I don't know about you, but I'm still not used to this 2013 thing. I don't think I've mistakenly written 2012 (yet), but it's more the look of it. I've never been overly superstitious (note the qualifier: 'overly' LOL!), but maybe it's the 13 thing??? Although that really doesn't make sense either because my favorite Bears player is Johnny Knox #13 (I know he's not playing anymore, but I love him!!) and my favorite Bulls player is Joakim Noah #13, so clearly I love that number, but for whatever reason seeing it as the date just looks bizarro to me. Maybe because it's an odd number, but I'm an odd chick, so I should love it under that logic. Maybe I'm illogical? Maybe I should stop thinking!
Today was what we call llllllooooooonnnnnngggggg!! Due to testing, our gym time was switched with another second-grade class. Normally we go at 12:40-1:10. Today we went from 9:45-10:15, and other than that minuscule moment in time, we were stuck with each other the whole rest of the day. I say 'stuck with each other' with nothing but love---the kids may disagree however; they may have wanted that afternoon break from me. =) For the most part, I was very pleased with how hard and quietly they were working, but when the cabin fever set in, it S.E.T. I.N.!! It's at times like that when I'm thankful that my brain can take in as much stimuli as it does. I always have no less than 5-7 children within 10 inches of me, who knows how many more talking at me and then of course, it's those who aren't right next to me or talking to me who I REALLY need to keep my eyes on. LOL! I'm exhausted right now. Exhausted, yet feeling pretty happy while writing this reflection. The kids did do good work and did show great kindness to each other throughout the day, despite the cabin fever. All of that being said---my present stream of consciousness is leading down a very dull path, so I'll do us all a favor and sign off now.
P.S. My first paragraph musings about the year were written first thing this morning. The second paragraph was obviously written after 4 p.m. Rereading them right now is kind of making me laugh. It pretty much sums up how the day was and how my brain operates. =)
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Monday, January 28, 2013
Monday, 1/28/13 aka 100s Day!!!
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Entrance to our classroom today |
Can you believe that we've been in school for 100 (school) days???? It baffles my mind!! I can so clearly remember that not-yet-settled, new-class feeling from the first few weeks/months of school, and now we've become such a family. There's pretty much nothing I can't predict of the kids' behavior, and I'd be willing to bet they'd say the same of me. The kids have lived through my having laryngitis for 5 weeks, and I've lived through their...you name it!! LOL! We've laughed, we've cried (not at the same time, but I can guarantee most of us have shed at least one tear in this classroom at some point this year), and each and every one of us has grown in one way or another. We're on the "downhill" slope of the year, 77 (school) days left, to be exact, and I can't wait to see what each of them brings! Cheers!!!
Friday, January 25, 2013
Friday, 1/25/13
Do any of you remember hoping for Schoolhouse Rock to come on during the commercials of the Saturday morning cartoons? I totally remember it, and now I have the joy of introducing the videos to my students. I was teaching pronouns a few weeks ago and showed them the clip on the Smartboard. They LOVED it!!
Today we did a big lesson on adjectives. I popped up some popcorn while the kids were in music class so the classroom was all popy-corny when they came back in. I had printed out some popcorn clip art and had the kids cut them out, and list 3 adjectives about popcorn on each. After they'd done that, they got to snack on the popcorn while watching the Schoolhouse Rock video about adjectives. On a funny sidenote: Of course there were those kids who simply could not think of any adjectives--so I told them that I'd get to eat anyone's popcorn who didn't have their listing done (sidenote for the sidenote: they know that popcorn is my very favorite thing ever)------shock of all shocks, the words started POPPING into their brains.
It was a FUN afternoon! That's how Friday's should be, right??
Stay safe this weekend, they're saying it's going to get icy, but I think a thaw might be on the way.
Adios mi amigos!!
