Friday, December 20, 2013

Friday, 12/20/13: The last day of 2013!!!!

His note: OMG!!! I'm soooooo excited!! Let's parrrrrrttttttaaaaayyyy!!!!
Buddy came to school ready to party!! I had to remind him, along with the kids, that we had a long to-do list before the fun came (gotta manage the responsibilities before you get the prize----as I always tell the kids, so that little elf had to learn that lesson too). We managed the work, quiz, test, cleaning out of lockers and desks, celebrating a birthday and then FINALLY it was time to rock this house! Thank you so so SO much to our room moms who made the party so special, not to mention all who contributed goodie bags and treats for the kids to take home. It's an insane time of year and many of you added to your list of things: 2ND GRADE ROOM PARTY. You all are nothing short of amazing. On behalf of all of the kids and myself--thank you!!

On the "business" side: I feel it is my duty to remind you of the importance of having the kids read, write and practice math facts (and regrouping) all through break. I hope to see them come back to school in 2014 raring to go!!!

On a personal note, however, I want to wish you the world's greatest holiday season! I hope your break is relaxing and fun and chock full of memories!!

My love to you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Thursday, 12/19/13

After school today someone asked if I was tired. I'm not at all tired, but apparently my outer self does not match my inner self. This person is newer to the world of a primary school in the mere hours before winter break, so I chalked it up to that. Actually, I'm proud to say, on the contrary, I'm super on top of things this year. I've always been one of those people who works waaayyy better and more creatively under pressure, so this whole losing a week because Thanksgiving came so late this year has apparently worked in my favor. I mean, my exterior might seem to argue that (my hair is so frizzed today, I'm not sure how I fit through the doors!!), but inside, I'm coooollll!!! ;)

Today the Franzen chorus came caroling to Benson!! I died!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My little ones are soooo big. I took my shoes off and could look eye-to-eye with some of them. Oh how I miss those faces! If I haven't mentioned, or you haven't figured my out yet, I grow just slightly attached to my little honeys, so seeing them just makes my heart grow 3 sizes!! (I'm wearing a Grinch shirt today--not because I'm grouchy, just because I ADORE that character!! But, hence the reference....)

Today I'm attaching 2 pics of Buddy. I almost left tonight without remembering to get his snapshot. I turned the lights off for one of them. Enjoy!

Do you see him? He's under the tree. His note says: What a gift you have!! Me!!!!!!! Christmas is so close so be extra good today!

What on earth are we going to do after Buddy has returned to the North Pole? He's been my 24th student for so long, I just might miss the little fella!

Well, that's it for today.

Mitchell Out!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Wednesday, 12/18/13

Holy Smokes, it's the 18th! It's starting to hit that Christmas is next week.

Today I read the kids The Polar Express. I love that book so much! It's a bit harder to read since they put out the movie. The kids think that they "left things out" of the book. I get a bit defensive inside and have to reassure the kids that the book is the real deal, the movie is a remake so they had to add stuff to fill in the time. Nonetheless, I still get choked up and work hard to hide it at the end of the book every time I read it. Then, if you can believe it, the kids found bells hanging in their lockers at dismissal time!! Luckily, everyone, myself included could hear their lovely jingle sound!! It was a pretty powerful moment for me to observe. Very touching! <3

Check out Buddy today. His smartest move yet (he's in the candy basket, but read the caption to see what he thinks it is):

His note: I've discovered the world's greatest bathtub!! I'm never leaving!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Tuesday, 12/17/13

Today was a pretty great day. There was lots of scurry around our little room, but in an organized and productive manner. So far, knock on wood, the kids aren't TOO bonkers with the impending break and holiday. I've begun reading them holiday books and giving holiday assignments and homework, but they're doing a great job of holding it together. Buddy, on the other hand, continues his sass-attack. Today he decided to air his discontent with not being able to lead The Pledge of Allegiance on the PA system the way the 2nd graders get to. The good news is that the kids are always aware of him and make sure to remind each other (and me) that he is reporting back to Santa, so maybe it's Buddy who's keeping things in line this close to break. =)  He sure looks cute with the flag though, doesn't he?? Good thing his outfit matches. LOL!
Today's note: When do I get to say The Pledge?

