a nap afterwards, but we've still got a lot of school to attend to !!!
The Nature Center trip was a blast. The kids were so well behaved. They listened politely to the directions and did all that Miss Chris asked of them. Let me take this time to send a MAJOR SHOUT OUT to Chris Carling. She has been at the NC for as long as I can remember and she is soooo amazeballs with the kids! An additional shout out goes to our parent volunteers----Mr. L, Mr. P, Mrs. Si, Mrs. Szk and Mrs. W. I LOVED having you all with me. I loved laughing with you and gluing with you and looking at how stinking cute all of my students are with you!! Thanks for hanging out with us for the morning. Special thanks to Mr. P for working that stop sign like a pro! He was our superhero who kept us all safe. =)
Here are some pics of the cuties (and the kids too HAHAHAHA!!!):
The Nature Center trip was a blast. The kids were so well behaved. They listened politely to the directions and did all that Miss Chris asked of them. Let me take this time to send a MAJOR SHOUT OUT to Chris Carling. She has been at the NC for as long as I can remember and she is soooo amazeballs with the kids! An additional shout out goes to our parent volunteers----Mr. L, Mr. P, Mrs. Si, Mrs. Szk and Mrs. W. I LOVED having you all with me. I loved laughing with you and gluing with you and looking at how stinking cute all of my students are with you!! Thanks for hanging out with us for the morning. Special thanks to Mr. P for working that stop sign like a pro! He was our superhero who kept us all safe. =)
Here are some pics of the cuties (and the kids too HAHAHAHA!!!):
I'm feeling a bit of guilt about the Bears game. For their first game I cheered them on on here, and they did amazing! I wasn't able to write last night, so I didn't wish them luck and well.... we just won't go there. So, from here on out, I'll be sending much luck to our future Superbowl Champs!!
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throwing helicopters in the ayer, and toss 'em down like we just don't cayer (I'm getting a little funky on you tonight) |
Enjoy the weekend!! I hope your kids sleep like rocks tonight and you do tons of fun things this weekend.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Wednesday, 9-12-12
Happy Wednesday!
This will be brief tonight (if I can even pull off brief....). Tonight is the first of those budget meetings I've been telling you about, so I'm hoping to get over there on time. I can't believe how quickly this week is going. We have our trip to the Nature Center on Friday, but of course the weather is playing games with me. Earlier in the week they said 60% chance of rain, then this morning I heard it will come in Thursday night and end Friday morning. It's probably going to be a game-time decision if the weather is questionable. I have been there when a storm came in mid-way through our presentation----not fun!!!!
We've begun a unit on dinosaurs in science. We played a fun game of 20 questions yesterday to practice deductive reasoning along with to find out our new unit of study. I love that 20 questions game---so simple and yet so developmentally critical. It's fascinating to see the thought process that develops as the year goes on.
We're getting to the end of the current chapter in math, which makes me want to remind you to review your child's math papers as they come home. Sometimes a little boost or review is incredibly beneficial.
Okay, so not my most entertaining blog, but I've got to wrap it up. I hope you're having a good week. Hasta manana! =)
This will be brief tonight (if I can even pull off brief....). Tonight is the first of those budget meetings I've been telling you about, so I'm hoping to get over there on time. I can't believe how quickly this week is going. We have our trip to the Nature Center on Friday, but of course the weather is playing games with me. Earlier in the week they said 60% chance of rain, then this morning I heard it will come in Thursday night and end Friday morning. It's probably going to be a game-time decision if the weather is questionable. I have been there when a storm came in mid-way through our presentation----not fun!!!!
We've begun a unit on dinosaurs in science. We played a fun game of 20 questions yesterday to practice deductive reasoning along with to find out our new unit of study. I love that 20 questions game---so simple and yet so developmentally critical. It's fascinating to see the thought process that develops as the year goes on.
We're getting to the end of the current chapter in math, which makes me want to remind you to review your child's math papers as they come home. Sometimes a little boost or review is incredibly beneficial.