Today we did a big lesson on adjectives. I popped up some popcorn while the kids were in music class so the classroom was all popy-corny when they came back in. I had printed out some popcorn clip art and had the kids cut them out, and list 3 adjectives about popcorn on each. After they'd done that, they got to snack on the popcorn while watching the Schoolhouse Rock video about adjectives. On a funny sidenote: Of course there were those kids who simply could not think of any adjectives--so I told them that I'd get to eat anyone's popcorn who didn't have their listing done (sidenote for the sidenote: they know that popcorn is my very favorite thing ever)------shock of all shocks, the words started POPPING into their brains.
It was a FUN afternoon! That's how Friday's should be, right??
Stay safe this weekend, they're saying it's going to get icy, but I think a thaw might be on the way.
Adios mi amigos!!
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Thursday, 1/24/13
Today I have a funny story for you. Before I get to the funny, I have to give you some background. Yesterday my eye was twitching in the middle of class. I told the kids that I loved Donkey in Shrek (one) for many reasons, but mainly because when he was getting stressed out he said, "Look at me, my eye is twitchin'," and my eye twitches when I'm stressed, so I fell in love with Donkey! (we just get each other!! ;) )
Here comes the funny--brace yourself:
This afternoon the kids were in the depths of making a (paper) snowman and this is what I overheard: "My eye is twitching........and I'm not even stressed!!!" Now, it could be because of said stress that I've been feeling, it could be cabin fever, it could be that it was the end of the day or, and this is probably it...because I find 2nd graders hilarious, but this was the best moment of my day. It cracked me up and gave me just the endorphins (don't you get endorphins from laughing??) I needed to get through the rest of the day.
If any of you are at tonight's PTO meeting and you suddenly see a smile come across my face at a random time---you'll know what I'm thinking about. =)
Have a good night!
Here comes the funny--brace yourself:
This afternoon the kids were in the depths of making a (paper) snowman and this is what I overheard: "My eye is twitching........and I'm not even stressed!!!" Now, it could be because of said stress that I've been feeling, it could be cabin fever, it could be that it was the end of the day or, and this is probably it...because I find 2nd graders hilarious, but this was the best moment of my day. It cracked me up and gave me just the endorphins (don't you get endorphins from laughing??) I needed to get through the rest of the day.
If any of you are at tonight's PTO meeting and you suddenly see a smile come across my face at a random time---you'll know what I'm thinking about. =)
Have a good night!
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Wednesday, 1/23/13
Today, due to having had Monday off of school, we had "switch day" today. On switch days, we essentially do our Monday schedule rather than our Wednesday schedule so that those specialists who missed seeing their classes on Monday don't get jipped of days by the end of the year. It's awesome for me because instead of a 30 minute prep time, I have a 45 minute prep time (time to make homework and use the bathroom!!)!! But let me lay it out to you as I did for the kids this morning: "Happy Wednesday that feels like a Tuesday that we're going to act like is a Monday." Needless to say, my brain is a little mushy right now.
Here's something else unbelievable------Monday is the 100th day of school. I think I mentioned to you back in the fall that once Halloween hits, the year flies by. We start saying, "I can't believe it's Thanksgiving already....Is it really time for the holidays?" and now it's 100's day, then it will be Valentines Day, St Patrick's day and spring break, and then viola, it's May! It's just startling how fast it goes by. I start to get a bit stressed because there's just so much to do, but it all works itself out eventually.
Today I gave the kids their health magazine. It is about muscles. I asked them to read it, make note of at least three things that they found interesting, weird, confusing, etc and we'd discuss them over the next few days. Oh my gosh, you could have heard a pin drop in here! It was the most amazing part of the day! Further evidence that we are getting further into the school year and my little cherubs are becoming incredibly intelligent and happily independent. It was a good moment for me!!