Monday, December 16, 2013

Monday, 12/16/13

Howdy Chicago Bears! Nice of you to come back to the party! Let's continue this winning streak and hope that the Lions have an off night tonight.

We are in final countdown mode in our classroom. Today is our last Monday of 2013 together. We are finishing up many projects and lessons before calling it a wrap for 2 weeks.

Guess who seems to have had a little bit too much fun this weekend!! He's such a stinker!!!
His note: What a weekend!! I love Christmas parties!! (ask Ms. Mitchell about her party....) 

Apparently Buddy is the life of the party! Where's the lampshade??

As I write this, I can't even see out the windows. Snowstorm number one zillion. Apparently Mother Nature saved up all of this snow from the past few years and is dropping it now every few days. Yikes! I'm thankful I only live a few miles away. (now I'm thinking about going explain this awkward transition: )
I'm excited to go home to catch up on Psych: The Musical. Do any of you watch Psych? It's sooooo funny! There are many obsure 80's references, which I love! I HIGHLY recommend it. It's on the USA Network. The new season starts in January. This musical episodes was just a little Christmas gift. Oh---just to prove what a fun show it is--there's a pineapple hidden in every episode. Sometimes it's very obvious and other times it's impossible to find, but fun to look for. Seriously, you should be watching it. Good, clean fun!!

That's it for tonight. I'm off to go walking in a winter wonderland..... (After I wrote this, I plugged in my iPod, guess what song was on? You got it----don't you love life's fun little coincidences??)

Friday, December 13, 2013

Thursday 12/12 and Friday the 13th, 2013

Note: I thought I'd published Thursday's post last night before I left. I guess in all of my excitement, I just X'd out and didn't post. I'm so sorry----so here's a 2fer!!


Tonight is the big night! The 2nd grade winter program! I can't wait! We had rehearsal today, and the kids did such a great job. This year we have both a new art teacher and a new music teacher, so those two ladies came together and created a fresh new experience for the kids (and for a certain teacher who will be watching her 19th show tonight). I have had the privilege of working with the kids who have speaking parts, so I know how far they've come since they first received their scripts. I am so proud of them. They are exceptional this year. And then there are my little elves (my class plays the part of the elves, feels appropriate with all we've had going on with Buddy, I'm sure he's extra proud! Notice the music when MY class of elves is introduced---it's SOOOO perfect for us!!). You'll want to be sure to bring extra tissue. I was thankful I had some at rehearsal. They will make you laugh, they will make you tear up and above all, they will make you proud. I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here's Buddy today-------he thought he could join us for our rehearsal! Crazy Elf!!
His note: I'm ready!!! Which way to Peacock??


How amazing was that show last night? When we do our dress rehearsal, the risers, stage and backdrops thingees are up, but there are no decorations whatsoever, so it was as new and beautiful to me as it is to you. Then, when we came into school this morning--here's what we saw:
The note: I snuck in last night. You guys were good elves. You made all of us North Pole elves very happy!
Buddy apparently got out of there with a program from the show. I'm not sure how--I've never once in my career gotten a program, they're always gone by the time I get upstairs. I guess that's one of the bonuses of being a magic little creature. The kids are starting to question Buddy's legitimacy. They think I'm writing the notes. First of all, (as I've told them), I'm already here until 5:00 every night----as if I need more work to do? Nope!! Plus, if I were at all involved with him, wouldn't I do things to make my life easier?? Today he's leaning up against a container of markers that I use all the time. It was the first thing I saw this morning and I was instantly annoyed because I knew I wouldn't be able to risk touching him by grabbing a marker. Nope--not me, I'm afraid. Just the magic of a little elf. After I was complaining a bit about him, I was reminded that he delivers news back to Santa each night. I want the stuff on my Christmas list, so I wised up and closed up my complaining mouth! I'm hoping that Buddy has a short memory!