Okay, so not my most entertaining blog, but I've got to wrap it up. I hope you're having a good week. Hasta manana! =)
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Tuesday, 9/11/12
I went into the archives because I knew what I wanted to share hadn't changed in the course of a year. I hope you've all had a peaceful and reflective day.
It's hard not to reflect on the exact moment-by-moment memories I have of 12 years ago today. Every morning as I walk up to the doors to enter school, I always take a quick second to take in the fresh air. I don't often have a major thought in my head, but I can distinctly remember noticing the color blue that the sky was that day. It was an unusual blue, one that I haven't seen many times since, despite always looking for it. I was in a hustle to get out my thank you notes from my birthday. I had made the cards so I was running late and needed to get some addresses--those were my big thoughts of the moment. Then everything stopped and life changed. I found myself in the Benson library watching everything unfold on a tv which had been set up after hearing of the first plane hitting. I don't remember if we had the internet in our rooms back then, but I do remember feeling very trapped in my classroom, unable to find out what was going on in the world and if, as we strongly suspected, something was going to happen in Chicago. Occassionally we'd pop our heads out of our rooms hoping someone was in the hallway to tell us if anyone had heard anything new, meanwhile maintaining a calm poker face with the kids. The event had happened just before the kids had left to come to school that morning, so some knew about it when they got here. I can remember the first student in the room with me that morning. By a strange coincidence, I'd known her aunt---her aunt who worked in Washington D.C. at the time, so we had a moment while talking about "Aunt Amy." Understandably the kids had many questions, and I'd not had time to process it all myself, so I wasn't even sure how best to answer them. At the time I was still watching MTV before school everyday; didn't pay much attention to world news at all. That's definitely changed, I've been addicted to the news ever since. Without a doubt, any growing up I had left to do, happened immediately on 9-11-01. My parents live in Dayton, Ohio and I can remember talking to them that night on the phone, hearing a sonic boom over the phone from the air force base that is in Dayton and being terrified. It's so strange to think how blissfully naive I was before that day.
It's hard not to reflect on the exact moment-by-moment memories I have of 12 years ago today. Every morning as I walk up to the doors to enter school, I always take a quick second to take in the fresh air. I don't often have a major thought in my head, but I can distinctly remember noticing the color blue that the sky was that day. It was an unusual blue, one that I haven't seen many times since, despite always looking for it. I was in a hustle to get out my thank you notes from my birthday. I had made the cards so I was running late and needed to get some addresses--those were my big thoughts of the moment. Then everything stopped and life changed. I found myself in the Benson library watching everything unfold on a tv which had been set up after hearing of the first plane hitting. I don't remember if we had the internet in our rooms back then, but I do remember feeling very trapped in my classroom, unable to find out what was going on in the world and if, as we strongly suspected, something was going to happen in Chicago. Occassionally we'd pop our heads out of our rooms hoping someone was in the hallway to tell us if anyone had heard anything new, meanwhile maintaining a calm poker face with the kids. The event had happened just before the kids had left to come to school that morning, so some knew about it when they got here. I can remember the first student in the room with me that morning. By a strange coincidence, I'd known her aunt---her aunt who worked in Washington D.C. at the time, so we had a moment while talking about "Aunt Amy." Understandably the kids had many questions, and I'd not had time to process it all myself, so I wasn't even sure how best to answer them. At the time I was still watching MTV before school everyday; didn't pay much attention to world news at all. That's definitely changed, I've been addicted to the news ever since. Without a doubt, any growing up I had left to do, happened immediately on 9-11-01. My parents live in Dayton, Ohio and I can remember talking to them that night on the phone, hearing a sonic boom over the phone from the air force base that is in Dayton and being terrified. It's so strange to think how blissfully naive I was before that day.