It started to snow nicely earlier this afternoon, but I guess it has now stopped. I'm kind of bummed. I like it when there's a nice solid layer of white to cover the dead grass that I look out on every day. Maybe I should shut my pie hole because I think that this is right around the time we had a big blizzard a couple of years ago (but we also had 2 snow days that year!! You wanna talk about a happy dance!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and while that was fun, I'm kind of enjoying every day that goes by that I don't have to lug out the snow blower or pay the plow guy. See what happens when my brain gets mushy--I ramble on and become quite indecisive. I'll sign off for tonight and end your torture.
Have a good night!!
Here's something else unbelievable------Monday is the 100th day of school. I think I mentioned to you back in the fall that once Halloween hits, the year flies by. We start saying, "I can't believe it's Thanksgiving already....Is it really time for the holidays?" and now it's 100's day, then it will be Valentines Day, St Patrick's day and spring break, and then viola, it's May! It's just startling how fast it goes by. I start to get a bit stressed because there's just so much to do, but it all works itself out eventually.
Today I gave the kids their health magazine. It is about muscles. I asked them to read it, make note of at least three things that they found interesting, weird, confusing, etc and we'd discuss them over the next few days. Oh my gosh, you could have heard a pin drop in here! It was the most amazing part of the day! Further evidence that we are getting further into the school year and my little cherubs are becoming incredibly intelligent and happily independent. It was a good moment for me!!
It started to snow nicely earlier this afternoon, but I guess it has now stopped. I'm kind of bummed. I like it when there's a nice solid layer of white to cover the dead grass that I look out on every day. Maybe I should shut my pie hole because I think that this is right around the time we had a big blizzard a couple of years ago (but we also had 2 snow days that year!! You wanna talk about a happy dance!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and while that was fun, I'm kind of enjoying every day that goes by that I don't have to lug out the snow blower or pay the plow guy. See what happens when my brain gets mushy--I ramble on and become quite indecisive. I'll sign off for tonight and end your torture.
Have a good night!!
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Tuesday, 1/22/13
Well, despite it being the coldest day in two years, this was a good Tuesday that felt like a Monday. I don't know about you, but after a breakfast meeting yesterday, I was home curled up on the couch loving all of the Inauguration stuff. Yupp----Dorky McDorster strikes again!! Regardless of political affiliations, the pride, honor and tradition shown on Inauguration Day is just striking!! Did you see Joe Biden's bible??? OMG, that was, by far, the biggest bible I've ever seen (and I attend Catholic church!!). And did you see Martin Luther King Jr's bible? I was struck by how worn and loved that it was. There were just too many amazing things yesterday with it being MLK Day and the Inauguration; I even found myself getting choked up now and then. This country, regardless of how frustrating it can be at times, is truly the greatest place on earth! Hands down, no contest! The VERY BEST!!! Oh, oh, oh---and Beyonce??? Girl worked it! And Kelly Clarkson!!! That girl's got pipes!! Wowzers!!!
Today the kids took the Children's Progress assessment in the computer lab. I did a brief review of their scores and was pretty happy with what I saw. I also found an area that I need to bulk up my instruction on, so it was doubly beneficial to check those score right away. We will be sending the scores home in about 2 weeks. I'll let you know when it gets closer so you can be on the lookout.
That's it for now. I have to go clean up, get things graded and prepare myself (and whatever it is that freezes inside the nasal area...LOL!) for the arctic air.
Have a warm night, and be sure to send up a thought of thanks that you have a roof over your head and heat in your vents. Some are not so lucky, and remember there is never anything too small to say thank you for!!
Today the kids took the Children's Progress assessment in the computer lab. I did a brief review of their scores and was pretty happy with what I saw. I also found an area that I need to bulk up my instruction on, so it was doubly beneficial to check those score right away. We will be sending the scores home in about 2 weeks. I'll let you know when it gets closer so you can be on the lookout.
That's it for now. I have to go clean up, get things graded and prepare myself (and whatever it is that freezes inside the nasal area...LOL!) for the arctic air.