Have a wonderful weekend! I'm having a little Christmas gathering at my house tomorrow, so I've got to wrap things up here so I can home to start perfecting some recipes!!!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Wednesday, 12/11/13

I thought you might like to see our classroom tree. Today one of the sweet little kiddies brought me in the golden sparkly reindeer you see at the top of the tree. I think it completed the look, don't you. Next time, I'll take a pic of it with the lights off so you can see it in all of its lit-up glory! I love it!! There are a lot of memories hanging on that little tree!! <3

And here's our little bugger today. He said: I'll bet you can't find me. Okay, I'll give you a hint: I'm Thing One. He looks cute there, though, don't you think???

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Tuesday, 12/10/13

How about that W.I.N. last night!!!!!!!!!!! Wowzers!!!!!!!!! Where has that offense been all season?? But if they're getting hot at the right time, then it's not time to count us out! Woooo Hoooo Bears!!!!!!!!

Today we began a new chapter in math. We jumped right into the fire getting prepped for regrouping in addition (or, as you and I called it back in the day..."carrying the one"). I learned early on in my career that the kids can get a bit, how shall we say........argumentative......over this concept (and "borrowing" too). The parents, of course, know how to do the math, but when working with the kids, some have been subjected to hearing them say, "That's not how Ms. Mitchell does it!!!" So, just in case you need some back-up if this were to occur in your home, I started laying the groundwork today that regardless of what a parent, a teacher, the Smartboard, etc might call it----the math is all the same. I ALWAYS say the phrase "math is math," so please feel free to use it to prove the point that whether it's termed "carrying" or "regrouping," math is math--and the end result is all the same thing. =)

Check out the little guy today:
His note says, "Giddie Up!! Ride 'em Reindeer!!!"

Monday, December 9, 2013

Monday, 12/9/13

S'elf'ie--Buddy explained that he had to push the button with his foot because his hands are connected to each other. 
I was not at school on Friday so I wasn't sure where, if anywhere, Buddy had moved to. Well, I came in this morning and found that Buddy had taken a s'elf'ie and emailed it to me. He found it wildly funny that the world ELF is in sELFie. He also told me what his note to the kids said: Ms. Mitchell told me to be in charge of the time while she is gone. This isn't exactly true! After gathering all of my materials for the sub and getting the room all ready for Friday, I mentioned to Buddy to watch the kids for me while I was gone. Apparently, he took it upon himself to grab to timer and tell the kids that I had put him in charge. He's a gutsy little fella, I'll give him that!! he is today....

The note says: "I seeeeeeeee you......"  Wicked sense of humor, don't you think???

And before I let you go for the night, let me say, in tonight's do-or-die situation: GOOOOOOOOOOO BBBBBBBBEEEAAAAARRRRRSSSSSS!!!! Those Cowboys can't handle REAL weather, so this should be a cake-walk! Let's do this!!! 

P.S. Do you know that The Sing Off starts tonight? I showed the kids one of my favorite clips from the show---it was a few years ago when one of the groups did the song from The Grinch Who Stole Christmas. (If you're unfamiliar with the show, it's all acapella groups, so it's super cool for the kids to see how the people make the music without using any instrucments other than their voices) Anyhow, I'd thought that it had been cancelled awhile back, but I guess it's back for 2 weeks or something. I'm not 100% sure, I'm just so thankful that this creative, positive, family-friendly show still has some legs. So, check it out!! It's awesome! 

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Thursday, 12/5/13

This afternoon, the drama students from Lake Park came to Benson to put on a play they'd written about mixed-up fairy tales. It was very cute and the kids seemed to really enjoy it! I hope they tell you all about it!

And in elf news.....

Today Buddy was hiding behind my plant......
his note: "I'm an elf in the jungle!!"