Well, soon after I'd been able to process the events and we were moving forward in their wake, I had my class painting American flags to hang in our classroom. I'd had Lee Greenwood's "God Bless the USA" on constant rotation in my classroom and we were all singing along. One of my students suggested to me that I should record them singing and from there----like a burst in my brain----an idea came. I'd been feeling very strongly that the school needed to do something to help out. Just to help us all feel as thought we'd contributed in some way to the healing of our country. That was it! Record the kids!! And from there, a CD was created. With help from the staff at all three buildings, it had every single District 10 student on it. It had the Itasca firefighters and police on it. It had the Peacock band's patriotic concert on it and some students' personal reflections on the events and our country. It was AMAZING! (it was also the time I could no longer fit in working out and eating right so I ballooned up and have battling my way back ever since) The PTOs, school board and superintendent at the time fully supported and funded the project, and because of them, 100% of the money went to a fund specifically for the children who lost parents that day. Over $9,000!!! On the one-year anniversary I sent copies of the CD to all of the schools within one mile of Ground Zero so they knew we were out here in Itasca still thinking of them and would never forget.
Probably much like you, I've found it hard to let thoughts of that day stray too far from my brain today, especially as I look out my classroom windows to the park district's flag blowing in the wind at half staff. It sure is a beautiful flag!! Proud to be an American!!! <3
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This is the CD we made. The flag is made up of kids' handprints. Pretty awesome, huh? |
Monday, September 10, 2012
Monday, 9/10/12
Happy Monday!! Today started off like a completely regular day---which made me stop dead in my tracks. Today was the first day of only the 4th "regular" week of school (I'm not counting the first week--nothing regular about that!!), and the kids came in quietly with their take-home folders and snacks, sat down and got right down to business on their morning work. This may not sound like a big deal, but trust me when I tell you that it is! No one was asking me what they were supposed to be doing! No one was sitting at their desk doing nothing! No one was giving me notes, paperwork, etc. They were all just working, like it was perfectly natural. This my friends, is what I would term DREAMY! Now, if I could just get the Smartboard to be as cooperative as the kids, I'd be the happiest girl in all the land! ;)
Do you remember learning "Change the y to an i and add ed" when you were a kid? That's what we started today. It's one of those lessons that flashes me back to when I was in school. I don't have many memories of second grade (except that my teacher always asked us if what we were doing was 'appropriate.' I remember VOWING to myself that when I grew up and became a teacher that I WOULD NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES use that word with my students....flash-forward, I totally use it with the kids. I just try to not overuse it like my teacher did so no one in my class repeats the vow that I'd made.). I do, however remember having to memorize this stinking 'change the y' shenanigans. You don't really realize how many quirky little rules our language has until you try to teach it.
That's it for today----but hey, did anyone out there see that Bears game yesterday?? I was out of town and got home in time to see the 4th quarter. My dad told me that the game didn't start off too well, but by the time I tuned in there was some serious scoring happening. I don't want to jinx anything, but I feel like February could still be football season for Chicago (wink, wink, if you know what I'm saying---without saying it... haha!).
Have a nice night! The Voice is starting tonight---and as I'm sure you've heard, I've got mad singing skills (or I teach second grade because the kids are so sweet and actually think I can carry a tune), so I'll be checking that out!
Do you remember learning "Change the y to an i and add ed" when you were a kid? That's what we started today. It's one of those lessons that flashes me back to when I was in school. I don't have many memories of second grade (except that my teacher always asked us if what we were doing was 'appropriate.' I remember VOWING to myself that when I grew up and became a teacher that I WOULD NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES use that word with my students....flash-forward, I totally use it with the kids. I just try to not overuse it like my teacher did so no one in my class repeats the vow that I'd made.). I do, however remember having to memorize this stinking 'change the y' shenanigans. You don't really realize how many quirky little rules our language has until you try to teach it.
That's it for today----but hey, did anyone out there see that Bears game yesterday?? I was out of town and got home in time to see the 4th quarter. My dad told me that the game didn't start off too well, but by the time I tuned in there was some serious scoring happening. I don't want to jinx anything, but I feel like February could still be football season for Chicago (wink, wink, if you know what I'm saying---without saying it... haha!).
Have a nice night! The Voice is starting tonight---and as I'm sure you've heard, I've got mad singing skills (or I teach second grade because the kids are so sweet and actually think I can carry a tune), so I'll be checking that out!