Have a warm night, and be sure to send up a thought of thanks that you have a roof over your head and heat in your vents. Some are not so lucky, and remember there is never anything too small to say thank you for!!
Friday, January 18, 2013
Friday, 1/18/13
It's Friday!! It's Friday!! Are you doing a happy dance with me??? Not only is it Friday, but it's the Friday of a long weekend, which could not have come at a more perfect time. The other night I was cashed out on the couch by 9:00----my brain clearly needs rest so I'm grateful that this day off is finally here. People always give teachers a hard time about their days off, but I'm here to tell you, if it wasn't for an occasional extra day to rest and regroup, not many people would survive this profession with the strength and grace that it requires. So, cheers to Dr. King!!! Not only because of our day off, but most importantly because of how he led our country to change. Even when I'm reading books and teaching the kids about this time in our country's history, I find it hard to imagine what it must've been like back then. I love the History Channel, and particularly things about that time in our country; so much turmoil, yet so much change and strength. I can only hope that these tumultuous times that we are living in now will also go down in history as a time of positive and forward-moving change. I don't think you can know that its happening when you're in the eye of the storm, but hopefully with time comes perspective. (How do you like that, I'm getting all philosophical on ya for a Friday, eh?)
We will be taking the test on double-digit subtraction with regrouping (aka borrowing) next week. If you have time to fit in some practice, that sure would be great. The kids have picked up the concept, but it's one of those that needs much practice before it is concretely cemented in their brains (how redundant was that??). If you need a little "trick," we use the following in class: BBB Which means: "If the BIGGER number is on the BOTTOM (in the one's place), then you must BORROW." I encourage the kids to write BBB on the top of their papers--some do, some don't, most need to. It's very very helpful, especially when they remember it. ;)
I'm off to start my weekend! Enjoy yours and stay warm!! I hope that this cold sufficiently kills off all of the flu germs floating around and all of the box-elder bugs that are hibernating. I had a horrible lot of them last fall and they said on the news that it was because we never got a good solid freeze last winter--so now I really want a "good, solid freeze!!"
We will be taking the test on double-digit subtraction with regrouping (aka borrowing) next week. If you have time to fit in some practice, that sure would be great. The kids have picked up the concept, but it's one of those that needs much practice before it is concretely cemented in their brains (how redundant was that??). If you need a little "trick," we use the following in class: BBB Which means: "If the BIGGER number is on the BOTTOM (in the one's place), then you must BORROW." I encourage the kids to write BBB on the top of their papers--some do, some don't, most need to. It's very very helpful, especially when they remember it. ;)
I'm off to start my weekend! Enjoy yours and stay warm!! I hope that this cold sufficiently kills off all of the flu germs floating around and all of the box-elder bugs that are hibernating. I had a horrible lot of them last fall and they said on the news that it was because we never got a good solid freeze last winter--so now I really want a "good, solid freeze!!"
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Wednesday, 1/16/13
Career Day is coming!!! If you are available to provide an amazing experience for a bunch of second graders, please consider volunteering for our career day. It will take place on Friday, March 15th (just take the day off and make it a long weekend!!!) from 9:15ish-10:30ish (see what I'm saying? You'll have the WHOLE rest of the day to go and play!!) A form will be coming home in the next few days with all of the details. If you (or anyone you know or are related to) are able to make it, please send in the sign-up portion of the form to school.
Soooooooooooo many exciting things coming up!! I love this time of year!! (Please remind me of that when I'm up to my neck in stress and deadlines!! Wait, maybe don't, I can't promise that my reaction will sincerely reflect my sparkling personality at any given moment throughout the month of March. LOL!)
Have a good night!
Soooooooooooo many exciting things coming up!! I love this time of year!! (Please remind me of that when I'm up to my neck in stress and deadlines!! Wait, maybe don't, I can't promise that my reaction will sincerely reflect my sparkling personality at any given moment throughout the month of March. LOL!)
Have a good night!
