Happpppyyyyyy Frrrriiiiiiiiiiddaaayyyyyy!!!!!!!!!
Ugh---just as I wrote this it occured to me that yet another week has gone by when I forgot to send reminder notes for kids who may be missing some of their school supplies. I even found a cute note on Pinterest to use. Apparently I need a reminder note that reminds me to send out my reminder note!! I'll hopefully remember to do it next week. I'm so irritated with myself right now!
Onto happier things----and hold on, because I promise this is a happy one. We had our first fire drill today. I'm the kind of teacher that wants to give the kids time to think about, process and ask questions about things like safety drills, so we spent a long, loooooonnngg time discussing my responsibilities during the drill, as well as theirs. I assured them with my entire heart that the only thing that I ever care about is keeping them safe while they are at school, so they have nothing in this world to worry about, ever!!! Of course we slip some math, reading, writing, etc in, but more than anything else, I will be certain that they are safe when they are in my care. So, after all of the chit chat and preparation, eventually, the alarm sounded. The kids were perfect!! They walked out quietly and went right to our spot. When we came back in, I gave them tons of compliments. I only requested that next time they speed it up a bit. They kind of walked outside like they were going on a leisurely stroll. Our classroom is closest to the outside doors, so I explained that we have to hustle out so that the other 80+ children can get out behind us. They got it---next time will be perfection. I was seriously, beyond proud! We've only been in school for 13 days and it feels like we're becoming a well-oiled machine.
On another Happy Friday note: have you ever been surprised by a random act of kindness? I was today! I'm telling you---there's nothing better than the discovery that someone (and in my case, it was someone I haven't even met yet) was thinking of you. I'll just say this-----they say that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, and in my years of experience, I've seen this theory proven true again and again (and again!!), and today was evidence of it. I was surprised by the parent of one of my new students. In our short time together, I've seen my student go out of her way to help others and make them feel good, and now I see where she gets it from. =)
And now to my superstition that I eluded to yesterday:
GOOOOOOO BBBBEEEEEAAARRRRRSSSS!!! (Last year, at least for the beginning of the season, when I'd add my rally cry to my blog, the Bears would win. Then one week I forgot and they lost. I picked back up the following week and they won again for several weeks. Then the season fell apart, and for that, I accept no blame, cuz I kept up my end of the bargain. LOL!) Can't wait to see our team's first big win on their 2013 road to the Superbowl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Holla!!!!!!!!!!!!!!