Friday, September 7, 2012
Friday, 9/7/12
What a fun night last night was. I know I get going on topics and then deviate from my "syllabus" (ugh!), but I just really want you all to get a sense of what your child's world is like every day in my classroom. Of course then the night is over, I'm completely amped up so I can't sleep and then today my eyes have had that tired stinging feeling and it took everything I had not to fall asleep. LOL! Thankfully it's Friday, it's supposed to be a gorgeous weekend and the BEARS are playing on Sunday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Today we began talking about the scientific process. Science is one of those areas that always leads to the most interesting conversations. I was impressed with what the kids already knew and then how they interpreted what I was explaining to them. They're just such cool kids! It makes me even more excited for the things I know we will be experiencing together later on this year.
Oh! We had our first journal reading today! It was soooo fun! Wow, was I ever impressed with the stories that I heard, especially since we're still only minutes into this new school year. No one told me that they were nervous about the "public" reading and they seemed to have a blast doing it. So far I've remained safe in the stories.... I'll keep you posted (Although I was chasing a pelican that was loose in our classroom in one story!! I love it!!!!!!!!!!).
I'm just about to wrap up here and get this weekend started!! I hope you have a great one!
Til next week,
Ms. Mitchell
GO BEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Today we began talking about the scientific process. Science is one of those areas that always leads to the most interesting conversations. I was impressed with what the kids already knew and then how they interpreted what I was explaining to them. They're just such cool kids! It makes me even more excited for the things I know we will be experiencing together later on this year.
Oh! We had our first journal reading today! It was soooo fun! Wow, was I ever impressed with the stories that I heard, especially since we're still only minutes into this new school year. No one told me that they were nervous about the "public" reading and they seemed to have a blast doing it. So far I've remained safe in the stories.... I'll keep you posted (Although I was chasing a pelican that was loose in our classroom in one story!! I love it!!!!!!!!!!).
I'm just about to wrap up here and get this weekend started!! I hope you have a great one!
Til next week,
Ms. Mitchell
GO BEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Thursday, 9/6/12
Today felt like a whirlwind. We got many things accomplished and have the room sparkling for our guests' arrival tonight. We read a great book today called Pigalicious that was donated to our classroom from one of the students (THANK YOU!). It was one that I fell deeply in love with while we were browsing at the book fair yesterday. It has actual photographs of the cutest little piggies you've ever seen, meanwhile teaches all about these beautiful misunderstood creatures. Did you know that pigs are trainable and are considered even smarter than dogs? Neither did I!!! I graciously received a few of the other book fair books that I fell in love with, and I will be reading them to the kids over the next few days as well. Thank you for your generosity!! I just love reading books for the first time with the kids. I get excited--then they get excited! It's all happiness and joy and simply from reading together. LOVE!!
Well, not to cut it short, but I've got a party to host in a few hours. Gotta get back to work!! Have a nice night, and I hope to be seeing many of you soon at my party! ;)
Well, not to cut it short, but I've got a party to host in a few hours. Gotta get back to work!! Have a nice night, and I hope to be seeing many of you soon at my party! ;)
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Wednesday, 9/5/12
Happy Wednesday!! I don't know if you've heard this about me, but sometimes I start singing to the class when giving directions. To be honest, I don't even notice I'm doing it most of the time--I think it's simply to give some variety to the constant repetition of direction giving in my world. Well today I was singing directions, and one of the kids said, "You sound like a priest!" As you can imagine, I burst out laughing. I'd certainly never thought of it before, but what a great metaphor!