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Tuesday, 1/15/13
We came, we saw, we conquered the planetarium. Oh my gosh! What a perfect day to go into the city. The air was cold, but the sky was clear so the lake and skyline were GORGEOUS (seriously, do we live in the greatest city, or what??). In one area of the planetarium where we were explorning there is an entire wall of windows overlooking the lake. It was hard to not just stare out at Navy Pier, the lighthouse and a gigantic ship that was out a-ways in the water.
Our adventure started with time to explore. They have it set up so perfectly. There are tons of little areas all teaching about different facets of space. Many of them are interactive, so the kids were fully engaged. A bit later we all filed into the domed movie theater. That was my favorite part. There was a movie that taught about the earth, moon and stars and made you feel like you were lying down somewhere in the country looking up to the heavens. Once the movie ended we had a bit more time to explore some more of the attractions. There were areas for the kids to try on astronaut gear, strap themselves in as though they were on a space mission and even drive a space vehicle (there was much, much more but those were some of the highlights). The kids had such a blast. Before we knew it, it was lunchtime. We were able to sit and refuel which I know the chaperons and I appreciated even more than the kids. We each only had 3 or 4 kids to look after, but that is never as easy as it sounds. We wrapped up the day with some last exploration on a different floor, headed outside for some pictures and then it was time to re-board the bus.
I had promised the kids that anyone who was quiet and rested their eyes on the bus ride home would not have any homework tonight. I was a bit worried at first, there was a lot of chatter when we first left, but after a bit of time those wheels on the bus did their thing and lulled my little angels to peace and quiet. No homework for anyone tonight!!! Woo Hoo!!
It was a great day, and there's no way it would have been without our patient and amazing chaperons! Mr. C, Mrs. D, Mrs. N, Mrs. S, Mrs. W----THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you had a great time too!
I foolishly thought I'd make it to my workout tonight, but unless I get a second-wind...I think my workout has already commenced and concluded for the day.
I hope you hear great things about our trip!!
Our adventure started with time to explore. They have it set up so perfectly. There are tons of little areas all teaching about different facets of space. Many of them are interactive, so the kids were fully engaged. A bit later we all filed into the domed movie theater. That was my favorite part. There was a movie that taught about the earth, moon and stars and made you feel like you were lying down somewhere in the country looking up to the heavens. Once the movie ended we had a bit more time to explore some more of the attractions. There were areas for the kids to try on astronaut gear, strap themselves in as though they were on a space mission and even drive a space vehicle (there was much, much more but those were some of the highlights). The kids had such a blast. Before we knew it, it was lunchtime. We were able to sit and refuel which I know the chaperons and I appreciated even more than the kids. We each only had 3 or 4 kids to look after, but that is never as easy as it sounds. We wrapped up the day with some last exploration on a different floor, headed outside for some pictures and then it was time to re-board the bus.
I had promised the kids that anyone who was quiet and rested their eyes on the bus ride home would not have any homework tonight. I was a bit worried at first, there was a lot of chatter when we first left, but after a bit of time those wheels on the bus did their thing and lulled my little angels to peace and quiet. No homework for anyone tonight!!! Woo Hoo!!
It was a great day, and there's no way it would have been without our patient and amazing chaperons! Mr. C, Mrs. D, Mrs. N, Mrs. S, Mrs. W----THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you had a great time too!
I foolishly thought I'd make it to my workout tonight, but unless I get a second-wind...I think my workout has already commenced and concluded for the day.
I hope you hear great things about our trip!!
Monday, January 14, 2013
Monday, 1/14/13
It's a coooooooollllllllllddddddd Monday around here!! I took full advantage of the nice weather on Saturday and got all of my outdoor decorations down. I guess the holidays are officially over. I love having things back to "normal," but I'll miss the twinkly lights. Oh well, I guess that's just part of what makes the holiday season so special, right?