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Wednesday, 12/4/13

Here's how we found Buddy today. In case you can't tell, he's hanging from the ceiling. His note reads: One of you kiddies gave me this great idea yesterday!! Thank you Dominic! I hear EVERYTHING!!! LOL LOL

That Buddy, he's quite the trickster!!!!!!!!! I hope you're hearing all about his shenanigans at school. ;)

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Tuesday, 12/3/13

Apparently Buddy has made a friend:

The note says: Always Share (especially with nice girls!!) LOL!! Apparently Buddy is a player. 
We had the BEST lesson in math today. Oh man, it was the kind of lesson I wish you could have seen. It was a problem-solving lesson (so you already know I'll love it), but then my kids; my brilliant, intelligent, amazing kids took other lessons that I've been teaching them and put them to use in this lesson and my heart grew three sizes (a Grinch reference, for those of you who may not know). To begin with, the math company's website would not open in Chrome. I tried 3 times. As I started to lose heart, I told the kids that sometimes when we try and try and try and continue to have difficulties, then we have to think about solving our problems differently. I then tried to open in in Explorer, and low-and-behold: success!! Thank goodness!! I needed to drive that lesson home. ;) Later on, during the lesson, my little out-of-the-box thinkers came up with some thoughts that the math series did not even address. OMG---how much more could I love them???? And now, while I'm writing this 6 hours after having taught the lesson, I can't remember some of the things I heard them say. All of the things which made me think, "I have to blog about this lesson and how the kids are thinking so differently about math," have completely left my brain, so you'll just have to take my word for it that your kids are starting to develop the most amazing critical thinking. I'm seriously bursting with pride!!!

On that note--have a great night!!

Monday, December 2, 2013

Monday, 12/2/13

Hi! I hope you all had a restful and thankful holiday week!!! I had a wonderful time with my family. I even have a little story to give you some insight into my kookie parents (which I often think clarifies my kookiness!!). On Friday morning I walked into their living room to the sound of both of them singing "Happy Birthday." The thing about this is, my birthday was the end of August, and yet, I didn't think twice about them singing. I figured they'd hatched some crazy plot to be funny as I was coming down the stairs. It didn't even cross my mind that it could be birthday related, but low-and-behold, it was. Way back when, I had told them that I was in need of a new computer at home so they decided that it was going to be my birthday present, but I never got back to them about what kind I wanted, the features I needed, etc. This drove them crazy, but since I wasn't in any hurry, I figured why bug them. Apparently, my dad ran out super early on Black Friday and picked up the last of the big sale computers for me. It was wrapped and ready to go by the time I woke up. Isn't that hilarious? They are too much!!  I should clarify that Black Friday where they live is nothing like Black Friday here, so while I'm sure it was busy, it wasn't the fighting crowds and dodging determined elbows like it is here. The computer has Windows 8, so I had a toy to play with the rest of the weekend. My dad is an engineer, so while I didn't inherit his big, big brain, I did inherit his love of technology and desire to explore new toys. I leave no stone unturned when it comes to a new gadget. =)  I even used my new computer to edit this week's Weekly Note. I'd highlighted the section I needed to double-check, and now, in transferring it back to my school computer, I can't seem to get rid of the highlight. I've tried every trick in the book, and finally had to concede that I don't have the time, so I need to simply beg forgiveness for the messiness. LOL! Never a dull moment!

Look who came to join us today:
Meet Buddy....the newest addition to our classroom

When I left my classroom to go and greet the kids before school, there were no additional family members lingering around.When we came in and got to work, the kids noticed this little fella 'hangin' out' on the Smartboard. He had a note attached to him, so I had to very slickly slide it out from his arms (the kids warned me that I could not touch him, which made this note-retrieval operation very sticky). We read the note and discovered that this little guy had come to watch our class from the North Pole. Apparently Santa will bug him for intel on our class, so he has to report back each night on the kind things we are doing to help each other. It also said that we needed to give him a name before his return to the North Pole tonight, so after some heavily contested voting, Buddy was the decided name. The kids gave me tons of info on him and warned me to watch out. I was nervous that he'd fall off of the Smartboard when I went to raise or lower it, so I asked if I could move him with my pointer, but they said no way. It's been a tense day of hoping for the little guy's safety, but they've assured me that he'll be in a different spot in the morning. Oh, I was also warned to be careful because he's very mischeiverious (their word, not mine--impressive, right??). Just what I need---one more mischievous character floating around this classroom!!! Stay tuned for future activity. ;)