The kids did some cleaning and some cute writing for you, so I hope you can make it tomorrow night. There will be childcare in the gym, if you need it (the classroom visits are for parents only). This afternoon brought our big and long-awaited visit to the book fair! The moms who were volunteering gave the kids a GIGANTIC compliment because they were so independent and able to navigate their way through writing down book titles and prices without needing much help. I'll admit it, I beamed with pride when they said such kind and lovely things about my little angels! MAJOR shout-out to the parents who have been volunteering at the book fair this week. That event is no small undertaking, but results in humongous benefits for the students. We all owe the volunteers a gigantic thank you!!! =)
Well, I have piles on top of my piles to go through, so I'll bring this to a close for today. I sure hope there's someone out there reading, and hopefully enjoying this. I've found myself looking forward to reflecting on the day and writing about it, and I know it will only get better as the year goes on and I have more to report. Some days are incredibly routine and others seem to be chock full of surprises and adventure. I can't wait to tell you about all of them! Have a good night!
The kids did some cleaning and some cute writing for you, so I hope you can make it tomorrow night. There will be childcare in the gym, if you need it (the classroom visits are for parents only). This afternoon brought our big and long-awaited visit to the book fair! The moms who were volunteering gave the kids a GIGANTIC compliment because they were so independent and able to navigate their way through writing down book titles and prices without needing much help. I'll admit it, I beamed with pride when they said such kind and lovely things about my little angels! MAJOR shout-out to the parents who have been volunteering at the book fair this week. That event is no small undertaking, but results in humongous benefits for the students. We all owe the volunteers a gigantic thank you!!! =)
Well, I have piles on top of my piles to go through, so I'll bring this to a close for today. I sure hope there's someone out there reading, and hopefully enjoying this. I've found myself looking forward to reflecting on the day and writing about it, and I know it will only get better as the year goes on and I have more to report. Some days are incredibly routine and others seem to be chock full of surprises and adventure. I can't wait to tell you about all of them! Have a good night!
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Tuesday, 9/4/12
I don't want to jinx myself, but for the day after a 3-day weekend, today is running very smoothly (as of lunchtime). I think the class is gelling and falling into our routine!! (no jinx, no jinx, no jinx!) The I.E.P.T.O. has set up the book fair and we will go for our browse time tomorrow. Look for your child's 'wish list' to come home in his/her mail tomorrow.
Please see the note in your child's mail today about a 'just-right' book. Each child should have a book from my classroom library home with him/her to read tonight. The books need to be returned tomorrow. I had a long talk with them about the importance of returning the books tomorrow, but any back-up at home that you can provide will be appreciated. =)
Okay, I think that's it for today. I've got a few projects to work on so our classroom looks absolutely adorable when you come to visit on Thursday! I can't wait to meet those of you who I have not yet met and see some familiar faces that I haven't seen for awhile. Have a good night! Stay cool! Ugh----let's try to remember days like this in mid-February....
Please see the note in your child's mail today about a 'just-right' book. Each child should have a book from my classroom library home with him/her to read tonight. The books need to be returned tomorrow. I had a long talk with them about the importance of returning the books tomorrow, but any back-up at home that you can provide will be appreciated. =)
Okay, I think that's it for today. I've got a few projects to work on so our classroom looks absolutely adorable when you come to visit on Thursday! I can't wait to meet those of you who I have not yet met and see some familiar faces that I haven't seen for awhile. Have a good night! Stay cool! Ugh----let's try to remember days like this in mid-February....
Monday, September 3, 2012
Here we go!
Hi everyone!
Here we go---the first post of what I hope to be an informative and entertaining snapshot view of life in a second-grade classroom Well, not any second-grade classroom, MY second-grade classroom. After having taught 16 classes of 7/8 year olds, you'd think I'd have seen and heard it all, but the great thing about this profession is that every single day is a new adventure. I'm so happy to have you along for the ride!
I'm going to hit the publish button now and hope for the best....
Fingers crossed for success,
Ms. Mitchell =)
Here we go---the first post of what I hope to be an informative and entertaining snapshot view of life in a second-grade classroom Well, not any second-grade classroom, MY second-grade classroom. After having taught 16 classes of 7/8 year olds, you'd think I'd have seen and heard it all, but the great thing about this profession is that every single day is a new adventure. I'm so happy to have you along for the ride!
I'm going to hit the publish button now and hope for the best....
Fingers crossed for success,
Ms. Mitchell =)
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