Tomorrow is our big field trip to the planetarium. I sure hope the kids like it. I think it's a pretty cool place, but as we've established, I'm a complete dork. If I'm doing my job correctly, I've been imparting some of my dorkiness on my kids....at least that's what I tell myself. I guess we'll see tomorrow. ;)
I have to keep this brief tonight because I need to go and make the groups, nametags, put together my bag, etc. Hey----the kids better love this field trip with all of the work that goes into it!! LOL! Joking! It's all worth it!
Have a good night. Stay warm!
P.S. On an academic note-----the kids took home their reading assessments from last week. Please take a minute or two to review them with your child. If he/sher mastered the concepts, then there may be a test-taking lesson or two in there. If there are any areas in which your child struggled with a concept, please review it as well. Thank you for your continuous support at home!!
Tomorrow is our big field trip to the planetarium. I sure hope the kids like it. I think it's a pretty cool place, but as we've established, I'm a complete dork. If I'm doing my job correctly, I've been imparting some of my dorkiness on my kids....at least that's what I tell myself. I guess we'll see tomorrow. ;)
I have to keep this brief tonight because I need to go and make the groups, nametags, put together my bag, etc. Hey----the kids better love this field trip with all of the work that goes into it!! LOL! Joking! It's all worth it!
Have a good night. Stay warm!
P.S. On an academic note-----the kids took home their reading assessments from last week. Please take a minute or two to review them with your child. If he/sher mastered the concepts, then there may be a test-taking lesson or two in there. If there are any areas in which your child struggled with a concept, please review it as well. Thank you for your continuous support at home!!
Friday, January 11, 2013
Friday, 1/11/13
After a week of completing reading assessments, the kids had an opportunity to display out their creative juices in class today. I gave them each a drawing of a dove to watercolor paint while instrumental music played in the background. It was positively dreamy.
Other than it being dreamy, there was a purpose behind the project. Next week we will be learning about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and so I will be asking the kids to think about their dream for our country. The dream will be written on their doves and hung in our hallway. The parents will also be receiving a dove on which they will be asked to write their dream for our country, and those will be hung with the children's in the hallway. In addition to painting the dove, the children also painted a label which we will be putting on empty cans and distributing around town for our annual Pennies for Patients project. We've participated in this program for as long as I can remember. In a nutshell, the cans are distributed to local (and willing) businesses and it is our hope that people will see them and toss some coins (or paper money!!) in. Then in library class, the students will learn the in's and out's of a coin counting machine and then use it to update the school about how much money has been collected. Once the program is done (it runs through February...pennies...Abraham Lincoln...his birthday is in February...you get me, right?) the funds are sent to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. It's a great program and a fun way to teach the kids that there are people out there whom we are able to support and help, despite having never met them. Sounds like the perfect way to end a long week to me!!!
Other than it being dreamy, there was a purpose behind the project. Next week we will be learning about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and so I will be asking the kids to think about their dream for our country. The dream will be written on their doves and hung in our hallway. The parents will also be receiving a dove on which they will be asked to write their dream for our country, and those will be hung with the children's in the hallway. In addition to painting the dove, the children also painted a label which we will be putting on empty cans and distributing around town for our annual Pennies for Patients project. We've participated in this program for as long as I can remember. In a nutshell, the cans are distributed to local (and willing) businesses and it is our hope that people will see them and toss some coins (or paper money!!) in. Then in library class, the students will learn the in's and out's of a coin counting machine and then use it to update the school about how much money has been collected. Once the program is done (it runs through February...pennies...Abraham Lincoln...his birthday is in February...you get me, right?) the funds are sent to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. It's a great program and a fun way to teach the kids that there are people out there whom we are able to support and help, despite having never met them. Sounds like the perfect way to end a long week to me!!!
