Hi! I hope you all had a restful and thankful holiday week!!! I had a wonderful time with my family. I even have a little story to give you some insight into my kookie parents (which I often think clarifies my kookiness!!). On Friday morning I walked into their living room to the sound of both of them singing "Happy Birthday." The thing about this is, my birthday was the end of August, and yet, I didn't think twice about them singing. I figured they'd hatched some crazy plot to be funny as I was coming down the stairs. It didn't even cross my mind that it could be birthday related, but low-and-behold, it was. Way back when, I had told them that I was in need of a new computer at home so they decided that it was going to be my birthday present, but I never got back to them about what kind I wanted, the features I needed, etc. This drove them crazy, but since I wasn't in any hurry, I figured why bug them. Apparently, my dad ran out super early on Black Friday and picked up the last of the big sale computers for me. It was wrapped and ready to go by the time I woke up. Isn't that hilarious? They are too much!! I should clarify that Black Friday where they live is nothing like Black Friday here, so while I'm sure it was busy, it wasn't the fighting crowds and dodging determined elbows like it is here. The computer has Windows 8, so I had a toy to play with the rest of the weekend. My dad is an engineer, so while I didn't inherit his big, big brain, I did inherit his love of technology and desire to explore new toys. I leave no stone unturned when it comes to a new gadget. =) I even used my new computer to edit this week's Weekly Note. I'd highlighted the section I needed to double-check, and now, in transferring it back to my school computer, I can't seem to get rid of the highlight. I've tried every trick in the book, and finally had to concede that I don't have the time, so I need to simply beg forgiveness for the messiness. LOL! Never a dull moment!
Look who came to join us today:
Meet Buddy....the newest addition to our classroom |
When I left my classroom to go and greet the kids before school, there were no additional family members lingering around.When we came in and got to work, the kids noticed this little fella 'hangin' out' on the Smartboard. He had a note attached to him, so I had to very slickly slide it out from his arms (the kids warned me that I could not touch him, which made this note-retrieval operation very sticky). We read the note and discovered that this little guy had come to watch our class from the North Pole. Apparently Santa will bug him for intel on our class, so he has to report back each night on the kind things we are doing to help each other. It also said that we needed to give him a name before his return to the North Pole tonight, so after some heavily contested voting, Buddy was the decided name. The kids gave me tons of info on him and warned me to watch out. I was nervous that he'd fall off of the Smartboard when I went to raise or lower it, so I asked if I could move him with my pointer, but they said no way. It's been a tense day of hoping for the little guy's safety, but they've assured me that he'll be in a different spot in the morning. Oh, I was also warned to be careful because he's very mischeiverious (their word, not mine--impressive, right??). Just what I need---one more mischievous character floating around this classroom!!! Stay tuned for future activity. ;)