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Wednesday, 1/9/13
Oh my goodness this day has been a whirlwind!!!! The building is closing early, so again I don't have much time but I have to tell you a cute story. Before winter break we began our social studies book which teaches history. We didn't have time to get through it thoroughly, but I'd given the kids some sticky notes and had them read independently, meanwhile putting a sticky note on anything they found interesting. This week we've been discussing what the kids sticky noted (I may have just made up that word, but you get what I'm saying. ;) ). There is a small section in the book about the Underground Railroad, so that was where today's discussion led. This is not the first time I've taught this part of our country's history and it won't be the last, but there is always something amazing about how the kids react. They are HORRIFIED by slavery and the mistreatment of people based on the color of one's skin (today's conversation moved into talk of Rosa Parks as well--at the kids' instruction, not mine, believe it or not!). To watch their brains process what they are learning and hearing-- their reaction most always brings some tears to my eyes. I always hope that something about how they feel during this lesson in second grade about people who are different from themselves will somehow stick with them, despite what society may do to them as they grow up. While it is an ugly part of our history to be talking about in second-grade terms, it always gives me hope that our future generations will continue to improve the way humans treat one another, and if nothing else, I simply hope and pray that the kids I teach help me keep my rose-colored glasses fimly in place and that I never lose the hope that future generations will know better and therefore do better by each other. <3
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Tuesday, 1/8/13
I'm short on time today, but I had to show you our new class pet:
He came back from Aruba with one of the kids. =) He's decided that the Smartboard feels like home to him. I put in a close-up so you could get a good view. Don't you love it?? Never a dull moment around here, huh? I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He came back from Aruba with one of the kids. =) He's decided that the Smartboard feels like home to him. I put in a close-up so you could get a good view. Don't you love it?? Never a dull moment around here, huh? I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, January 7, 2013
Monday, 1/7/13
Hi everyone and Happy New Year!!!
I hope you all had a relaxing and wonderful break. I was able to spend a lot of time with my family, and I never ever take that for granted. I was in Ohio when they had a blizzard. Usually I'm complaining because there's a white Christmas here in Illinois and I'm in no-snow Ohio, but this year was quite the reverse. I guess I got what I wanted, despite the storm coming a day late and arriving on the 26th. ;)
As much a I hated hearing my alarm clock go off this morning, I was sooo ready and excited to see the kids!! Typically this day is one of my very favorites of the year. We're all excited to see each other and the kids are nice and mellow from break. In addition to all of that, this year we had a new student start in our room today. We were excited to meet him and welcome him to our little family. I hope he felt at home and adjusts to life in our crazy little world.
I'm sure that, like me, you've heard about the "worst flu in years." (I swear they say that every single year!) Anyhow, this morning on the news they said that Illinois is getting hit particulary hard. Our classroom had a lot of illness before break, so I'm hoping that we all have our antibodies awakened and working especially hard and this flu will pass us right by. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go and knock on some wood!
Have a great night and happy 2013!!!
I hope you all had a relaxing and wonderful break. I was able to spend a lot of time with my family, and I never ever take that for granted. I was in Ohio when they had a blizzard. Usually I'm complaining because there's a white Christmas here in Illinois and I'm in no-snow Ohio, but this year was quite the reverse. I guess I got what I wanted, despite the storm coming a day late and arriving on the 26th. ;)
As much a I hated hearing my alarm clock go off this morning, I was sooo ready and excited to see the kids!! Typically this day is one of my very favorites of the year. We're all excited to see each other and the kids are nice and mellow from break. In addition to all of that, this year we had a new student start in our room today. We were excited to meet him and welcome him to our little family. I hope he felt at home and adjusts to life in our crazy little world.
I'm sure that, like me, you've heard about the "worst flu in years." (I swear they say that every single year!) Anyhow, this morning on the news they said that Illinois is getting hit particulary hard. Our classroom had a lot of illness before break, so I'm hoping that we all have our antibodies awakened and working especially hard and this flu will pass us right by. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go and knock on some wood!
Have a great night and happy 2013!!!
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